Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted May 1, 2017 This may not be the best place for this but I'm sure SP's and clients still interact in the dating world and have experiences to share. I know people played games back when I was dating but I have never seen anything like dating nowadays(maybe it's one reason you are here). From what a few attractive young girls recently expressed to me, showing you care is a weakness? It's all about being nonchalant. Hook ups are cool but feelings aren't? I realize I'm generalizing a bit but why do women(mostly, but some men also) put up with this? Even if you pretend that you're really cool with it all, you're being used and you know it deep down. Is loneliness that bad that you'll put up with this behaviour? We're these women exaggerating? Is the dating world now as dumb as it seems? I wonder what dating will look like 10 - 15 years from now. I'm glad I'm married and hope I stay that way! I would be lost in today's dating world... or maybe the odd woman would find my boldness towards her quaint? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoinDown 3669 Report post Posted May 1, 2017 The proliferation of Internet porn has desensitized people to the point where sex no longer needs any emotional component whatsoever. You and me baby are nuthin' but mammals ... lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted May 2, 2017 I don't think the game playing is new, just more prevalent. Something is lost when cynicism becomes the default philosophy of social interaction, and enthusiasm and openness are denigrated as naive. I knew people like this back in high school, but they weren't the norm. Just watch a few hours of television, and notice that happy/enthusiastic characters are also portrayed as unrealistic and/or dimwitted, but bitter, sarcastic characters are clever and understand the world. I think it's rather tragic. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted May 3, 2017 I think one of the big differences between now and the past is the size of the field you have to play with. In the pre-Internet age, your social circle was limited. If you wanted to play games and move on then there was only a small number of people you could move on to... and if you made a habit of that, word would get around and your chances of deciding that you wanted to be serious about it this time would decline rapidly. Expanding your pool of potential partners was possible, but took time and effort. Nowadays, Tinder and other apps are full of as many hookups as you like (if you live in a reasonably-sized urban area, at least), and none of them are likely to know each other. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted May 3, 2017 I fear for the upcoming years. I mean, we live in a disposable society and that has leaked into the dating world now too. Its sad sight these days. Everyone... Male and female are out to fulfill thier own needs at no cost to them selves! " you mean You want me in fullfill duties of a woman while playing the man too??? Hard to be a woman when I am busy being the man too" Or.... " so you want me to do all the gargage, cars, snow and lawn. Plus pay all bills/ checks, then go grocery shopping too? " And Yes the porn world has made it even more difficult. " so now you want me in high heels after I worked all day and cleaned house and worked all day? Then u want sex 5 times a week too" Or " so I worked hard all week to helpbin house and my job...and is it too much to expect a wife with perfect hair and heels and act like a pornstar" We have lost our balence and expectaions have become too much to handle on both sides of the fence. Its funny, when I date, I will never sleep with you on first date! You might have a kiss. You need to develop real connection before you get in my bed. I am proud of this. And ppl think cause I am Sophia escort....that I must be easy. Hell No! I am such a prude when it comes to dating! You got to earn the right to be with me. Lol. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *Ste***cque** Report post Posted May 3, 2017 Thanks for the comments. It's true, you can cast a wider net nowadays though "online" dating thus hiding your bad behaviour for longer. Maybe todays technology might be at the root of this superficial trend in dating? Swipe left... rejected, swipe right... alright! Exaggerated profiles, 15 year old pics, etc. After meeting a few people who seem nice online and then look/act nothing like their photo's/profile, I suppose you might develop an attitude and a casualness about the whole thing. In my day you might have gotten friends to set you up(sort of vouching for you both as normal) or you might meet accidentally and in person... store, activity, event. You get to use your senses to vette them ahead of time as someone you might want to get to know further. Online is easier... is it better? I suppose you could ask that question about most technological advances. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
travelfreak 600 Report post Posted May 4, 2017 Having the experience being single for 7+ years I have come to realize a couple of things. On-line dating is a waste of time because: 1, people are describing themselves as the person they would like to be, not who they are. Meaning that once there is any chance for an actual meeting, they freak out and drop you. Can also be because of old photos that doesn't reflect today's statue. 2, People seem to want what they can't have. The majority of both men and women in their 30's and 40's are looking for someone younger than them self, how will that ever work. I'm pretty content being single and enjoying the smaller things in life, but of course there are times where it would be great to have someone by my side to enjoy life with. My biggest problem meeting someone seems to be that a lot of women doesn't like the fact I travel for work. I was asked to change jobs to continue forward, don't think so lady. Anyway, today's society in general is "all about me" and to actually care for other people is seen as a weird thing. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites