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Parker Updates ~ December 2

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Happy December Lovelies!!




While I was hoping to be mostly caught up this weekend and was so looking forward

to finishing the rearranging of my little pleasure pad and enjoying some time with

some very lovely (& super fun) Gents this upcoming week..


I instead had the misfortune of being totally benched by some sneaky cold/flu virus that somehow

made it's way through all of my preventative measures and defenses. :frown:


But- I am already starting to feel better..

and will be contacting anyone I had to cancel on as soon as I'm completely over it

and healthy again, though that probably won't be until later this upcoming week.


Please note that I won't be booking Dates with new clients until

those I had to cancel with have had a chance to rebook.



Looking for information on services or how to book a date with me?

Check out some of my most recent ads! They have all the information you need.


http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=257952 (Nov. 15)

https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=258184 (Nov. 21)

http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=258377 (Nov. 26)



New Blog Info~

I couldn't get into my old blog, though I did manage to make a new one;


(there's not much to it yet, mind you.)




[email protected]



Vanilla Twitter: @RationalRose_xo

Kinky Twitter:: @OttawaCunt


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