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Rules and FAQ area have been updated

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UPDATED: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php



-Shoutbox rules

-Specific rule for not ABUSING the PM system to send SPAM!

-Reorganized the general rules for SP's and Agencies


Some things are NOT in the rules as they are too OBVIOUS for the need to have to SPELL OUT. I thought sending unsolicited SPAM PMs was one of them but apparently I need to SPELL IT OUT in the RULES.


If you are disrupting the site, being annoying, abusing the site or in general being rude or unpleasant to anyone you will not be welcome.

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Doesn' t surprise me about the SPAM PM confusion. There was a thread about this in August/September last year and some of the SPs thought it was okay to send PMs to guys that might have posted something about preferences and interest in certain types of ladies. I guess the line might be clearer if there were like 10-20 or more PMs sent vs. perhaps a couple.


To me SPAM means many, not a few.


Good to put it in, I think that this should be helpful, providing of course they are read, which I suspect many of us at best glance at them (mea culpa). Common sense prevails for many of us, or at least we think common sense prevails, our common sense anyway.

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unsolicited PMs, are not allowed no matter how many are sent (1-1000000).


If a client wishes to meet someone, they should do there research or ask one of the more long time members for suggestions. The ladies are not allowed to solicit via PMs. Even if what the guy asks, describes her to a tea. It is up to each individual to decide whom they wish to meet.

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To me SPAM means many, not a few.


no, one pm sent this way (unsolicited) is spam! you are assuming BULK mail and spam are the same thing (and usually spam is sent in bulk) but they do not mean he same thing.


Even one advertisement sent to someones email or pm that the person did not ask for is a unsoliited advertisemnt (spam).


if someone tries to bulk spam using the system here the system detects this and stops them (slows them down by limiting the number of pm's that can be sent)


the system does not stop them outright but makes it very time consuming (so we are protected from bulk spam already)


bottom line here.... single unsoliited pm's advertising anything that you did not ask for makes people mad! its spam and its abuse of the system. it is not an ethical way to advertise anything and ifi catch people doing this i will suspend them or ban them if hey do it again after being warned.

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The General Has a good point and this question is for Mod. So if a guys says that he likes a certain service I provide and I contact him threw a pm. Saying that I provide this service and he can contact me here. That is considered spaming. See I would consider it being friendly. I would also think that since this person put himself out there he would be looking for this type of communication. Hi, I'm so and so and I do the service your looking for. Also would it not be breaking the rules responding on a public thread that you do this service. "Advertising on threads." Then I guess the sp's should not respond to these threads at all then. Sometimes it's good to get clarification

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Actually something that I found out myself just yesterday (because of this thread I read the rules one more time, carefully), a gent can NOT post public and ask for a lady with certain looks or services to PM him back (I did it myself a couple of times NOT knowingly in the past and I apologized to mod for that).


The gent member can only ask fellow GENT cerb members if they know of the lady of his desire to PM him but cannot ask the ladies or agencies (who may qualify for what he is looking for) to PM him, in a public post.


To my understanding however, the gent can PM the lady himself directly to ask for the looks or services that he is looking for. This is the related rule:


Guys. You can ask your fellow cerb members for advise such as "Does anyone know any 7 foot tall women in moncton?" but you can not post "Any ladies 7 feet tall in the moncton area please contact me" (This is considered advertising for ladies to contact you - and is not only lazy it is unacceptable).



If a gent PM the lady or agency and the lady or agency responds (PM back), then I doubt it that this action in any way would be considered advertising or spamming.


Another point is that the lady or agency would be in trouble only if the PM she has sent is reported to the mod by the gent who receives it. So, if the gent sends you a PM, and you respond, it would be very unlikely that he would be reporting your response as spam lol (or he is not a gent and then you have his inquiry PM to justify your action to the mod and the gent would be in trouble).


It is a good idea to put some time aside on one quite day and read the rules slowly and carefully and try to remember and act on them as I will myself. My 2 cents.

Edited by S*****t Ad*****r

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So if a guys says that he likes a certain service I provide and I contact him threw a pm. Saying that I provide this service and he can contact me here. That is considered spaming.


See I would consider it being friendly. I would also think that since this person put himself out there he would be looking for this type of communication. Hi, I'm so and so and I do the service your looking for.

He is NOT permitted to ask ladies to contact him directly and you are not permitted to PM him offering services unless he PM's you first.


Also would it not be breaking the rules responding on a public thread that you do this service. "Advertising on threads." Then I guess the sp's should not respond to these threads at all then. Sometimes it's good to get clarification

Correct, when he asks if anyone does this he is asking the OTHER GUYS for recommendations. If he specifically asks for the ladies to contact him then he is breaking the rules. If a lady posts a reply and promotes herself like "I offer that service" or she PM's him to say "I Offer that service" she is breaking the rules.


The ONLY place you can advertise services on this site is in the ANNOUNCEMENTS areas or buy a banner. If a guy contacts you VIA PM and asks you questions about your service you can respond with details. If you contact him directly without any previous contact made by him he can REPORT the PM and you will be suspended for 7 days for abusing the PM system here for sending unsolicited pm's advertising your services.


Hope that makes this clear for everyone.

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Thank you for explaining the rules to me and everyone else a bit clearer, Mod. Understandably, simple mistakes can be made by accident. So I would rather ask instead of getting an infraction. They are as clear as a bell to me now. Thanks again. XoXo Peachy/Val.

Edited by Guest

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You would always get a warning the first time on something like this as long as you don't have countless other warnings... if your a repeat offender infraction points and suspensions are handed out.


Contrary to popular belief... We don't like to give out infractions or suspensions (It makes me and the other mod have to actually work - we don't like that) so we ask that everyone read and try to follow the rules as best as possible.

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