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Curious ... returning to hobby

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Guest jake_cdn


I am just curious to find out why people left the hobby only to return months or years later.


I know on a personal level I always enjoyed the people that I had the opportunity to meet and it was a relief from the day to day bull*$it


I left for various reasons but mainly travel/work taking the majority of my time and health issues.


I returned because I missed the people and to fill a void. I used to enjoy meeting the SPs and almost all of them were wonderful people who respected the people that they were with as well as themselves and their profession. I was able to once again escape my personal realities.


Let me know what your thoughts/experiences are.



What are your thoughts on people who return to the hobby. Does it make a difference to you and are people different after being away for a long time?


I know this thread will not change the world but I have been curious to know as I know what brought me back.

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There is nothing I love more than getting an email that reads "Megan, I know it's been a long time but I'd love to see you again!"


I never ask why the absence, but a few have shared with me and it's generally due to relationships and finances.

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We all know life happens, circumstances change, people grow and the sun continues to shine. When I have guests that I haven't heard from in a while get in touch with me; it always makes me smile because I do wonder "what happened to _______ ?" as time passes. Even if it's just an update on how they are doing, it is always a welcome email....


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as the previous ladies said it, an email from a previous guest is as wonderful as seeing him again. We develop little friendships and big friendships, but whatever the case we are glad that you remembered us and take the time to find us again.

Time changes us all; we grow (hopefully) and we age (beautifully of course), but those sparks we created when together are still there and a fire can be revived!

Welcome back!!


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Guest Ou**or**n

I've been in the this hobby for over 5 years. My two extended absences have been during relationships. I've also had several gaps of 1 to 3 months where I've simply had other financial priorities.

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As said previously, we are always curious to know what happened during your absence because we care, but never ask because it's not our business...


One thing for sure, while you were gone, things have happened, and we and you have change. I think it is a good things sometimes to step out for a little while. When we reconnect, we remember the wonderful time we had toghetter, and, I think, this makes our encounter even more memorable...

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Everyone (hobbyists and providers) are unique as are their reasons for leaving or returning. That said, everyone should be mindful of their situation in terms of what it is they seek from the experience. As we all know it is not for everyone.

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