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Selecting Duo Partners

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So I've seen a few threads about duos and in particular one in which the ladies identify who they have/may work with. The idea of a duo intrigues me and this coming year may look into a 2F 1M session.


My experiences have all been with just 1 female SP and I must say I've had some great times. My question to hobbiests who have had experience with this is; How did you go about selecting the 2 ladies?


1. Do you build on a positive relationship you might already have with an SP and see if she has a friend that might interest you or you suggest someone that she may be compatible with? or,

2. Do you look for 2 new ladies that you haven't seen who might advertise this as a specialty of theirs? With this you leave the 1 on 1 relationships you have with current SPs as is.


Interested to hear the gents views on how they developed their duo partners.


Ladies feel free to also comment with your perspectives - they are always opportunities for many of us to learn.



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The thought has seriously crossed my mind too, but have so far not found the courage to try it. While it is an exciting thought, it is intimating, at least for me.


My thoughts on that are to find two ladies that I have had an good experience with, and see if they would be compatible for a duo. I have a couple of ladies in mind, if I went that route, it may be challenging to make arrangements, particularly if the two are not already a duo partner.


But it is a great question, find an existing duo partner, or try to match up two ladies that you have had great experiences with.


I am thinking the latter of the two.

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it is something every hobbyist must try at least once...maybe twice......hell...thrice is really nice.....


many ladies have friends they will work with...just read the websites the ladies have....ask them if they have duo partners....


it is so much fun..........

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On the contrary, it is really not intimating at all, in fact it so erotic joining 2 women that enjoy making love to each other is so freaking hot.


I remember my one of my very first one years back, the 2 ladies were indulging so much into each other, I just stood up from the bed with raging hard on and watch them and stroked myself as I was in awe.


Then of course they took me by hand and lead me back on the bed to participate with them more ;) There is nothing like 3 way kissing and then the 2 ladies, working their way down your body, pure heaven and pure excitement.


Having known ladies that a) Advertise as duo partners, and have been doing it for a while is my avenue to take.Or if they just discovered each other and are offering duo's I would also take that wonderful plunge. I do believe I might have the odd duo recommendations in my stats ;)


But!!! I have been in a couple duo's where the ladies first met, and it was like they were lovers for quite sometime.


Either way, if the gent is interested and the ladies are providing, by all means, you should really try it "Its yours to discover" :)

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That is easy for a seasoned pro, with a number of duo experience in his resume.


But I do get the sense that the more the ladies are into it, the more exciting it will be. I agree watching two ladies that are really into each other, is the ultimate fantasy and then to be part of it, the more ultimate fantasy. Just thinking about it gives me that tight feeling in the pants.


Okay, the message is take the plunge, and I agree.


So the bucket list includes a duo, and that will need to be struck off soon, 2011 for sure.

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Guest W***ledi*Time

My first adventure into the world of duos was in Ottawa while I was on vacation two years ago. I selected two ladies who happened to be advertising duos when I was in the city. I had never met either of them before, but each had fired my imagination here on Cerb. When their ad unexpectedly appeared, I took it as the intervention of Divine Providence, and decided to take advantage of the opportunity to try out this duo thing. These ladies were very good friends and long-standing duo partners to each other. I was actually pretty sure (beforehand) that a duo situation would be too much for me to properly handle -- I'm the kind of guy who finds it hard to walk and chew gum at the same time. But I thoroughly enjoyed myself with these two ladies and have fond memories of the experience they blessed me with.


On the other hand, I subsequently took a more creative approach to duos closer to home. I managed to arrange a duo with two of my most beloved ladies, both residents of Halifax. These ladies had never met each other, and neither were on the look-out for duo partners. But I strongly felt that these two favourites of mine were almost sure to be compatible on a personal level, so I set to work and managed to arrange it. It was a thrilling encounter for me, not least because I was so happy to see them hit it off so well. (One of the ladies later confessed to me that she only initially agreed to my proposal for the encounter because she was so sure the other would decline, since she "knew" she "didn't do duos". She thought the other would be the one to sink the deal -- otherwise, she would have nixed it herself right off the bat). They became fast friends and later even went on tours together. I was, and am, tickled pink that it worked out as well as I dreamed it would. (I also had another duo with these ladies a while later -- but they were having such great fun with each other that I actually felt a bit like a "third wheel" during (most) of the encounter, ha ha!) I can't imagine ever being so lucky a "matchmaker" again. It all came from knowing each lady so well. I'm sure I'd never be able to duplicate this.


One piece of advice that I think is very important in any duo that you decide to try to put-together or facilitate, is to do everything possible to ensure that the ladies are comfortable and feel themselves to be in a situation where trust is very high. This means carefully talking the situation, and everyone's expectations, over beforehand. Of paramount importance is that everyone be on the same page, and trust each other, regarding what activities are acceptable, and that everyone's personal requirements for safety and the control of bodily fluids, toys, etc. be absolutely understood and respected.


There seem to be any number of routes to happy duos!

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That's the attitude General, having said that, here is an old thread started with some ladies offering their services in duo's, a majority of lady's are in Ottawa.


I'm sure there are more lady's that would love to add to this thread, as well.


BTW I was a duo virgin once ya gotta start sometime :lol:






That is easy for a seasoned pro, with a number of duo experience in his resume.


But I do get the sense that the more the ladies are into it, the more exciting it will be. I agree watching two ladies that are really into each other, is the ultimate fantasy and then to be part of it, the more ultimate fantasy. Just thinking about it gives me that tight feeling in the pants.


Okay, the message is take the plunge, and I agree.


So the bucket list includes a duo, and that will need to be struck off soon, 2011 for sure.

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My favorite Lady suggested someone (who met her standards as a top provider). The meeting was arranged and we all enjoyed ourselves to the max. I knew she would have the class to pic one of the best (Zoe & Lilith duo Edmonton).


Thanks again Zoe!!

Butterfly Kisses

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WIT was delightfully lucky IMHO.. and obviously very adventurous!:bigclap:


I think your safest bet especially if you haven't tried a duo before is to go with 2 girls who are already compatible as well as happy being interactive.


Good luck in your adventure! 3-somes are definitely a "blast" with the right group.

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My advice on this is to find a lady who advertises with someone. This is because, if the ladies advertise together, they clearly know each other and like each other, which is essential to having a good duo.


If you have two ladies in mind that do not advertise together, but you know them both, it's also possible to suggest it to each lady. I've had gentlemen I've never met contact me asking if I want to get together that day with him and another SP I've never met, and my response is sure, I will see you as a couple, and charge my couples rates. That is NOT a proper 'duo', as I'm being brought in to see two people I've never met. However, I've also had gentlemen I know well suggest other ladies he knows well, and she and I have discussed, and the duos have been wildly successful (and OH so wild and wonderful!)


A big tip in what I just said above to is to suggest the pairing to the ladies in private. I'm not talking about the fantasy duo threads, but it has come up on many threads and profiles where a gentlemen will say 'Hey 'selected SP', you should contact 'other SP' and offer duos with her!'. While this is flattering, it can put the lady in an awkward situation, where others may then begin contacting asking for this duo, and the girls haven't even met. And then the girls may have to contact each other in private and explain why they are/are not interested in the pairing.


Chemistry between the ladies is the absolute key to having a good duo, so imo it's unlikely you'll have a successful one if you just pick two girls and throw them together. But if you know they're friends, ask them in private - you never know, the sparks might fly!

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