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Thinking of all the amazing women...

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I'm feeling a bit nostalgic today, as I reflect back on the awesome women that I've been lucky enough to meet through this board. I've lost touch with a lot of them, of course, and that's just as it should be, as people move on and make changes. These connections are always fluid and fragile, but at their best there's an exchange of warmth and intimacy as well as of more tangible things. I like that, when it happens, though it should never be expected. Just take it as a gift from the galaxy, when it happens. I've gotten to know a few women here quite well, to see them regularly, and to talk and listen as well as play. I love the play, of course, but I also love the communication. A lot of my regulars are gone now, and I've been less active for a while, but I'm hoping to make some new connections, or to develop existing ones. And I think about the regulars that I used to know, and I miss the fun, but mostly I appreciate the time and the enjoyment they gave me, and I hope I gave them some enjoyment too.

So a warm thank you to the women on this board who've been special to me. I hope you think of me once in a while, and that you can smile and send me a good thought or two. Please know that I remember you with affection and gratitude, and wish you well in all your future endeavours.

I mean this sincerely.

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Well-said, Cato. I share your sentiments but I would not have said it better even if I try. ;)


Like you, over the years, I have met many wonderful ladies and have become regulars with some of them. Some of these ladies are from this region, some were visiting and some were visiting even from oversea. Many of them have retired and I have lost contact with them. I have fond memories with many of these ladies and whenever I think of them, I wish and send them best wishes and success in whatever they are doing or endeavor to do. I am glad to remain good friends with a handful of them. To all of these fine ladies, I owe you gratitude for bringing me such great happiness.:ThankYou:

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