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90 % of pictures are fake

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Hello everyone I am tired of wasting time and money for fake service providers tonight I saw 2 service provider I wake out at first one and second one didn't let me out so just paid here for quickly service all of them has fake pictures only addictive barabi has real pictures I am looking for VIP service provider but so far all fake pictures fake pictures and not real age and over wight or to slim I hope this post makes awareness

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That's why it's up to *you* to do more research than just checking out the pictures. You wouldn't buy a car after just looking at the paint job, would you? Take the time to do proper vetting before meeting someone. Do image searches. Search Lyla for posts about them. Google their phone number. This isn't just important to ensure quality of your dates, but it also ensures your personal safety.


As for the age thing... Learn to accept it. Us men drive demand in this industry, not the ladies. And guys unfortunately often favour youth. A lady who is honest about her age might see half the clients of a lady who fibs her age by a few digits. I mean they don't give you their real names either and no one flips out about that, so just enjoy your dates because age is only a number anyway.


Good luck, and stay safe out there.

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I have to agree with redmana2 on this. If you don't vet at all then it's all on you. The SPs on here all have real pictures and are verified by clients who have seen them and left reviews, so this is a much safer place to find some one you're interested in.


I also wouldnt be surprised if they didn't seem to be the same age as they post, like redmana2 said it's an industry driven by want of youth. Mind you all the ladies I've met who were over 35 did say the were the age I believe they are, and always had amazing times with them. Maybe try one of them?


Additional Comments:

I have to agree with redmana2 on this. If you don't vet at all then it's all on you. The SPs on here all have real pictures and are verified by clients who have seen them and left reviews, so this is a much safer place to find some one you're interested in.


I also wouldnt be surprised if they didn't seem to be the same age as they post, like redmana2 said it's an industry driven by want of youth. Mind you all the ladies I've met who were over 35 did say the were the age I believe they are, and always had amazing times with them. Maybe try one of them?

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There seems to have been a massive influx of fake ad/fake pics since girls (or guys behind the fake ads) moved from Backpage to Leolist.


Numerous ads list "Cape Breton/Sydney" as the location - stay away from those for sure.


Look for girls with verified pics on Leolist (although, that isn't a sure fire guarantee the pics are not fake) or check Lyla for reviews/threads for the provider.


In other words.....SHOP!!! There are lots and lots of girls with real pics. Literally, don't go see a provider until you have done some research and are pretty sure your choice is a good one.


Here is a quick check list for you.....


1. First thing - right click on the pic in question and "save as" - then google "Tinyeye" and go to that site. Enter the pic you just saved on that site and see what results pop up. The only results should be from the site they are advertising on.


2. If the ad states the location as Cape Breton, Truro or multi areas all at once.....it's probably fake.


3. Look to see how many views the ad has. If it has under 50 views, it's a new ad. Wait a bit to see if that provider posts again (and the views go up). A lot of fake ads are one-time shot deals - the ad pops up once or twice and you never see it again. Most REAL providers work a few days a week or a month - rarely does a provider just work one time only lol


4. Avoid ads that say "Party Friendly". These are providers who like the coco and they are usually flakey as hell.


5. Avoid any ads that list the hourly rate under $170-180. If you see a provider offering an hour for $100 or something - it's probably fake, and if not, do you really want to see a "$100/hr" provider??? Yikes.


6. Just use your head - if a provider looks like a super model - it's probably pics of an actual super model. Let's be honest here - there are a handful of providers locally who have amazing bodies; if a provider appears to have a hotter body than the aforementioned Addictive Barbie, Ms. Manda, Emily Wilson (and her friend) or some of the ladies that come down from Quebec, chances are they are fake pics. In other words, if a provider looks too good to be true, she probably is. :)

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I take issue with your comments, rather opinion. Your choice of great bodies does not match mine


Of course they don't - we don't all have the same idea of ideal body/what our needs are. :) Personally, my ideal body isn't exactly what I described either - I'm more into specific things vs just a plain ol' attractive body.


But in this case, it seems the original poster was upset if the provider was "overweight" or "too thin" or lied about their age, so I assumed they were looking for a plain ol' "young hot girl". They didn't specify what body type they liked or were looking for, so I went with what society seems to deem as "hot".


...and I agree, there are some smokin', refined ladies in town (as you mentioned), but based on how "hot" girls are marketed in our society, I used the examples I used. :)

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Thanks everyone for the advice and I said 90 % so not all are fake I will be so grateful if you share with me some links of recommend services providers

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@Sky6666 if you are looking for legit providers, try clicking on the person that posted right after your last post. No need to wonder far to start your search for lovely legit providers!

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when I said 90 % I do not mean all of them are fake but I mean high percentage and still, there are a good one around because so far, I have no luck to find what I am looking for. every person has a different choice for me I am looking for small size, blond curvy, I would be really grateful if anyone can recommend for me

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Do you also shop on amazon without reading the reviews on and off the site?


What other online "shopping" do you do, where you just buy whatever it is based on the picture? I can set up a product page of whatever you want. what's your CC #? LOL


Come on folks, it ain't that hard. The Internet has been around a few years now. We all should know how to shop properly to avoid disappointment.


And Ya - please don't throw numbers around like they are fact. OP posted the percentage in the gosh darn title.


Maybe we need a "yes I thought about my post before hitting reply" checkbox or something. But then since most don't read our ads before contact, I don't think it would really have the desired affect.


Yaya - I'm a little moody. But I do mean it all with love I promise. Just having a hard time with rediculousimess this morning.

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Come on folks, it ain't that hard. The Internet has been around a few years now. We all should know how to shop properly to avoid disappointment.




Spotting a fake is easy yes. BUT wading through dozens and dozens of them while looking for someone legit is frustrating. On Amazon it's not like 50% of the items are rip-offs and 50% legit it's more like 95% legit, 5% a rip-off. Leolist right now is about 25-30% fake (based on checking about 20 ads in a row) and the percentage is increasing. If you are just scanning the list of providers it's worse because the fake have hooks to lure you like either absurd rates, super sexy photos or amazing offers in the title.


The crazy rates on the fakes are something all providers should be equally frustrated with. After seeing tons of ads (all fake) with offers like $70/hr it's harder to get clients to feel good about legit ads for $250/hr.

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See I disagree.


The extra low rate should be a dead give away. It is not a lure if you know that is mostly a scam. That should be your first tool at screening.


And Leo's List has the price right in ad title to make it even easier.


I don't get frustrated at the low B&S ads because a) if you go bargain shopping then I am not the escort for you. So my price has already weeded you out which means less work for me b) if you keep falling for those types of ads then hopefully you learn fast. If not, I don't feel sorry for you.


There are so many tools available to men. I can spot fake ads from a mile away. If you guys think with the right head, weeding through ads should be a piece of cake.


Unless you are an Asian lover. Then you may have a real hard time.

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