mod 135642 Report post Posted May 3, 2008 Hi Al, Your post here seams like you did not read the full thread before you commented? What a weird topic! I don't agree, this is a topic that should be discussed as the ladies do not like to be wrongfully accused and slandered and I don't think any of the guys would want to either.. Do you have something to loose? Why do you care so much about that? Yes, your reputation. Many of the members here email/pm and openly discuss stuff in the threads with the service providers who are also members here. Reputation is important and a mistaken identity could easily damage that. If you read the whole thread (start to end) you will see that the problem was one of the members here was being mistaken for another member on another board using the same alias. (Mistaken Identity) and our member here (antlerman) wanted to make everyone aware he was not the same person. I don't blame him for that as some of the ladies here may not book with him if they suspected he was the same person. We do not allow the ladies to be slandered here and equally we would not want any of our members slandered either or wrongfully accused of something - you guys gain credibility in the community when you post good information and you develop a online presence with the other members in this community. I agree if a person is trying to get discounts from the ladies and threatening bad reviews or offering good reviews in exchange they are breaking the trust with the other board members and abusing the ladies.... And if this ever happens here I would hope the ladies PM me or call me immediately to let me know so we can deal with that person as it would not be tolerated here. The ladies should be warned but because all the boards are run independently it would be wrong to post the alias without posting the board this alias is reference from. We have two people in this thread who use "antlerman" as (or in) the alias and both men are posting here to let others know they are not the man in question. My suggestion was for the ladies to post the board name in the blacklist to identify the bad person... but then again if someone is stooping this low they would probably stop using that alias once they were called out... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted May 3, 2008 I politely asked for you to respond to mein private so I could clear this up, but instead you want to cover this up and make it a public issue.. I find that to be an unprofessional and impolite way of dealing with my simple request.I would recommend that you delete your own link from your signature until you solve your security problems and not ask the mod to solve your un-secure site issues. antlerman; I think everyone will understand how this has been upsetting for you and it is good that things got cleared up. That being said, when you read all the comments and suggestions that have been posted on this, it is actually a good thing it went public. I think there is a lesson learn for all of us here, clients and SPs as we can all see how easy someone can damage a reputation and cause all kinds of problems by having a similar handle. I know I am going to keep an eye out just in case I see a similar handle to my own on CERB or another board. For now, I have the same handle on TERB but have not posted there. I just go to read the Ottawa section. As for the security issue, again it was actually a good thing otherwise you would probably never have found out about this, the blacklist would not get corrected and for some sps, you might still get confused for this other person and eventually get turn down by an SP without knowing why. I am sure, based on all the good suggestions, Katia will not only correct the error with your handle but come up with ways to avoid something similar in the future. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jughead 45 Report post Posted May 4, 2008 We see it.............. We read it............... but do we really understand what we are seeing and reading? antlerman (I sure hope i spelled that right) has a good point in try to clear up the confusion. I think that any of us would do just that same. Boards like these are a benefit to all, we as hobbyist learn by our experiences and from the reviews we post and read. It is not so hard for me to see that the ladies the might just review us hobbyist as well. A far as the blacklist is concerned for me it is just another review board. I too hope that it stays open to the public that way one can learn by what has been posted. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted May 4, 2008 A blacklist is not another type of review board in any way shape or form. With the lack of legislation to protect us, we have a responsibility to ourselves and others to try and prevent getting into situations that could put our lives in danger. If you have never laid on the floor after being beaten, violated and robbed you have no idea. After several days in hospital, the police smirkingly tell you that their only option is to charge him with misdemeanor "theft under $500". The next 6 months are spent out of work waiting for the torn tissues to heal and the soul to reemerge. If this information is made public, the subject can see what we are looking for, change his MO, appearance and contact information. This puts us at a serious disadvantage and the risk increases. The men who commit these crimes know the chance of us going to the police are small because if we do, we then become vunerable to the police also. I for one, would rather have all my teeth pulled without freezing than deal with LE. Most of these men are habitual offenders who target us because they know we HAVE NO RECOURSE! Every day in Canada a woman in our business disappears. Most are not missed and are never found. A blacklist is our only frontline protection and we all take it very seriously. Katia does an outstanding job, and if an occasional mistake is made, so be it, errors happen. We all try to be as fair as possible before we put someones name on the blacklist. If you are under the assumption it is simply to tell stories about who inconvenienced or annoyed us, you are sorely mistaken. Walk a mile in our shoes.... Catherine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charbed 234 Report post Posted May 4, 2008 Maybe there should also be a nice guy list too? