mod 135642 Report post Posted January 19, 2011 I received ANOTHER PM from a member who was concerned because GOOGLE indexes He says that his significant other has ways to "find" his ALIAS on cerb and thinks we should block the search engines from indexing cerb. Well... if your S/O can figure out your alias on cerb you allowed this to happen - it has NOTHING to do with google or cerb! Basically if this happens you were sloppy! He was obviously doing something he should not have been doing and got caught (Probably a tech savvy S/O) ... and now looking to put the blame on someone or something instead of himself. This happens with the LADIES just as much as the guys. The ladies do something foolish and allow people in their personal life to EASILY find them online working as an escort (and that causes PANIC for many and a headache for me as they want me to delete all traces of them on cerb) - after the fact this is pointless!! Everything that should be indexed by google (and other search engines) is. We block access to the PRIVATE sections (SP ONLY, COUNCIL, ETC...) and we hide your IP address's and Emails on your profiles. The PUBLIC part of the site is indexed and cerb runs a very good SEO system that ensures everything is available and indexed on google and other search engines. Why? This brings us traffic, allows new members to find cerb, allows the ladies to find us and it is a very important part of the site. It also pays the bills! This site is FREE for you all to use but nothing in this world is FREE. Your posts are indexed with the search engines and are considered "Content" and this content on google and other search engines creates links to In turn our sponsors (All the advertisers here and escorts-canada and other sites we own get traffic from cerb and traffic is money). This is a business after all and it may be a free site for you all to use but the reason this site exists is to generate traffic and feed traffic to the people who pay for this site (The people who make this site free for everyone who uses it). These days if your sites are not listed on google... your nobody and nobody will find you! As of today we have 91700 listings on google alone! This brings THOUSANDS of people to cerb every day! Thousands of people who would not have found cerb without these listings. We can not hide things from google to keep them from your significant others. If you are sneaking around doing something you should not then your on your own to protect yourself. What can you do to keep your identity and actives private? 1) I would suggest you use a username that no one could associate with you. 2) Erase your cookies. history and temporary internet files everytime you are done using the internet 3) Check your computer for stuff like keystroke loggers (as it's common for SO's to use these things if they suspect you of doing things you should not). They act as trojans and quietly sit in the background and log every button you push on your keyboard.... any tech savvy 12 year old kid knows how to do this and you can now buy USB thumb drives that make it possible for ANYONE to do this with very little knowledge of how a computer works. 4) Don't post anything too personal. Ladies this goes for you as well. If you use your PERSONAL cell phone for business it will be INDEXED On google and your friends can GOOGLE your cell number and find your ads. Don't be foolish, invest in a WORK PHONE and keep your private life private! 5) If your name is "Richard Henry John" and you choose a alias here like "R.H.J" or "DickH" or "Rich john" your asking to be identified. This is just silly to do and you would be surprised how many people do this. **** The reason we use Alias's is so that your posts and activities on these sites are anonymous. We hide your IP and Email from public (Keeping your id private). Q: Is cerb really FREE? A: No, Nothing is Free. Q: How can you run CERB for free? A: This site is a BUSINESS and is here to make money. It costs TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars to run this site each year. Someone has to pay for that! You don't pay for using cerb and the handful of banner advertisers help but don't cover the cost of the servers per year let alone my salary! It appears free to you but your posts are content and your visits are traffic. Content = Search engine listings Search engine listings = Traffic Traffic = Money! This site is FREE to use for all of you and in return you are giving us your time, contributions and traffic. Someone has to pay the bills and in this "virtual" world website traffic is what pays the bills. Hard to imagine but that is how it works. The more traffic gets the more traffic it's sponsors receive (Advertisers on the site). This is how we pay for the site. If we made the site inaccessible from google and other search engines we would have no traffic, We would have no content, We would have no members, We would have nothing of value and we would have no computers and bandwidth to run the site. Bottom line we would have no business. I don't work for free (Shocking isn't it) I am PAID to run this website. I have other duties that involved things other then this website but at least 1/2 of my salary is to maintain cerb. The servers that run cerb, the bandwidth, the custom programming, license fee's, the chat room, etc... all cost money (You would be SHOCKED to know those costs!). My point here is that for every 10 visitors we get from google at least 1 of them end up visiting (The website that pays the bills for cerb) It's all about the math. Search engine math? Basically 5000 visitors per day is worth 100 grand a year. If you were to PURCHASE traffic from other sites (and that is not easy as a lot of sites DO NOT allow "Adult" related sites to buy advertising) it would cost a MINIMUM of .06 cents per visitor. (5000 X $.06) X 365 days a year = $109'500.00 We send a few thousand visitors to EC per day from cerb so our budget is no where near 100 grand but one day it may be!! So keep posting and spreading the word. Out budget here is based on this. (Traffic sent to EC X RATE .03) X 365 days a year = $BUDGET Notice the RATE is .03 and not .06 - If it was .06 it would be simply smarter to just purchase the traffic. If you can build your own traffic that cost 1/2 of what it would cost you to purchase the same traffic... it's a SMART business decision! (And is why cerb exists today). 23 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GrenadeMan 280 Report post Posted June 30, 2011 I always wondered about the business model and how the people who ran CERB kept afloat financially. Thanks for the wonderful post. