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Damn girl why are you leaving us? Why aren't you having fun any longer?


Your going to make somebody a very happy boss ...wish it was me ;)

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Crap...there goes that vision of the naughty secretary....mmmmm......


No matter what you do I expect you will go after it like you have done here.....


All the best

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My Sudden Departure


Dreamer...since you asked...let me elaborate for you:


1. 12 appts booked for a 7day period -> 12 canceled/no show/bullshit appts in a 7day time frame. (For those who aren't as good with numbers as i am, that is a whoppin 0$ earned, 100% FAILURE RATE.)


2. I have a bf.


Put these 2 things together and well, the other day i came to the sad realization that this "hobby" is no longer FUN for me, it has become a chore....now it's actually "WORK" not "PLAY" to me ... and well....that's not what i ever planned on selling.



Future Endeavors


Not sure where I'm going at this point, but yes Antler, you can bet your ass I will always do my best, and i don't ever give anything less that 110%.

And the sexy secretary COULD be a reality for someone!

I've had a few employment offers from various CERB members, some seem legit...

PS - not only do I type a mile a minute, answer phones articulately in both french and english, take pride in my work, always show up on time...But, boy do i make a mean mug o' java too! LoL




On a more serious note, come get it while u still can.

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