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What do you find attractive in the opposite sex?

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I mean attraction in general rather than "sexual attraction ONLY".

Speaking for myself, I get a turn on when I see a man looking well groomed....a clean and fresh "out of the shower look"; if he has :masculine hands, a great smile (natural or not), and can hold my gaze for a bit...he has me melting already.....

I have been asking my clients and more or less I got the same answers from all of them -excluding the breasts and long legs who all of them adored- here are their answers:

Clean fresh looks; tidy appearance; clear smile; bright eye contact; feminine hands and , surprisingly to me, most of them prefered short trimmed nails than plastic ones...confidence, good posture....and eye contact for all of them.

Perfumes were a turn off, as well as thick make up....

I found this article and if you want to contribute to the thread it will be great...we are all different, but somethings are liked by all of us!

What do you find attractive?

by Harmony Stalter


"What we find attractive about a person is completely up to the standards we set for ourselves and what we believe we deserve. But, there are some things that other people find attractive in one another that are just weird.


Imperfect Teeth

Normally, someone would be attracted to another person?s smile. But, the attraction is to a smile with the perfect straight teeth you see in the toothpaste commercials. There are those people that think imperfect teeth are cute or sexy. There are some actresses and musicians that have this quality, such as Kirsten Dunst, Patricia Arquette and Jewel.


If the person looking for the date is a vegetarian, then they will only date someone that has the same trait as them. They will find this an attractive quality to have in their potential mate. To them a omnivore, which is what most people are, will not be the person for them no matter how attractive looking they may be.


For some people this is a very attractive quality. If someone is from a country other than your own, then you may find it attractive. Whether it is a British, Australian, Italian, French or an American accent it can be a turn on for some people.


This trait is normally attractive to the more dominant personality. They think that a person who will submit to their every whim is attractive to them. They can tell if the person they find physically attractive is submissive by their body language. They will then pursue that person for their own personal needs.


Can someone?s devout faith really bring two people together? To some people it can. There are people that go to church looking for love and they will find it. Sometimes, having a little faith can bring you the love that you are looking for.


Some people find the intelligence of a well educated person attractive. Sometimes, the higher the degree the more attractive you become. The brain can be very attractive to the right person.


The feet are not something that you would normally find attractive, but to some people they are. If a person has nice feet, then they will find them attractive. If a girl wears open toed shoes and she has nicely manicured toes, there are guys that find that extremely attractive.


If you are different from the "normal" people in the world then you can find love too. Everyone has a quirk or something unique about them. That little thing that is different from everyone else can be very attractive to another person. It can be considered cute or have an endearing quality to it that makes you who you are.


A witty banter between two lovers can be attractive. If you can find someone with the same sense of sarcastic humor as you have, then they can be attractive to you. "Busting chops" all in good fun can be a form of foreplay for the two people involved.


Whether it is body hair or the hair on your head, it can all be attractive to someone else. You can have a gorgeous head of hair and can be attractive to the other person. You can have a little or a lot of body hair and that can be attractive to another person."


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What do you find attractive?


As far as physical features her eyes! I find a woman with deep, sensual eyes to be very sexy. Followed by her hair, a lady with long flowing hair has that certain "Je ne sais quoi."


But above all else is her character and personality. Ladies that have a strong character and an interesting and engaging personality are...irresistible!

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Often it isn't one attribute but the full package and how it all comes together. I could never limit to an eye colour, accent or not, length of hair etc..


It is the physical appearance that will initially catch my eye but getting to know a woman deeper and longer term is what determines how long I stay interested and how attracted I get.


I do find myself drawn again and again to Class and Confidence in a lady. I love a woman done up well which simply means clean and pulled together. Don't appreciate lots of make-up. Class can be shown in sweat pants too. I don't mind a little perfume if it matches the ladies natural scent but some do shower it on too much. Again more natural and classy the better. Confidence is critically important to me and if comes out naturally in everyone. The confidence needs to be sincere and genuine. It may take time but I can usually spot a phony. A woman's walk is one of the best ways to see her confidence and has become a favourite pass time of many men. Confidence can also often be shown by a woman putting herself 'out there'. I like a lady who is a little assertive and goes after what she wants. With all these things a fine line exists which is difficult to judge. But thankfully many women have this figured out.


Class and Confidence - you have my attention!



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A genuine smile,smarts and sense of humour. I'm not very complicated!:)




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Edited by mrgreen760
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What do I find attractive in the opposite sex? Let me see, here are a few...


-Eyes...there's just something about the eyes that I can't explain.


-A sense of humor...if I can laugh at you and you can laugh at me, we are good to go...lol.


-Honesty...it's always good to have a voice of truth around.

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Smart, with a sense of humour to go with it.


Looks me in the eye.

Believes in herself, in her capabilities, and her attractiveness. And I'm not talking about "stunning beauty" attractiveness -- just that she believes herself to be an attractive and sexual human being and that she deserves to play.


At that point, you've got my serious attention. Everything after that helps make a woman unique, but those are the qualities make her worth knowing, and knowing better.