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ozzkar007 100 Report post Posted July 14, 2011 very useful info//thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest t**obb**** Report post Posted July 21, 2011 google is how i found this board. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnomGuy 100 Report post Posted August 18, 2011 Love the post. Always interesting to find out how these websites run and keep afloat. I personally found this site through google also and hope to use it for years to come. Also I always try and check out the sponsors on sites I like (such as this one so far) to help them out in my own little way :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mik 69 100 Report post Posted August 19, 2011 privacy is very important to most of us I believe... Having said that there is always ways to delete your history and to avoid dangerous situations. If you know how to delete histories and cookies, then you should not have a problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest drhrdck Report post Posted August 24, 2011 Yeah, excellent post. Google is how I found cerb as well. You can also try secretly installing a different browser (i.e. remove any icons / change folder installation name to something windows) and always use that browser for this sort of thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RubJunky 1954 Report post Posted September 4, 2011 I agree with Mod and his math as I know the cost of maintaining sites and servers. As for the user who's spouse that knows her way around search engines two thing come to mind better find another hobby or split. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted April 14, 2012 Interesting how someone who doesn't take simple precautions in his personal life (especially having a SO), such as deleting browsing history after every time on his computer, and it's CERB's fault for allowing CERB to be indexed by Google. What happened to taking some personal responsibility for your actions It's because of Google that I found CERB, and it's because of CERB that I am in, and continue to be in this wonderful lifestyle RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Madison_Sparks 3740 Report post Posted April 19, 2012 Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: This is an incredible thread!!! I always knew that the relation between a sites traffic and advertising is what generated the income, but this really tied it all together for me with the math. Wonderful, thank you :D As for google, I find for many clients (whom do not use or have never heard of cerb before) that being able to say "google me I'm on Cerb" or "google *so n so*"is much easier for them than remembering a website or risk writing it down where they can be caught by S/O's, friends, or just about anyone. This is very convenient for both of us when introducing a hobbiest to the site, in my experience. As for privacy, some of us SP's live openly as SP's and some of us do not; just as some hobbiests are private about their "hobby" and others may be open with their partners (I adore these types of clients, usually because I become a special treat for both, fun) and friends. My point being (before I trail off, again lol) is that if we make the choice to be private about using this site then it's up to ourselves to act in such a way. Doing things such as using a name not connected with yourself or as I do limiting who can look @ your album is where we must own responsibility. This is a public site. There is no membership fee and even if was a paid membership site the only person responsible for what u create and post is yourself. (Although if it were limited to paid members it would be a MUCH smaller community and I'm sure an angry S/O would gladly pay the fee with the house credit card just to catch you anyway) So I suggest that think carefully before choosing a user name or any other action before you do it, rather than expecting the mod to fix your own mistakes. IMO :) Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dame*****n09* Report post Posted April 19, 2012 Terrific post. Being a moderator is tough and thankless enough without having to hold the hands of thousands of members. At a certain point privacy/security needs to be the business of the participants. Can't work any other way. For the record, my own handle is random for exactly this reason. Completely meaningless. Even I have trouble remembering it :) Thanks Mod! Additional Comments: Terrific post. Being a moderator is tough and thankless enough without having to hold the hands of thousands of members. At a certain point privacy/security needs to be the business of the participants. Can't work any other way. For the record, my own handle is random for exactly this reason. Completely meaningless. Even I have trouble remembering it :) Thanks Mod! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle Jackson 465 Report post Posted August 6, 2013 I am happy that Google and other search engines and spiders crawl this website as I was just doing a random search for ottawa escorts and came across cerb- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skittlesxoxo 100 Report post Posted August 16, 2013 That sounds right to me not one person has recognized me so far from my city. I am sort of confused to how it could become a problem in my life, I need more knowledge on the laws but there are people everywhere who do this and if the police were serious about cracking down on woman and men would they not just go hit up Google? lol I think a lot of cases could probably be cracked if an intelligent cop hit up facebook and Google. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moj0llama 600 Report post Posted January 8, 2014 Well said mod, The things he had to screw up on so his wife found out, when he wanted to keep it a secret in the first place are hilarious. First off not using incognito browsing, which would have solved everything, then using an alias that his wife for some reason knows (maybe it wrote it down and left it around the house lol) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ramokb55 130 Report post Posted July 19, 2014 Thanks a lot Mod very good info. I would also like to add a new feature most web browsers these days have, is the incognito feature This feature opens pages that you can view and anything that happens won't appear in your browser history or search history. Bookmarks you create will be preserved, however. Going incognito doesn't affect the behavior of other people, servers, or software. Be wary of surveillance by secret agents or people standing behind you. But the only thing needed to be done is that cookies are not cleared until you close all incognito tabs. I recommend people read and learn more about it 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites