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Better Orgasms. Better World.

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As someone who never stops thinking about sex, and someone with a thirst for knowledge, I am often browsing various sex related things online and I have found a great new website that I am so enthralled with that I feel I need to share it with my fellow cerbies. :)

I have mentioned the website already in the [URL="http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/group.php?groupid=173"]Masturbation Social Group[/URL], but I feel that it is such a great resource of progressive thoughts and information, I wanted everyone to have a chance to check it out.

In our society, unfortunately sex is still viewed with such shame and disgust, and I feel it's women and resources like this, who work so hard to fight those notions, and who will be the ones to change the terrible ideas that people have about sex. When I read things like I have on this website, it gives me so much hope, that just maybe, future generations will have a different view on sex.

The tagline of the website says it all: [B]Better Orgasms. Better World. [/B] :biggrin:

The website is run by two amazing women. There is videos, pictures, links ramblings, Q&A's and topics about [I]everything[/I] sex related that you can imagine. From masturbation to group sex, big labia, small cocks, sexual dysfunction and how to make your orgasms better, nothing is forgotten! Some opinion, and lots of fact, all of it is worthwhile. The videos of these two ladies talking about various topics is hilarious too... they have NO shame and I [B]love[/B] it!

Copied and pasted from their [URL="http://dodsonandross.com/about-us"]About Us[/URL] tab, here is the mantra on what these inspiring women believe:

We believe:

-- Masturbation is the foundation for all human sexual activity.

-- Sexual repression begins with the prohibition of childhood masturbation.

-- Masturbation is how we learn to like our genitals, discover our sexual responses, and build sexual self-esteem.

-- Sex is a fundamental human right.

-- Every individual is entitled to contraception. Intentional motherhood is essential for the health and well being of women, children, men and the planet.

-- In the sanctity of the human body. We denounce all forms of genital mutilation; circumcision, female genital mutilation, cosmetic vaginal surgery and genital surgery in infancy.

-- All genital imagery is protected by the first amendment. No religion or government has the right to create shame by censoring the depiction of our sex organs which are the source of profound beauty, pleasure and life itself.

-- In comprehensive sex education that includes information on how to achieve sexual pleasure in a variety of sex styles and relationships.

-- In the freedom to choose from a range of different lifestyles such as remaining single, couples living together casually, monogamous or open marriages and all variations of communal living based upon personal choice.

-- In eliminating myths surrounding human sexuality from virginity to monogamous marriage, love everlasting and the necessity of motherhood for all women.

-- The concept of beauty is arbitrary and controlled by corporations that prey on womenâ??s lack of self-esteem.

-- Sexual pleasure and orgasm is the source of life and creativity. As we awaken our bodies through the senses, we awaken our minds to the knowledge that we are all related and connected to every living thing on planet Earth and throughout the vast universe.[/B]

How perfect is that?

I know that sex is a topic of interest for all of us within the CERB community, so please check out this website when you have a chance, for some entertainment, and maybe you'll even learn something new! :) And spread the word, and the love too! ;)


Happy Orgasms!

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