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freestyleswimmer 100 Report post Posted May 4, 2008 With the lack of legislation to protect us, we have a responsibility to ourselves and others to try and prevent getting into situations that could put our lives in danger. ............. If this information is made public, the subject can see what we are looking for, change his MO, appearance and contact information. Unfortunately, for the SPs that is, with today's proliferation of anonymous, generic email accounts (@gmail @yahoo @hotmail etc........) anyone can obtain as many fake identities as they want. I am even of two minds about actually posting this post that I'm writing right now (afraid I might be giving someone, somewhere, a solution as to how he (usually a 'he') can go "under cover" -NO pun intended- and get several IDs). However since "criminals" will always have a criminal mind-set and I'm not revealing the secrets of the A-bomb formula, Here Go my 0.01$ + 0.01$ I say that this is unfortunate, because no matter how well-intentioned and protective the Mods are, they cannot assume that [email protected] is the same person as [email protected] . This can only be revealed after a while (circumstancial evidence at best) when the same spelling mistakes, the same idiosyncracies -in writing- same styles, same cadences start showing up to the point where a Mod can say with a 90% chance of being right, "abc@ is the same person as xyz@" An SP's (non-public) blacklist is (apart from carrying concealed handguns ---which won't help during later stages of the "visit" when clothes are off--- or being an expert black belt in Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu or what have you) is one way the "ladies" can protect or "warn" each other (and themselves). Maybe, a partial solution, to give possibly innocent guys in cases of mistaken identities and similarities in handles a chance at proving their innocence, is to have the Mod PM those whose names are on such blacklists and (kind of) hold an Internet hearing, amongst the three of them, Poster, Postee and Mod and let each present their side of the story and make a final judgment call. And in cases of repeat "listings" of the same handle, this fact could be an influencing factor. (I know that Mod is one busy person without having to add this additional role, but .......... who else has the Power?) Once a blacklist inductee is outed, there could be a short "termination list" publically posted by Mods and a period where possible "character witnesses for the defence" could come forward to the Mod (or by PM to the Mod) and attest that "A" is no way like the "a" that they all know and like. Some one could come forward and say, "Hey, fss is not FSS." We can see how this could happen. I am affectionately (I hope, affectionately) being called (nicknamed) FSS. And I wouldn't want to be banned because of FuriousSexSadist's actions. I know that this is no joking matter, but when I put in a light touch, to me, and to those who know me, this shows that I care profoundly about the subject. I guess all of you readers, hobbyists and SPs alike (include Mod) know what I mean. However, I would caution that it will always be safer to err on the side of protecting the SPs. This migh save someone's life, livelihood or avoid her ending up in an Emergency Room. Error against an innocent postee, on the other hand, although a miscarriage of justice, will just prevent a certain gentleman from getting "dates" on this board. So what? I know that the SPs on this board are precious gems, but there are other jewellers in town (albeit of less carats.) I'm now ready to start dodging sniper fire (if not AK47 volleys). There are no appropriate smileys for a subject about peoples' safety, wellbeing and lives. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted May 4, 2008 A blacklist is not another type of review board in any way shape or form. With the lack of legislation to protect us, we have a responsibility to ourselves and others to try and prevent getting into situations that could put our lives in danger. If you have never laid on the floor after being beaten, violated and robbed you have no idea. After several days in hospital, the police smirkingly tell you that their only option is to charge him with misdemeanor "theft under $500". The next 6 months are spent out of work waiting for the torn tissues to heal and the soul to reemerge. If this information is made public, the subject can see what we are looking for, change his MO, appearance and contact information. This puts us at a serious disadvantage and the risk increases. Catherine I couldn't agree more with you on this one. When the SPs safety is at risk, there is the need for that SP only access blacklist. The only point that should be considered is if there is a need for another type of list. It doesn't seem like what was written about "Antlerman" would have put an SP at risk physically. It sure would not have been good for business however and you need to protect that also. I would suspect blacklist or not someone who pulls such a stunt a few times and gets turned down by SPs changes is handle quickly. From the comments I have seen he has done so already or has disappeared. I would say he falls in the cheap !!!! category. With criminals it is different because they usually get a kick from their actions and will not stop until they get caught by LE. This is why I suggested having seperate lists and Katia said she would consider it which is fine