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My first wish ... What's yours?

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Before I start my post ... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope you had a great time last night and are enjoying your first day of 2011.

These days I have been thinking about my 2011 wishes and how some of them can become resolutions.

So I decided my first wish (and hopefully will be able to make it a resolution that I can keep all year round) to ask for the world's wellness. Yes, I know I/We can't change the whole world but I believe what they say ... 'every little counts'.

Lowdark just started a thread yesterday with suggestions for 2011. In a way this thread is a sequal to his as I do agree that in order to feel good and get good things one has to do that for others first.

So I thought each of us cerb community can make a wish/resolution that will make our world better and if you feel like it you can share it with all the others here to do it too and start not changing but making the world better together :)

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Lovely sentiment Isabella. Good of you to kick this off.


My wish is for everyone is to keep the spirit of the season in your heart, all year long.

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Guest pe*****0

lol you sure you want everyone in holiday spirit all year long what if they dont stop humming those christmas songs hahaha no but seriously i wish for a peaceful 2011 for everyone.

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My wish for this coming year is to finally allow myself to be satisfied with my life. For those that know me, and maybe even those who don't, I have been told that I have a "Type A" personality...which I do. This particular personality type has kept me from being satisfied with myself for a long time and now that I am happy with myself I can focus more on friends, family and even strangers!


A bit of a selfish wish I know, but one that had to be granted...at least for my sake.

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Life passes in the blink of an eye and fussing about things that really don't matter seems to be such a waste of time and energy.


I would like folks to simply be more appreciative, grateful and kind. That would go along way in making the world a better place!




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I wish that 2011 be the year that the dictatorships around the world come to an end and dictators punished for their crimes against humanity. That the repressed people and nations regain their freedom and rights and in particular the supressed women around the world to achieve/regain their well deserved rights/equal rights which in many regions around the world are taken away by close minded self-serving religous dictators or cultural taboos.

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