charbed 234 Report post Posted April 18, 2008 Hi, Has anyone seen any of the ladies from Discreet Valley, aka Abracadabra, lately? More specifically Kristina? god she looks hot! Thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted April 18, 2008 All I can say is do a search and see previous treads/comments WRT this agency. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charbed 234 Report post Posted April 19, 2008 All I can say is do a search and see previous treads/comments WRT this agency. Well, I did do a search prior to posting my question. As you can see, or maybe not see if you didn't search yourself, the latest post (April 6, 2008) is requesting info on a Cleopatra. Whom isn't even listed as a lady with that agency as per their webpage. The previous one before that is date Aug, 2007. I would not consider that recent. Further more, I was hoping someone out there has had the pleasure (or maybe misfortune) of spending time with Kristina, of said agency, and not the blonde Kristina from somewhere else. So, on that note, has anyone been with any of the ladies from Discreet Valley RECENTLY, ie less than one month ago, and more specifically with Kristina? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimmyhat 470 Report post Posted April 19, 2008 I've been curious about that same girl, but I haven't seen any reviews nor has she been listed as available for a few weeks. Let me know if you manage to find anything out though! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capital Hunter 18263 Report post Posted April 19, 2008 I asked more or less the same question a few weeks ago when I joined this board and I was a newbie (still am) and this was more or less the answer I received by a long time contributing member which now makes a lot of sense to me: **************************************************************************** This is a recommendation board which means misfortunes (as you put it) will not be posted (only pleasures). If you can't find anything on an agency or a specific SP, you will have to read between the lines and find your answers. **************************************************************************** With regards to your specific question on Kristina, I think that I read a review on her on the other board. I hope this helps. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted April 19, 2008 Well, I did do a search prior to posting my question. As you can see, or maybe not see if you didn't search yourself, the latest post (April 6, 2008) is requesting info on a Cleopatra. Whom isn't even listed as a lady with that agency as per their webpage. The previous one before that is date Aug, 2007. I would not consider that recent. Further more, I was hoping someone out there has had the pleasure (or maybe misfortune) of spending time with Kristina, of said agency, and not the blonde Kristina from somewhere else. So, on that note, has anyone been with any of the ladies from Discreet Valley RECENTLY, ie less than one month ago, and more specifically with Kristina? Hope you read LIONHEART"s post. I was trying to tell you something in my reply and obviously you did not read between the lines. This agency has been around for quite some time and the fact that there is almost no review should tell you something. As for the girl Cleoaptra she used to work there and have moved on. You will find that this is very common with agencies. SPs come and go quickly. Also your search was not complete or you would have found in a recent tread that talked about ABR that MOD had to delete many comments. One would think they were probably not favorable. So before you accuse others of seeing or not seeing things and give a bad name to newbies, learn the do's and don't and you would understand that I could not write my opinion here as I had my previous comment deleted by MOD. Sometimes you have to read between the lines. Also if you have a look at my profile you will notice that I have been posting my fair share of comments so I do not need to search the Ottawa section of the board as I keep up with all the treads. There was one girl Naomi reviewed earlier today or yesterday. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
p22*** 236 Report post Posted April 22, 2008 I used to work for that agency, I can assure you that all ladies are real. Whether or not you have a pleasent experience, thats between you and the SP... I say take one for the team and just give your input back to the board. Positive input that is..LOL Negitive will get you in trouble from MOD. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d*mm*y 887 Report post Posted April 22, 2008 Not sure why anyone would waste there time with an unknown when you are around Paige, can't wait for our next appointment! If you like a perfect body gorgeous face and 10 attitude than just book with Page. But be sure you eat your Wheaties first! Sorry for hi-jacking the thread but it had to be said. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charbed 234 Report post Posted April 22, 2008 so, just like our mommas used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything". However, I see nothing wrong with someone posting a so-so to negative review without attacking or being mean. How are newbies suppose to know that SPs or agencies were ever reviewed (good or not so good) if they don't ask? You can't assume no comment or review that they aren't any good. If that were the case, then one would assume that most of the ads aren't worth anyone's time or money, kind of lopped sided isn't it? [sarcasm] So, using the logic I have seen, every SPs reviewed here are only as good as the last positive review/recommendation. That hobbyists have had nothing but negative experiences until someone post something good about them. [/sarcasm] so, my 2cents worth would be to allow not so nice experiences, mod can edit them by removing inflammatory and derogatory comments but leaving the fact it wasn't pleasant. Maybe go so far as what made it unpleasant so that we can make up our own minds as to see the SP or not. Maybe institute a ratings system for the SPs, to be determined by the almighty MOD if you wish, where as they get so many stars for no negs, so many for a certain percentage of negatives to positives , etc... wouldn't this encourage more people to post either way thus giving a more accurate status? Anyway, I have a tendency to ramble at times... and fully expect to be flamed/torched and perhaps even suspended... but hey, that's me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ekimout 188 Report post Posted April 23, 2008 charbed, I