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Toronto-based Arden Wu: Hypnotic Radiance

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I am not your textbook companion. Some say I am a sweet surprise when I open the door. Other say I have a magnetic personality that keeps them wanting for more. Either way, everyone seeks me out when they are looking for something different.


Visiting Toronto any time soon? Let me know you're coming down from Ottawa and I will prioritize your date!



1 hour - 300

2 hours - 600

3 hours - 800




I adore Ottawa with all of my heart. To keep in touch with when I'm in town next, send me an email to [email protected] to be added to my Ottawa mailing list.


Can't wait for me to visit? I am available for exclusive visits if you book a minimum of 3 hours (800).




Love you! Yours in intimacy,

Arden Wu.



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