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BDSM with Wifey last night.

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[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]This morning I sit in my office and the fabric of my shirt brushes against my skin. Tenderness , a reminder of last nightâ??s session . I just figured that Iâ??d provide a little narrative of my night last night:[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Enjoy, BDSM lovers![/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]In my office I sit, complete quiet aside from the soft tap of my fingers on the keyboard. A vibration on the desk followed by a ping breaks the silence. I flip over my phone a view the message, one word on the screen. One extremely powerful word, â??BLACK!â?. I have been summoned to The Mistress. Immediately I get up and go to her, Mistress doesnâ??t like to be kept waiting. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]As always, I remove my clothes before I enter the room. On the door knob is a blind fold which I slide down over my eyes, the silk soft against my skin. I turn the knob and enter. Honey. Coconut and honey. The air is filled with the scent, sweet and sinister all at the same time.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]â??Kneel â??. The word is spoken firmly and I comply in the usual fashion. On my knees, sitting back on my heels, hands behind my back with the backs of my hands placed against the soles of my feet.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]She doesnâ??t usually speak much in the beginning, just taps from a strap direct my movements and correct my missed steps. I hear her move around me and I sense preparation of some sort. [/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Immediately I feel it, braided nylon rope with the core removed to make it soft. Deftly she binds my wrists to my ankles, expert knots Iâ??d taught her years before. I hear her move to my front and another rope is wrapped around my back and under my arms. Slowly she pushes me back and lowers me toward the floor. I feel them, the bed of nails beneath my back and shoulders as my weight gets transferred from the rope to the board. Never really painful, just unsettling I lay on the nails, up on the balls of my feet wrists bound to ankles my entire lower back and ass suspended off the floor. This position, keeping my abdomen tight results in the legs wanting to splay apart, exposes me to her will.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Silent moments pass, and then I feel it, warm being applied to my skin the smell sweet. Blindfolded I canâ??t she her, but I feel it, the cloth strip. Gently she presses it to my skin. I can â??hearâ? her grin as she takes the lower edge of the cloth between her fingers. Quickly the first strip I s ripped off, I wince and feel the sharp sting of the strap against my thigh. I have been given my warning! Over and over strips are applied to my stomach, moving lower and lower and at her demand I maintain a stoic statuesque pose. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Finally, she stops and leaves. I hear her turn on the shower and return to me. The strain gets pulled on the rope around my back and Iâ??m pulled up right. I feel the bindings at my wrists and feet loosen and she orders â??Rise!â?. I stand, and she leads me forward with the rope around my back. Into the shower she takes me and the hot water cascades over my skin, slightly stinging the freshly waxed skin of my stomach. The rope around my back is discarded and once again my wrists are bound and she lifts them and ties them to one of the shower heads. I feel her hands begin to move over me through the water applying a creamy body wash all over me cleaning away the remnants of her dominant act. As she finishes I feel her move away from me then her tongue on the tip of my cock. For what feel like an eternity she teases me, licking, sucking, stroking bringing me just short of the point of no return then letting me fall back down. Finally, I can take it no longer and I mutter, â??Please Mistressâ?. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]She standâ??s and whispers, â? you have been a good little fucker todayâ? and I feel the bindings at my wrist loosen. â?? Lie Downâ?, she demands and I comply. Tiles in the floor of the shower replace the bed of nails as I lay down. Water continues to cascade over me and I feel her lower herself on to me. Like the Dom she been all along she slowly grinds my cock inside her torturing me. Iâ??ve spent so long in an aroused state that now my balls have begun to ache every time she slides down over me. Soon her own need starts to catch up with her and I feel her rhythm begin to change. What once was slow and methodic is now raw and animalistic. She pulls off my blindfold and she fucks me hard, real hard. I feel it build within me. I explode, and as she continues to fuck me wringing out the last moments of her own release the cum drips from her pussy and back down over me. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]As her head falls to my chest she looks into my eyes and says, â?Youâ??re releasedâ?.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Well that was my night with wifey! How was yours?[/FONT][/SIZE]

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