understand what you are saying but this should remain a positive recommendation/review board. It creates a more inviting environment for both clients and service providers. A positive review can include some areas of improvement for an SP, but be polite. We are all here to exchange ideas and thoughts and perhaps learn a little. A negative review would open the door for all kinds of exchanges that I'm sure the mod would rather not deal with. We have a wonderful board here and I would hate to change things up and lose the community that has been built. Just because we are not writing negative reviews does not mean there are no negative experiences. Not all positive reviews are posted, some clients are just not comfortable writing reviews. There are some SPs that do not want to be reviewed, positive or negative. If you're an SP and have been around for awhile with no reviews, well, it is what it is. I learned a long time ago sometimes it's not what you say but what you don't say that speaks volumes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted April 23, 2008 Other board exist that allow you the post negative reviews ... so another site like that is not needed! We believe that many people are sick of reading all the hate posts .... those people eventually find us and appreciate the change and the positive community atmosphere we try to maintain here. This is NOT a review board... This is a community site where the guys and the ladies should feel welcome to come and be more involved in the discussions. A place where the ladies know they will not be disrespected by someone hiding behind a alias ... someone that feels they can slander them without consequence. Unfortunately most people feel the urge to go online and bash someone or some company immediately after they have had a bad experience (hell I had that urge the other day dealing with the phone company and my cable company when I moved!). They fixed the problems however and I am again happy with the service and after I calmed down I wrote a email to both of them to tell them how I think they could improve the service... maybe if we all did that the service would improve? Many people do not feel the need to share good experiences so boards that allow the negative posts are flooded with slander and negativity. Many of these posts are slanderous, hateful, mean and often not true.... they also give the industry a bad rep as they feed the stereotypes. Now the good posts can also be fake (we call that a shill post) and we often weed them out quickly here. When you have fake negative reviews (ex boyfriends, competition) or unjustified reviews (drunk, bad hygiene, or just a asshole) it's unfair to the lady and the negative posts can effect their business. If you were a business owner and someone went online and slandered your business how would you feel? Worst of all... When the lady who is tied to this negative review tries to explain in a reply she is often met with great hostility and often does not stand a chance to explain herself fairly .... at least here you don't have a site that supports this behavior. We are building a community of good people, we remove the bad people that just don't fit in here. This site is NOT for everyone nor do we try to accommodate everyone. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charbed 234 Report post Posted April 23, 2008 Well, I suppose when you put it that, I can certainly now understand your position and the way the board is set up. I guess I sort of felt attacked when I posted a review request and people started saying that I should have searched first. I guess what I have learned here is that if someone makes a request, either send them a link to the requested review, or just not post anything at all. I am sure the requester will then understand that no one had anything nice to say about the SP/agency in question. With that, you can rest assure, I will use this board for the intended purpose and contribute in a positive way whenever possible. :cool: PS Go HABS Go (this is only temp for the duration of the playoffs, I am a Sens fan through and through) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted April 23, 2008 First think when asking a question on any forum is do a search to see if anyone has asked that question in the past. Second is to ask the question if it has not been answered in the past. If someone has something negative they will often PM you with the information (Privately). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charbed 234 Report post Posted April 24, 2008 First think when asking a question on any forum is do a search to see if anyone has asked that question in the past. Second is to ask the question if it has not been answered in the past. If someone has something negative they will often PM you with the information (Privately). all done prior to my first post... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kimberly-Shea 28280 Report post Posted April 24, 2008 Hi, just a thought, doesn't this thread belong in the "reccomendation & discussion section" and not the "schedules and announcements section" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted April 24, 2008 Hi, just a thought, doesn't this thread belong in the "reccomendation & discussion section" and not the "schedules and announcements section" It sure does... I moved it. Soo many things to do I often miss stuff like this. Thanks Kimberly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ontariobob 103 Report post Posted April 26, 2008 First post from a "lurker", something to contribute about Abracadabra: About a year ago I used them many times and had only good experiences, they hooked me up with Stella last year before she worked for PK, also two very very fine other ladies Kianna and another beauty who I can no longer recall her working name. All three ladies were wonderful and the management never let me down. All outcall i think though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
