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What do you find attractive in the opposite sex?

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Hmmm... what do I find attractive in the opposite sex? First and foremost the discernible absence of a penis.


Other than that?


Self confidence. The sexiest women in the world know who "they" are. They are real. Comfortable in their own skin. Aware of their shortcomings but don't give a damn. If they are hungry, they will eat a steak and then order dessert without guilt. They aren't afraid to frighten men with their intelligence. They aren't afraid to tell a dirty joke and get a laugh. They are who they are because that is what they want to be. Nothing more, nothing less.... and dead sexy.


Ummmm... oh yeah. Boobs.

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Qualities in a man? Hmmmmm. This is a tough one because it depends on my mood and the man at hand. I go thru phases and have "it" types that are cyclical and tickle my fancy depending on where my head is at.


The type of man determines what qualities I look for.


the Nurturer: He's caring and kind. His kiss is always gentle, his breath is sweet, his smile quick and his fuse is long. His hands are smooth and made for the reassuring caress, he is polite and has a dry wit that makes me laugh. He pays attention to the details that I think no one notices or cares about.


the Broker: His tastes are impeccable, he is always smoothly shaven and has a sense of mischief about him. He is confident, sometimes cocky but always fun because he is being naughty. He sees humor in the game because he always wins. He never takes advantage because he doesn't need to, being better prepared guarantees his checkmate. He is a wealth of knowledge and quickly admits his faults altho it's usually because he thinks he's fixed them.


the Artist: He is delightful in his self torture refusing to admit the genius he has within. Humble and dark, tender and so pained. I love the brilliance of these men and the fact they never see it makes me want to paddle them silly. Their work inspires me to do better, be better.


the Goof: He is silly personified. He sees everything from a simplistic view of the world and makes me forget it continues to spin outside our little bubble. He means well and knocks over wine glasses trying to catch sunbeams for me. Jokes abound and laughter marks our time shared. The world is a cartoon for him and a girl wonders if he will ever grow up. Secretly, she hopes he won't.


the Hardhat: He is simple. Not in mind, but in life. He isn't looking for the house on the hill, he's happy with who he is and what he has. Hockey, some beer in the fridge and woman to hold is his goal in life. He works hard, plays hard and makes it hard for a girl to remember she doesn't play house full time in the house with the little white picket fence. He smells good even when he's dirty and tastes even better.


the Scholar: He is wise, gracious and shares his wealth of knowledge freely. He sees the world in a theoretical way but never really ventures in to living it. He is tender and his charm lies in his tweed coat with the leather patches and the faint smell of pipe tobacco. He never makes a girl feel stupid when she asks questions and usually has great taste in wine which he never tires of talking about and forgives when a girl can't remember any of it.


the Bureaucrat: He is pratical. A girl can set her watch to him. He likes to step out of his box and see what else is out there, but only for an hour or two. He is trustworthy, genuinely helpful and reliable. He tells you the truth whether you want to hear it or not. His words are carefully chosen tho and he always tries to make a girl happy during their time together. He can follow instructions exceedingly well when he decides to, if he decides not to; he's just annoying. He always manages to get back into a girls good graces by staying true to form and allowing her to reset her watch.


the Sexual Adventurer: He is very big fun in the bedroom but not much is known about them because they only ever come visit once and then move on to the newest flavor advertised. I equate them to bad drugs, you only ever want to do them once even if they seemed fun at the time. The second time is always a disappointment.


the Good Jewish Boy: (Disclaimer - one does not need to be Jewish to fit this description) Everything about them screams "bad boy waiting to come out and play, I just need someone to show me how". They are wonderful in the most unusual ways. Considerate beyond belief, sensory driven, intelligent and distinctly interactive. They love to flirt, tease and indulge in the most delightful ways. They appreciate every effort that is made and their eyes say "Thank you" over and over again. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, a girl really needs to try them all.


the Spartan: He is strong in mind and body. His sense of duty is the driving force behind his allure. His love of family and tribe is obvious. He is protective to a fault and his discipline is legendary. His body is not his temple, it is the vessel that carries him; he respects it but doesn't give it undue attention. His touch is strong and kisses powerful but he turns tender as the urges are met. His hair is shorn and he wears no adornment. He prepares for battle daily and has no time for flights of fancy. His type is almost extinct.


These are some of the qualities I look for and I know I have left some types out but it is too late to type any more tonight.



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Lisa Kudrow in the movie P.S. I love you asked the guys all the question before making any decision.


Awesome clip! I forgot about this movie...on my list for this weekend :)

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Eyes, smile, sincerity, genuineness, sense of humor, non-judgemental, honesty, witty sarcasm, intelligence, patience, passion, class, laughter...I could go on and on...I like men (and people for that matter) who are true to themselves and don't pretend to be someone they're not.




I do like your take on it Alexiss...Well said!!

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I would have to say that it is a woman's eyes, intellect and nature that really does it for me. If she is smart, witty and looks me in the eye while talking I can be hooked right away.

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