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More and more of young Westerners have sexual relations without using contraception

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An article i found on a survey on contraceptive use. The original article (in french) is [URL="http://www.cyberpresse.ca/vivre/sexe/201109/26/01-4451470-les-jeunes-occidentaux-ont-de-moins-en-moins-recours-a-la-contraception.php?utm_categorieinterne=trafficdrivers&utm_contenuinterne=cyberpresse_B9_vivre_259_accueil_POS1"]here[/URL].

Please be mindful it went through Babel fish for a quick translation....

France-Presse Agency

More and more of young Westerners have sexual relations without using of means of contraception, according to a study undertaken in 29 countries and published Monday, which shows that this rise is particularly big in France, and to a lesser extent in the United States and in Great Britain. S' supporting on preceding studies, l' inquire watch qu' between 2009 and 2011, the number of young people who already had a sexual relation without contraception with a new partner increased by 111% in France (passing by 19% to 40%), 39% in the United States (from 38% to 53%), of 19% in Great Britain (from 36% to 43%). On average, 42% of the young Europeans questioned into 2011 had sexual relations not protected with a new partner, against 36% in 2010.

In Latin America, the tendency is opposite: 48% against 56% one year earlier. In Pacific Asia, the proportion n' increased that by 1%, while l' Africa n' did not make l' d' object; inquire in 2010. The number of young people having already had sexual relationships without contraceptive with a new partner exceeds the 50% in the United States, but also in China, in Estonia, in Kenya, in South Korea, in Norway and Thailand. â??The results show that too many young people miss knowledge on sexuality, do not dare to claim contraceptives or to ask their partner d' to use means of contraception to protect them d' a nondesired pregnancy or d' a sexually transmitted diseaseâ?, comments on Jennifer Woodside, of the International federation of family planning.

On average, 55% of the young people probed in Europe had courses d' sex education, against 74% in the United States, 76% in Asia and 78% in Latin America. The young people who say very quite informed means of contraception are 46% in Europe, 53% in Latin America and 53% also in the United States, but they are only 27% in Africa and 25% in peaceful Asia. L' inquire was realized between April and May 2011 by l' institute GFK for the pharmaceutical group German Bayer near more than 6000 elderly from 15 to 24 years (jusqu' at 30 years in the case of l' Egypt). It is published in l' occasion of the world day for contraception, a campaign supported by several ONG international.

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