p22*** 236 Report post Posted May 9, 2008 Ok educate me whats CL??? I had a similar experience, I accepted a certified looking cheque from a gentlemen who was suppose to be traveling ( Or so I thought). Bank called me after doing a trace to inform me that it was no good. I learned my lesson... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted May 9, 2008 CL is http://www.c r a i g s l i s t.com (It's censored here as we don't want to send visitors to the site if they do not already know about it) it's a free classified ad site and the bad agencies and even the other B&S people are abusing it like mad (of course as it's a free posting and open for scams and exploitation). Many people are just assuming all the posts are fake these days. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxxAxxx 21016 Report post Posted May 9, 2008 Is this the only site that you really advertise on then? no... i have this "escortme" thing right now....it generates about 2 emails/week so i don't imagine I will be keeping the ad after the "trial" expires...usually I'm on EC but my ad finished on sunday...Probably won't bother puttin it back up tho...seeing as I'm retiring soon anyways... One thing is for sure...I would never post on CL, and let me explain why.... Long before becoming a member here, i'd been an avid poster on the oThER Board .... which does allow link to CL, therefore also allows upteen million threads about the B&S (*winks at cowboykenny*)... this isn't even news really folks (re:thread title "WTF HAPPENED TO CL" - like i didn't know already....*rolls eyes*)....CL has had this reputation long before the alexxxis era...since day one on that board i was able to see what clients' views were on CL...sure, many other places are "hit & miss" too ... but CL seems to have an excessively high number of "shady" ads...EXCESSIVELY. Even the sun doesnt get bashed as much as CL! (i can think of such clever lines as: DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN: MAY BURN) Now, in this very thread a number of well-respected clients have boldly stated what they automatically think of women who DO advertise there. and this folks, is why you will never find me there....IN THIS BUSINESS YOU HAVE TO SPEND MONEY TO MAKE IT. In conclusion....CL SUCKS....more than i do! :P PS - av-id –adjective enthusiastic; ardent; dedicated; keen: an avid moviegoer. —Related forms av?id?ly, adverb av?id?ness, noun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted May 9, 2008 In conclusion....CL SUCKS....more than i do! :P pot.of.gold Thanks....LMAO always enjoy reading your threads and ads!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
esoterica 624 Report post Posted May 10, 2008 In conclusion....CL SUCKS....more than i do! :P OK... more coffee to wipe off my screen. (It's only coffee, TG). I look at CL when I get bored when I am travelling out of Ottawa - call it a voyeuristic fetish without Kleenex. The latest scam there is a credit card scam for a "verified" XXX booking service. (I look for these the way CK looks for fake pics). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d*mm*y 887 Report post Posted May 10, 2008 The attraction to CL is kinda like trolling on the streets used to be, you hunt and hunt like the mighty hunter and eventually you might real one in. Half the fun is in the chase. I have become less interested in the chase, I think it is a theory of reediness, if you have the basic needs met (a group of ladies that you are completely satisfied with) and you have a bit of a bulge in the bank account than you stop taking CL seriously. If you have extra money to burn you can always TOFT from CL as an experiment and you have a chance of getting on that SP's A list with preferred rates (introductory rates usually are 200/hour or less) and can find someone you really click with. This happened to me once, the other 5 or 6 times I have tried I have been disappointed so I am hitting around 1 for 6 from CL. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites