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Do you kick?

Do you kick off the fenderbergs?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you kick off the fenderbergs?

    • Yes I must obey my primal urge
    • Only when they get real big
    • No I just let them fall off
    • I have no idea WTF you're talking about

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Guest s******ecan****

Some call them "fenderbergs", some "Slush Polyps", or "Car-bunkles", some even prefer "road boogers".


I'm talking about the dirty snow/slush/ice combo that builds up in your wheel wells and mud flaps during the winter.


My poll asks are you a "kicker" or do you just ignore them?


I've always been a "kicker" but never in my own driveway, and never with a toe ( use my heal instead, learned that the hard way years ago)

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I'm a kicker and even in my own driveway.


Actually a couple days ago I was at petsmart and when I came out I realized I had a tire booger on my passenger side so went over to kick it off before heading to the drivers side. At the car next to mine was a woman walking to her drivers side just coming from her trunk area and when we almost ran into each other we realized we were acquaintances who hadn't seen each other in about 4 years! I had lost track of her and if I had gone straight to my drivers side we wouldn't have reconnected.

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I usually kick 'em in my driveway and then think "crap, I should have done that somowhere else." But, I guess that really isn't nice to leave my road boogers on someone else's property.

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They must be kicked.


They must be kicked with vigour.


The bigger the better. Big car boogers make you feel so much better when you have defeated them.

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I use the scrapper end of the Snow brush/scrapper to whack them off the fenders. It is very effective and you can get in there where your toe and heel can't. I hate those things and I call them scuds (for some reason).

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I am a kicker! I am lethal for dropping them in Timmies parking lot! haha


The guy shoveling today gave me crap, and I laughed!


I spent hours shoveling my driveway today, there was no way I was dropping that on my nice clean driveway!





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Definitely a kicker, prefer them on my driveway verses having them drop off in my garage. Even a bigger mess there.


Also a pounder. I bang over my wheel wells to get rid of snow accumulation.

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Guest jake_cdn

Definitely a kicker ... not in the driveway and preferably on my way to a warmer climate

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When I had my own driveway I kick them and regreted it the minute I had to get the shovel....Now, living in a building, I kick them before entering the garage..but the Super told me to stop doing that on "his" driveway...then and because I do not want those monsters to fall off in the parking spot, I kick them in the Malls' parking lots....many of us do....I saw you!!


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GUILTY!!! Sometimes I even do other people's tire kickin' when they are not around....does this make me a bad person? :redface:


LOL I do the same thing!

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GUILTY!!! Sometimes I even do other people's tire kickin' when they are not around....does this make me a bad person? :redface:


-1, I will be spakning you for that......


-2, It does not make you bad....just obsesive compulisive.........hehehehehe

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Guest s****i*

I think people should kick others, otherwise they get huge on lifted trucks and semis. It's bloody annoying to see (or not see) one of those fly out from under a truck on the highway and then you practically jump it when you hit it.

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I feel better knocking them off in a parking lot rather than losing them on the Queensway at 110km and watching the cars behind swerving like crazy. :icon_rolleyes:

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