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How do you feel about last minute appointments?

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Guest C*****tte

I am in school and I am also an entrepreneur in another field so my schedule is set ahead of time. School for an entire semester. For my webmaster work it varies week to week. I need 24 hours notice and often even a week or two to set aside time to meet with a client.


A same day appointment is a possibility to previously seen clients but I do need a few hours notice for prep and travel to the appointment (in Montreal I offer outcall only).


If I am in Ottawa my schedule tends to be booked ahead of time. If you have seen me before then a same day appointment may work out (if I have a cancellation for example). Unfortunately, its not an option for a new client as I need the time to check your reference.

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I really don't mind last minute as long as I am ready and not busy. I find that last minute appts are less likely to cancel. Most of the no shows I have encountered were from appts made the day before or even a few days before.


Exactly what I was going to say!


I have absolutely no problem with last-minute, but as a few have mentioned, an absolute minimum of 30minutes is required. I have received calls at times where people say 'Hey can I come over right now? Like in ten minutes?', to which I always say no (actually I shouldn't say always, I have made exceptions for people I've met before). I cannot prepare is a few minutes notice, before an appointment I need to shower/dress/etc and a few minutes is not enough time - also I can't go from sitting here surfing the web to feeling sexual in a minutes notice.


The only thing I've noticed at times about last-minute bookings, is some gentlemen have a habit of PMing many ladies at the same time, saying something like 'Hey are you free at noon?', and then even if they get a fairly quick response, they've already booked with a lady who responded quicker, and then the gentlemen does not reply back and say he's no longer looking to book. This is quite frustrating, because ifyou've messaged me asking for a time and I respond saying yes, I'm free, I'm assuming you'll be confirming shortly and therefore I may decline other plans. If they lady responds to you, be a gentlemen and respond back, even if you're not going to book at this time - this leaves the door open to book in future! Also, as Berlin pointed out, mass-messaging like this does not make us feel desired.


Also, phoning is much, much better for same-day bookings as we're not always near our computers :)

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Correct Cleo and Meg,

and yes phones are ideal for play time you are so correct, to call or text. I try to always book in advance, as the anticipation is well worth the wait. Very seldom do I do a last minute booking, but if I do I use the phone.

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Dont forget about the shout box on the cerb home page in addition to the announcements to check for last minute availability ... cant get more "real time" than that.


Also guys ... if you are looking for a last minute appointment, tell the lady a bit about yourself and, of course, if you are a cerb member you might want to mention your cerb name so that the lady can check you out a bit.

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Last minute requests don't work for me, unless you have been pre-screened or we have met before the encounter will not happen. When I travel I like to get out and do things and am not always at my location, so if you don't pre-book it most likely will not work.

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What I don't like about last minute appts is someone will say that they are just around the corner and can they meet in 5 minutes. Umm, first of all, you only have an idea of where I'm located and second of all I can't be ready in 5 minutes. Some guys must think we are sitting around looking pretty all day. Then they say that 20 minutes is too long for them to wait. Give me a few minutes to look my best and prepare things to ensure you will have the best experience.


Most of the time I am at home doing work on another job that is demanding but since I work independently I can get away for a half hour or an hour which is all I need as I am not a high volume provider and I can get to my location within minutes so it's not like i have to travel across town.


Another thing is I've had many guys PM me for a date the same day when I explicitly say to call or text me directly. I don't always have time to check PMs or email because most of my business is done over the phone.


And one more thing that's been bothering me lately... Please do not call or PM me everyday asking when I am available when my schedule is posted is here. I don't mind last minute appts but don't say you're going to try and get away but you're not sure. An SP does not want to hear this and does not liked to be jerked around. Please only call when you know you have booked time off and you are certain you will be able to get away or have already left work or home. Making promises every single day to SPs and making tentantive appts is not going to gain you any popularity and you look like a timewaster. It gets really annoying.

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Actually Nicki, you are sitting around and looking pretty all day long. That is the only way you are, all the time.


I have to say that I am a bit last minute, but respect that probably around an hour notice is necessary.


If guys think that 5 minutes, or just around the corner is all the notice that is necessary, who are they kidding.

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Nicolette, The General is right. You are pretty all day!


I have booked on short notice before, but it is usually 2 or 3 hours ahead. Anyone that expects to see a lady with only 5 or even 20 minutes notice is going to be disappointed.

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The shortest that was booked was the lady contacting me (she knew I wanted to see her btw) on a Friday evening to tell me she was free Sunday afternoon.

I could never envision an encounter booked 30min-1hr ahead of time

I like the planning ahead, not only because of travel and my personal schedule requires a freed up weekend (not always available for me), but I get to look forward to meeting a lady (either someone I haven't had the pleasure of meeting, or someone I've met, and want to see again)


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