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A smile and friendly greeting on first meeting inside the door is huge for me. As far as turn on at first is eye contact as u already know and personality. Genuine, fun, witty, humorous conversations at first generate some laughs and is an awesome way to break the ice, make a guy and you feel comfortable and turn him on for a great anticipated encounter. From there every guy is different. For me when I come out of the shower, a smile, sexy undergarments, show off your legs, breasts or whatever your sexiest attribute is. If u feel sexy and attaictive...then we will sense that, be turned on big time and then "good times" :grin: And then just get close, a little kissing (if that is an option), chat and let things happen from there. My opinion but like I said...every guy has a different take on things

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The thread does make me think of Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing, and his modest little list of requirements for the opposite sex:


Rich she shall be, that's certain;

Wise, or I'll none;

Virtuous, or I'll never cheapen her;

Fair, or I'll never look on her;

Mild, or come not near me;

Noble, or not I for an angel;

Of good discourse,

an excellent musician,

and her hair shall be... of what colour it please God.


Nice that he's not fussy about the hair. Fun to watch Kenneth Branagh do the part in the 1993 film.

Edited by MightyPen

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Fun banter, busting chops, verbal fencing; piercing eyes, where you can see intelligence burning, as well as determination. Somebody who takes care of herself, but not excessively, as in discreet make-up. Sense of humour, has varied interests, honesty.

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Guest al****s

Eyes, smile, sincerity, genuineness, sense of humor, non-judgemental, honesty, witty sarcasm, intelligence, patience, passion, class, laughter...I could go on and on...I like men (and people for that matter) who are true to themselves and don't pretend to be someone they're not.



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Must be genuine, laughs at my jokes (those can be in conflict, but still), is a little aggressive/assertive to pursue me - I think most guys like that. And her attitude should be unafraid and up for adventure. With the above in order, looks matter little in reality.

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What do different people find attractive...always an interesting topic.


Okay, here goes.


I love watching how a woman moves. How she walks, how she dances, her quirks and mannerisms of movement, the way that she crosses her legs. For example, I can get turned on watching how a woman touches her neck or plays with her hair when she is sipping wine from a glass. Things like that.


What is wrong with perfume? I love a woman's scent, it is part of her personal style. Generally, when a woman takes the time to do herself up, the transformation is sexy. The clothes, the make up, the shoes (love the shoes), the personal jewelery...When a woman goes through the effort and she knows that she looks hot...THAT is hot.


On a different note, I notice that some people are choosing sarcasm as a turn on...I don't get it. I've always considered sarcasm to be a rather lazy form of humour. That's just me, though. :)

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Guest al****s

docottawa...love your post!! Purrrrr comes to mind. But I still stand by my witty sarcasm comment...



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I agree with DocOttawa, the way someone carries themselves really speaks volumes about them. I find both men and women very sexy, but in keeping with the thread I will stick to the opposite sex!


I have been known to appreciate nice strong shoulders and a V-taper, and can't help but have an addiction to the tall, dark and handsome... Long eyelashes, expressive and sexy eyes, a bit of maturity and a sexy knowing smile is my idea of handsome... Men who wear cologne, when I can smell it as I brush my lips across their neck, drive me wild, Acqua di Gio comes to mind, mmmmm!


When undressed, a hockey player's hip/gluteus maximus muscles are my weak point and a runner's calves have both been known to get a little extra attention from my adoring massaging fingers... Any dancing, especially latin styles, is irresistible and if he has short military length hair and is well groomed and dressed well, all bets are off, lol!


Great idea for a thread Loralee!



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What do you find attractive in the opposite sex?


It is hard for me to narrow it down loving all that embodies The Man. I would have to say I love their "maleness" as compared to my "femaleness" .... the very idea that they are opposite to me....plus they have a penis. :icon_surprised:

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Guest **cely***r***ne

The windows to the soul...eyes! I am a very deep person and I love looking into a persons eyes! They make me feel so many things!

If you can make love to me with your eyes...I am hooked lol


Im so wierd....

I also find a tickleish person attractive, it adds that certin "cute" to them.

I like chubby cheeks and someone who giggles alot with me too.


Seriously If youve got a personality thats all that counts really.

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Guest jake_cdn

Like so many others a person's eyes are one thing that you can lock in on but for it also takes a strong personality and interpersonal skills.


I haver known many women who are pretty as a picture but cannot relate to people.


The best times for me are when the woman has the ability to be genuine and converse as if we have known each other for years ... I get lost in that.

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Guest G***f******

A smile.


Yes, I'm that easy. A woman only has to smile at me and I'll do pretty much anything they ask.


Female sales people in electronics shops have cost me more money than any SP on this board.

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Lots already said here, and great comments,


-her personality being able to communicate and being able to be diverse i.e. sensual,passionate and sensitive to a erotic and possible naughty play personality is extremely attractive and sexy as hell :)

-her smile

-her eyes

-her attitude

-her scent

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His eyes, his smile, a sense of playfulness are all very attractive. But I also really appreciate it when a man I haven't met acknowledges how he feels, as in admitting if he feels a little awkward or shy. I find that very endearing. Being real is soooo much better than fake confidence!

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It's shaping up to be a good day for the old doctor. Two beautiful ladies have nice things to say about my post. :) I like how this thread is unraveling!

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For me

A warm pleasant personality


Respect for herself and others

Intelligience (that doesn't mean they need a Ph.D, some of the most intelligent people I know have high school)

Life experience for lack of a better word

In terms of looks/age, well I have been attracted to women of all ages, and looks, you couldn't profile me (except to say they are female)


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A woman that doesn't walk around like she's all that. Confidence is hot, but combine that with humility and it's hotter. Although being a little shy or unsure about herself is cute.

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The thing That attracts me to the oppisite sex is when a lady takes the time to get to know the "real me" having a disability, it takes time for me to come across the way I want to.

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