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Kelly:Excessive masturbation lead to dead sperm? Hazard?

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:smile: Excessive masturbation lead to dead sperm? Hazard? Treatment recommended!

(1) central nervous system and systemic symptoms such as depression, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, understanding decline, insomnia, dreams, dizziness, palpitations.

(2) of the urinary and reproductive system diseases, chronic prostatitis caused by urinary frequency, drops of urine at the end of white, lower abdomen and perineal discomfort, backache weakness, loss of libido, impotence, premature ejaculation, ejaculation.

Excessive masturbation is divided into three aspects: â?  too frequent masturbation; â?¡ strong stimulation masturbation; â?¢ inappropriate use tools. Excessive masturbation masturbation is also reflected within the approved range beyond their spirit.

Urinary system caused by the death of sperm, it is recommended that: "the deep hyperthermia"

"Deep hyperthermia technology" is a painless, noninvasive, and the new non-invasive treatment modalities, light waves, magnetic field technology to change the pathogenic bacteria, pathogens and the environment, making the pathogen, pathogens, rapid death. Accelerate the metabolism of cells and tissues, and thus the death of pathogens, pathogens catabolism discharge, accelerate local blood circulation, reduce muscle and connective tissue tension, play the effect of spasm, relieve itching, pain, etc., and increase the protein synthesis and adenosine triphosphate decomposition, thereby strengthening the new cells, and promote the growth of granulation tissue and wound healing; increase in white blood cell phagocytosis, and improve immune function, to anti-inflammatory effect.

Please call to make an appointment Kelly:613-800-4763 enjoy the half hour/$40,1 hour/$60 of Ralex massage and gentle testicular care @ 9:30AM---6:30PM.:ThankYou:

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