by me. Note my comment is based on was what written about this "Antlerman" But apparently there was more about this person that was not mentioned on the blacklist that may warrant his name being there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted May 4, 2008 Maybe there should also be a nice guy list too? In a sense there is on this board. The SP only area as mentioned in another thread. I trust that if SPs exchange info about clients ponctuality and other issues, they are also being honest and say who are the good guys when receiving inquiries from other SPs Of course I am guessing, an SP would know more about this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted May 4, 2008 Excellent points! I really like the suggestions of a grey list and a white list, both are great ideas. I, for one, would not back away from someone on a grey list until they have misbehaved with me personally. Everyone deserves equal opportunity and circumstances change. But they only get one chance. Cancel once and I tend to avoid booking a second time. They are the ones on the list that are not dangerous, simply have caused a few waves. Because there are so few places for us to check and verify guests, we have to use whats available, and everyone ends up simmering in the same pot. It's up to us to assess the risk. Usually the details are fairly clear, either they are dangerous or just a little more effort is required. The Grey List would allow us to decide if we can spare the extra time, or risk a no show. If there is time available, it's always worth booking someone, in the event it works out. If you knew how many arrange an appointment, and then never arrive you would be amazed. It ends up costing everyone, and like shoplifting, the results are higher considerations for all. I follow two schools of thought on this, the first is "Nothing ventured, nothing gained", but once there is a no show it falls to "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". Until later gentlemen.... Catherine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest E**a Report post Posted May 4, 2008 I disagree with the whitelist idea. Some unethical ladies could contact those guys to offer their services. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted May 4, 2008 There is some confusion here....and I want to make it clear.....very clear...... The name I use here and on other boards is the name I have always used The name in question is ........Antlerman There is a difference..........I have never capitalized my handle.......and that is where the confusion is. So for all the ladies out there who check these black lists and websites out there to protect you....please do your home work and look carefully at the names and handles posted. I do think that if the handle is posted there should be some other marker to single out that persons example is that ll my e-mails I send out have my antleman hotmail...but also have the tag..."deep woods hunter" on it.... I would also like to say that I have never.....will never....ask for favors or special treatment as blackmail about posting on boards. It scares me that there is some one with a name similar to mine that might cause me problems in the future or that they might have gotten in the door to see ladies with the confusion over handles here. I personally understand your views antlerman...for the reason that some what annoys me...(in the member list here on cerb...there is another pistolpete..with 23 at the ending, plus a pistolpetestrok) hopefully these newbies without any posts are never confused with my handle. I also do not believe there should be a white list, far too information distributed within the community. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 Well...for one I would like to thank the lovely ladies who stepped up to my defense.....if it were not for you sweethearts... I would have nothing to defend against.....hahaha That being said.....Lurker....yes we go back a long time.....and please do not tell Stace....please do not tell her.....she might bring out "MAX"...and no one wants that!!!! Katia has a good thing going with her site.....and like I said it is not my intention to cause her or her website any is if she has to post a handle...there should be some sort of comment beside it with description or information as to where this person hangs around. We all try to pick a handle that no one else will use...or that people can see we an old high school nick name..... So this is all just a case of mistaken identity............ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the lurker 160 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 Well Old Man. Shit does happen and well AS it happens... I have... not told her. Your lucky so far ;) I have not talked to her in 2 weeks. Mind you when I do next, I might mention your troubles to her. I am sure she would step up to punish you for being mentioned. Lol and we both know she would not mind a bit that you were in the clear. She just loves to punish... I don't mean to make light of what Katia does. We all deep down know why she and others feel the need to have her site. Rather that I know this ignat Son of a Donkey. Any guy can do what was claimed, for what ever reasons pop in to his tiny Hunter Gather'er little lizzard brain. There are those thought that will be the last to do so. Don't know AMan that well in the real world, but I would vouce safe for him and others on the boards. This is why the ladies and pervs on the Intertubes should gaurd their Nics so well. After all it all we have to play with. </SERIOUSNESS> So Aman who if ever can replace Stace? Craziest, hottest, most lovable Spanish harlette ever? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AL Report post Posted May 5, 2008 You are just jealous because they put your name at the bottom instead of the top! Sorry couldn't help it, lol. I think I'm jealous too. Could'nt help it too. Ha ha ha! