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I had some very memorable travel and encounters last year and especially the last week or so of 2010 and I had scheduled a much anticipated and long over due get aquainted again time with Gianna to start 2011.


I got to her new digs and got buzzed in. For some reason it seemed like Grand Central Station. Security guard at the door, people walking about the lobby and older gentleman at the elevator talking to a couple sweet looking ladies. Figured he was the building manger talking to them after showing them a suite.


As I got into the elevator he jumped in. We said our hellos, he selected his floor and I selected mine. For some reason the elevator door took too long to close and the conversation started again. I got to Gianna's floor and he decided to get out with me and wanted to continue our conversation, which I usually enjoy very much. I can hear Gianna texting me and now this guy is invititing me up to meet his wife, have tea and talk about my upcoming trip as they are originally from one of the countries I will soon be going to. Not sure how this much information transfer could all be happening in the span of a couple second elevator ride.


Finally, I politely say I have to get going and say I will call him before I leave for my trip. I walk the wrong way to give him time to get back in the elevator and then I finally get to Gianna's door.


The door opens and there she is, stunning, a rare beauty that I have been waiting for and anticipating for so long, especially these last few days. Now this is going to be the start of another very great year. Some conversation, some get aquainted hugs, some enjoyable stuff, more conversation, hugs and embraces, talk about my war wound and that caution may be required, more conversation, Gianna asks if we should re-schedule, more conversation, a little wine, more enjoyable stuff, more conversation and then I think we both came to agreement that it was time to retreat to her bedroom and see where we could take this. First a quick shower as it has been a long day at the office and my 3rd Gianna experience is about to begin.


Each new encounter with Gianna brings about new and so very unbelievable moments. I very much so enjoy exploring every inch of Gianna's amazing body. Every inch, again, again and again and then some very, very, fine dining, because sometimes it better to give then receive. Trembling, vibrations, TTG, an eruption, silence and then a mutual exchange of message and time for Gianna to regain her composure.


Now it is Gianna's turn to return the giving, exploring and pleasuring my not so great body, which she does so very well. Followed by some amazing CG with unbelevable pelvic rythme, motions, emotions, trembling, vibrations and erruptions, with me having the pleasure of watching this sensual beauty before me.


Time to see if I can finish with a little mish and continue the giving of the season, exhausted, I happily collapse in Ginanna's arms. After a little small talk and exchange of thank yous, we get up only to survey the state of her bedroom. Somehow the bed was now half way across the room, something was said about the carnage and I was wondering how it was possible that there were any survivors, what a wreck


It seems that lately there are a few members of other boards stating Gianna does not require any more reviews. That may be so, but as a survivor, I am thankful and can only imagine and anticpate what will be instore after my trip and my much needed recovery.

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