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We constantly hear complaints about the weather; especially winter. In an attempt to live up to my New Year's resolution (try to always see the bright side of life), I am looking towards the beauty of a Canadian winter.


The other day, I looked out the window and noticed the shining sun glittering off of the icecycles hanging from my porch. The beauty of the oddly shaped frozen water was mesmerizing in the sunlight. This inspired me to go out to the shed and find the bag of birdseed I had hidden away. I threw it out over the snow in the yard and waited but minutes for the winter specimens to come and feast. Peter Rabbit made an appearance as well!


I must also write of the pleasure I get from an evening spent outside in the falling snow. It mutes the sounds of traffic and creates a sureal atmosphere; it's what I imagine it would be like if I could be inside a snowglobe.


I would love to hear of your favorite winter moments!!!

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Meg, 3 things that I love about Canadian winters but could pick many.

- just walking outside thru woods, parks, and rural areas. It is so peaceful and the air so fresh.

- my outdoor hot tub or the outdoor hot springs in the mountains. Absolutely nothing like it in winter especially when its snowing.

- my snow forts. Young and old when we get enough snow its always been time for snow fort construction. Of course I only build the ones with multiple rooms and tunnels connecting them. As I've gotten older it has become a little more challenging as I believe I should be able to sit full upright in them. And then when built I always feel like I can just escape in there. It was more fun when I was little as I never made them big enough to allow adults to enter. But must admit the odd year I still do manage to construct one. Could be our little 'ice palace'. Till the dog pees on the entrance way.

Luv Winter and Meg I'll let you pick which you think might be more fun for a lady to join me in.


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The only thing good about winter is spring is next and coming

Sorry, but after a winter storm a couple weekends ago cancelling a planned encounter, I now hate winter

Just kidding, it's just another season


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The only thing good about winter is spring is next and comingRG


Well said roamingguy, even though you may have meant it as humorous.


Canada may have cold winters but she also have warm hearts and that is what counts the most. No complains here lol.

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one of my favorite moments of winter, will always be- Watching my brothers play hockey.

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I love waking up early before it is busy outside and see a nice snowfall. Kind of like this evening. As long as it's not -40 and no freezing rain, I love winter. And doing donuts in the parking lot. I did that this evening.lol. It's very slippery out there right now.

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Snow. I LOVE snow. Sliding down hills on it, building things with it, knocking them down and building other things with it, throwing it at people, going inside to warm up and then coming back out to do it all again. I know a lot of people don't like it, but when you've grown up with damp, rainy miserable excuses for winter it's fantastic to have lots of proper white fluffy stuff to play with.

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- my snow forts. Young and old when we get enough snow its always been time for snow fort construction. Of course I only build the ones with multiple rooms and tunnels connecting them. As I've gotten older it has become a little more challenging as I believe I should be able to sit full upright in them. And then when built I always feel like I can just escape in there. It was more fun when I was little as I never made them big enough to allow adults to enter. But must admit the odd year I still do manage to construct one. Could be our little 'ice palace'. Till the dog pees on the entrance way.

Luv Winter and Meg I'll let you pick which you think might be more fun for a lady to join me in.



I have fond memories if these snow forts with tunnels.... seems like winters of my youth had more snow ....


skiing....going on a toboggan.....hot chocolate by the fire..............


Cross country skiing in the Gatineau Park did it for me, along with telemark in the woods....toboggan and the hot chocolate with marshmallows. Not sure if i'd be as brave as to do winter camping or sleeping in an igloo (in fact more of a man made snow mound with sticks to reinforce the roof, with the middle dug out).

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As teenagers me and my buddy had "jobs" flooding the local outdoor rink. He had the job and I would help out. No matter how cold we'd start about 10:00 PM and flood 2 rinks and by the time the second was done the first was ready. We'd put on our skates and jump on, the sound of the skates on that ice is something I'll never ever forget. With pucks and sticks we'd skate for an hour or so then re-flood it and walk home.


Simple times, great times :)




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To us we enjoy many things about winter.....the top 3 things that come to my mind is watching our kids play hockey...... ski-dooing as a family..... and to hot tub outside at night especially when it is snowing out...the snow is falling on our heads....yet our bodies are so warm....it is nice to look at the stars in the sky and dream .....life is so short.... so embrass the moments and live each day as it is our last .....gotta love our good old canadian winters......eh ? LOL :)

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Ah yes.. many years ago ski-dooing with the girl friend on the back holding on to me and the bottle of Baby Duck-(remember that crap?) through trails, to a lodge and making out.;)


Or skating on canal, throwing snowballs, tobogganing,road hockey ( FUCKING CAR AGAIN) snow forts, it seems to me that I kept quite busy as a kid growing up.


Today, I don't see that as much, or perhaps I'm not looking for it anymore since the kids are grown up.


Another place I thoroughly enjoy is Le Nordic Spa, so relaxing sitting outside in the hot baths :) after a massage,facial and pedicure.

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Guest Ou**or**n

Don't let enjoying winter be a memory of your past - get out there and enjoy it. I've done years of downhill skiing and am a little tired of it so this year I took up snowshoeing. Wonderful and inexpensive - we are sooooo lucky to have Gatineau park right on our doorstep.

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I remember when I was in my early teens and my dad(he is a genius) had designed a mold to make blocks so we could make igloo's, that was a lot of fun and took about 3 days.

We also made a big ice rink in the yard and even made our own zamboni(my dads idea again) and night lights, this is where all the neighbors would come and skate at night. I recall the nice romantic nights skating with my girlfriend for hours holding hands.

We also had toboggans and went to a gravel pit behind our property and would slide down the hills for hours at a time.

As I got older I took downhill skiing and would be at the ski slopes every weekends.

Now that I'm older and wiser I got myself a snowmobile(7 years ago) and use that for my entertainment in the winter.


I find it sad that many kids nowadays do not want to go outside and play in the snow. They would rather stay in and play video games.

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Walking or snowshoeing with your dog. Their excitement to get out there, no matter the weather, is contagious. Watching your 10 year old dog act like a puppy, rolling in the snow or sniffing around with her head buried deep in a drift. We're lucky to be near places where she can run free expecially when parts of the river freeze over.

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