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Kellyï¼?Massage prostate families

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Massage prostate families: for storage and chronic bacterial prostatitis, where the gland is full, soft, purulent secretions more especially applicable.
1.Patients emptying urine, then take Zhouxi, elbows and knees implantation, head down, buttocks elevated.
2.First with the index finger pulp gently massage a few anus in order to reduce patient discomfort, then the index finger slowly into the rectum, rectal wall 3-4 cm from the anus to touch the chestnut-size prostate and the surrounding smooth and very different from the bowel wall, its texture is soft, the middle of a shallow trench, easy to identify.
3.Gently with the index finger pulp soft squeeze, but also a little harder to actually pressure from the prostate on both sides of the central sulcus on each side massage for two or three times, then forward to the next squeeze the central sulcus at the Ministry of the prostatic urethra.

Please call Kelly :613-800-4763 to book an appointment. Thanks.

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