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mika Luv 105 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 AL there is nothing to be jealous of. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxxAxxx 21016 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 I couldn't agree more with you on this one. When the SPs safety is at risk, there is the need for that SP only access blacklist. The only point that should be considered is if there is a need for another type of list. It doesn't seem like what was written about "Antlerman" would have put an SP at risk physically. i agree, half the men in ottawa belong on said "blacklist" if asking for discounts merits it...and let me say again, antlerman was NEVER one of those guys... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 Please.....please....please..... keep my handle as ........... antlerman it is NOT Antlerman all small letters..... P.O.G.........I will have to see you again before you retire........thanks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted May 5, 2008 OK I just found what's happened and why. This Atlerman in terb is not the same in Cerb and he have been banned in the past. I had to email the mod. There used to be a guy with the username Antlerman in terb and he is the one who asked for discounts in exchange of reviews. So this is not antlerman in Cerb. I will remove it myself. Sorry again! Katia i don't think you shoud remove it,just mention that antlerman in cerb and Antlerman in terb is not the same guy.I believe the one who is guilty is Antlerman.Just in case he comes back in sight.Seems like some guys don't really care about our safety.Safety first! Ladies......I want to state a couple more things. There is no need to remove what you think is a potential risky client from your list. Any person that makes you feel uncomfortable or puts you at risk should be called out and put on the list........ I just would like to see half as much care put into research of the names put on the list as you put into creating the website......... I put a lot of thought and care into what I write...who I see....and how I present myself. I also make it a top priority to ensure that both people feel safe and comfortable with the time spent together....... With how your website is now and with the small change made.........I still am feeling blackballed. if you must put a change please make it clear that Antlerman is the concern...not antlerman from CERB, TERB, MERC, MERB, PERB, GTERB I do travel and I do still want to meet wonderful ladies out there Thanks... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jughead 45 Report post Posted May 6, 2008 cat, Very good point, I stand corrected. I never considered this when I made the statement that a black list was a review board. Sorry if I made anyone one mad that was not my intention. I like the idea of a white and Grey list. From a personal stand point if my name had made it to a gray list it would be nice to know about it, just in case like this one where a mistake in identify could easily be made. A blacklist is not another type of review board in any way shape or form. With the lack of legislation to protect us, we have a responsibility to ourselves and others to try and prevent getting into situations that could put our lives in danger. If you have never laid on the floor after being beaten, violated and robbed you have no idea. After several days in hospital, the police smirkingly tell you that their only option is to charge him with misdemeanor "theft under $500". The next 6 months are spent out of work waiting for the torn tissues to heal and the soul to reemerge. If this information is made public, the subject can see what we are looking for, change his MO, appearance and contact information. This puts us at a serious disadvantage and the risk increases. The men who commit these crimes know the chance of us going to the police are small because if we do, we then become vunerable to the police also. I for one, would rather have all my teeth pulled without freezing than deal with LE. Most of these men are habitual offenders who target us because they know we HAVE NO RECOURSE! Every day in Canada a woman in our business disappears. Most are not missed and are never found. A blacklist is our only frontline protection and we all take it very seriously. Katia does an outstanding job, and if an occasional mistake is made, so be it, errors happen. We all try to be as fair as possible before we put someones name on the blacklist. If you are under the assumption it is simply to tell stories about who inconvenienced or annoyed us, you are sorely mistaken. Walk a mile in our shoes.... Catherine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted May 6, 2008 Darling Jughead, Thank you for replying, takes a real gentleman to step up like that, and I appreciate it. I came off a little harsh sounding, and that wasn't my intention. The lack of accountability is something that sticks in my craw a bit, and I have a tendency to bark. But don't worry, I only bite if asked! Catherine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jughead 45 Report post Posted May 6, 2008 Cat, I took no offense to your comments. They were obviously made be someone whom is passionate, and I do appreciate your directness. My thoughts were that only of the issues that antlerman pointed out in his first post. In writing my post I failed to understand the implications of what I was writing and did not look at the whole picture. I will try better in the future. But don't worry, I only bite if asked! Catherine Humm.........Interesting! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joyful_Jillian 102 Report post Posted May 8, 2008 I'm glad this one is cleared up. Is it okay if we kill the thread now? I don't think our antlerman should have to suffer any further indignity. What an awful mix-up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites