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Let's detoxify....we all need this,

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Great Detoxer: What You Need to Know About Far Infrared Saunas


by Doug DiPasquale Jan 31st 2011 7:00AM

womanspa-istock.jpgA lot of people seem to understand the need for detoxing. I've written a lot in the past about the dangerous chemicals in our environment, in the products we use, the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. In order to get these harmful things out of our bodies, we need to go through a detox protocol.


But detoxing is easier said than done. There are hundreds of products out there that claim to detoxify the body. Many of these products will help, but knowing which one is right for you can be tricky. I always recommend people talk to a natural practitioner about detoxing before jumping into a trendy cleanse.


Keeping this in mind, I wanted to tell you about a detox methodology that should be considered. This isn't a pitch. It's just to inform you of an effective protocol you may not be familiar with. It's called far infrared sauna therapy -- or FIR sauna for short. It's a form of heat therapy that's been shown to lower blood pressure, decrease inflammation, improve skin health, help with blood sugar control, enhance detoxification, lessen joint pain and help with weight loss.


Heat therapy is an underutilized therapeutic modality that can trace its roots back to the Native Americans. FIR saunas work differently from standard steam saunas because they use infrared light energy which penetrates into the body, thereby raising the body's temperature two to three degrees. The result is more gentle and doesn't affect sensitive tissue like the eyes (which can actually be damaged by conventional saunas).


The U.S Environmental Protection Agency has shown sauna therapy increases our body's excretion of heavy metals -- mercury, lead and cadmium. They may also work to excrete fat-soluble chemicals, including PCBs, PBBs, and HCBs. This may help explain how FIR sauna therapy can lead to weight loss. Toxic compounds which get stored in fat can actually prevent weight loss. Get rid of the toxic junk and you get rid of the fat.


Dr. Mark Hyman, a natural doctor who specializes in detoxification, gives these guidelines on using a FIR saunas:

  • Find a local sauna to use.

  • Start slowly, with five to 10 minutes per session.

  • Build up to 40 minutes with cool-down periods in between.

  • Keep well hydrated during your sessions -- bring a glass bottle of water into the sauna with you.

  • Be sure to take a good multi-mineral while doing the sauna treatments (if you're not doing so already) to replace the
    lost through sweating.

  • Wash thoroughly with soap to remove the toxins from your skin.

  • Consider purchasing an infrared sauna for home use.

On this last point, because it's so costly, you can also invest in a FIR sauna blanket. The unit looks like a silver sleeping bag. The bags generally have a timer, so you don't need to worry about dozing off in them -- which can happen because they're so good at relaxing the autonomic nervous system and reducing stress.


Whether you've got some kind of chronic illness, are over-burdened by stress, are overweight or are looking for a way to detoxify and optimize your body, infrared saunas are a great addition to your health regimen.

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Interesting. Hadn't heard of it until now. I think some additional research on my part is in order. Any known negative side effects yet?

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