otherone 100 Report post Posted April 29, 2008 so, just like our mommas used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything". However, I see nothing wrong with someone posting a so-so to negative review without attacking or being mean. How are newbies suppose to know that SPs or agencies were ever reviewed (good or not so good) if they don't ask? You can't assume no comment or review that they aren't any good. If that were the case, then one would assume that most of the ads aren't worth anyone's time or money, kind of lopped sided isn't it? [sarcasm] So, using the logic I have seen, every SPs reviewed here are only as good as the last positive review/recommendation. That hobbyists have had nothing but negative experiences until someone post something good about them. [/sarcasm] so, my 2cents worth would be to allow not so nice experiences, mod can edit them by removing inflammatory and derogatory comments but leaving the fact it wasn't pleasant. Maybe go so far as what made it unpleasant so that we can make up our own minds as to see the SP or not. Maybe institute a ratings system for the SPs, to be determined by the almighty MOD if you wish, where as they get so many stars for no negs, so many for a certain percentage of negatives to positives , etc... wouldn't this encourage more people to post either way thus giving a more accurate status? Anyway, I have a tendency to ramble at times... and fully expect to be flamed/torched and perhaps even suspended... but hey, that's me Well I've been a hobbiest for a while my self, and only had one bad experience. Mind you, I prepare my self for an appointment, shower and shower agin, get my house clean, wine beer and drinks (un opened) etc.. I believe If I do the research and get my self presentable everything would fall into place. We are all human beings if you show respect you will get respect, if you smile at someone, most likely they will smile back. my 2cents. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted April 29, 2008 It’s good to see the reasoning behind the rules, and to the staff at CERB, thank you. I have been enjoying Ottawa for 3 years now, and when I first landed, I had some exposure to the other boards and found them to be unpalatable at best. It was confusing, because when I had the opportunity to meet some of the posters, they were really genuine people that I liked to spend time with. I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t that. I did realize they were not the kind to jump into the locker-room discussions, but they were there, all the same. My hesitation continued until I got to know them better. Then I realized that most of time, the mob mentality prevails when it comes to this medium. It is easy to spout off with no accountability and never realize the damage done may not be warranted or deserved. Too often SP’s are lumped together like a commodity, instead of being accepted as individuals who have a heart and soul. When I relisted my ad with EC, I decided to spend a bit and watch what was going on out there and low and behold! CERB had a feel to it that was positive, with contributors that had something worth reading. I like the openness, it allows me to inject without the fear of aggressive responses. CERB gives us a chance to show who we are as people, and it is rare. Society today likes to think they are open and accepting, but SP’s are shunned, shamed and rejected at all levels. We have no voice, nowhere to dispel the myths of who we are. This board is the only place I have found that the readers listen to what is being said, not dismissing it because of who said it. I think it says mountains about the members here in Ottawa, who read this board and contribute knowing it’s a level playing field. For those of you who choose to be here…I salute you! Catherine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted April 29, 2008 For those of you who choose to be here…I salute you! Catherine Sorry.....but I think it is we who!!!!......hehehehehehe Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the lurker 160 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 Cat says: "CERB gives us a chance to show who we are as people, and it is rare. Society today likes to think they are open and accepting, but SP’s are shunned, shamed and rejected at all levels. We have no voice, nowhere to dispel the myths of who we are." I would add that those of us who follow the umm "camp followers" are in the same boat. I would also hasten to add you women do have a voice. You change one man at a time. It is not a fast process, but there are countries where what you say and do affect them greatly. Never forget that North America is not the world. There are many who would accept what you provide is of great value and cannot be overlooked so easily. Societies always speak with the lowest common denominator's voice. This is not the voice of everyone. As a lifer in this so called hobby, I can say that I can no more talk about my life than many women here. All we men have is the knowledge that we don't face the horrors that many women in the trade do. That is not all of them. Some we share. So it falls to us the "Johns" to stand up for the women we see to protect them and treat them as they should be treated. Like the providers of comfort and solace they are. My friends have done this many times and I try to follow their examples. I encourage others to do the same. On another board they say "never talk about Fight Club". LMAO. Who is fighting whom? Or is this just a meaningless reference to another cheesy movie? It ain't only the Cat' O' Licks ;) that talk about "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." </RANT> Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
otherone 100 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 what on earth are you talking about? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 REMOVED LURKER'S COMMENT FOR BEING RUDE - Mod What a way to stick out and support the SPs. Lets be rude to them. It might be simple to you but your comment is inapropriate and out of place. You should remove it before MOD does. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the lurker 160 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 What a way to stick out and support the SPs. Lets be rude to them. It might be simple to you but your comment is inapropriate and out of place. You should remove it before MOD does. True I was out of turn, but it was not to the women. It was to the guy who asked me to clarify. Just Fyi. I was blunt for a reason. A reason you have shown that is valid. They face a real and present danger that many on here have expressed. If we cannot be blunt, how on Earth can we stop the violence and intimidation? Please do not misunderstand my intentions. We as the users of these ladies services need to help. We cannot wait for the government. Just my thoughts on the subject of course Dear Sir. TL Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 Being blunt and being rude are very different things. If you feel a comment like that is appropriate when your trying to be blunt your on the wrong board. I personally am disgusted with your comment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites