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Your chances of having sex today

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I was watching that source of all wisdom, Manswers on Spike TV the other day, and one of the questions was the statistical chances of anyone having sex on any given day.


The answer they gave was 25 to one, based on the following calculation.

The world population of approx. 6 billion

Divided by the results of some university studies that found (how, I wonder?? what an interesting research project!!!), that on any given day approx. 240-250 million people have sex around the world.

So the answer they came up with is 25:1.


This compares very favorably with the odds of being struck by lightning (700,000 to one). lol


However, the Manswer results have to be refined. If you deduct that part of the world population under the age of 16 (say, conservatively), and over 70, say, who are less likely to be sexually active, this gives odds of maybe 10 or 11 to 1 for each person 16-70 years old around the world, on average.

So how do you rate your chances?

Edited by Cato

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Well my odds are approx one in thirty

Thats because a month averages 30 days, one day (weekend) a month I schedule an encounter...which is one day out of thirty

And since I like the whole encounter to be more than sex...I like the talking, getting to know the lady, kissing and cuddling,etc, I have as it turns out a one in thirty odds of a



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Sounds good, RG, but it's a lot more subtle than the Manswers approach.


What intrigued me was how they figured out that 250 million people a day are having sex???

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I was never good at math to begin with, and just barely passed my stats course in university

But your thread just had me spin my GREAT DATES with GREAT LADIES into a statistical number, not that I think of the ladies as numbers, not in the least


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My chances of having sex today is 100%. It is a Saturday lol :-). No seriously like the birds who do it on a specific frequency (I think) I have guests over Saturdays only (I am not in mood after work lol) and unless she is a private dancer (or an escort lady deciding against FS which so far has never happened), there is a good sex to look forward to, on a Saturday!!!.

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My chances are 100% that I will have sex today, tomorrow, next week, etc...


Oh, wait does "with yourself":handjob: count as having sex because my chances plummet to ZERO if not...marriage does that kinda thing to a guy!

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My chances are 100% that I will have sex today, tomorrow, next week, etc...


Oh, wait does "with yourself":handjob: count as having sex because my chances plummet to ZERO if not...marriage does that kinda thing to a guy!


not fair...that is my line..............

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I hope SA and Seymour will share today's adventures with us.

It's 0 for me today, as well. Work and celibacy. I like the work, BUT....

Ah well, Monday's just around the corner, and then....

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Great thread CATO, my answer for yesterday would have been 100% since my SO wanted to go shopping today and needed my approval(money) she offered sex and I almost refused(the money part).

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All I can say is when I'm in Ottawa, the chances are very close to 100%. Alas, when I'm not in town, that drops VERY significantly.

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Guest s******ecan****
not fair...that is my line..............


I had the same thought (sounds like an antlerman post) when I read it.

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LMFAO, great line...I can picture it now "You be nice right now or I'm playing with my vagina and not with you" :razz:

Yes girl toys are the answer, and yes as steve has pointed they are in direct competition with you. So be nice to us!! :lol:


All in good fun guys.


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