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Schedule from September 12th to September 15th 2013!

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[CENTER][B][B]Important Notice To Everyone![/B][/B]

Hi gentlemen,
As everybody know, Iâ??m starting School August 26th 2013. I have some update about schedule and how things are gonna work from september 2013 to december 2013.

[U][COLOR=#ff1493][U]School Information:[/U][/COLOR]
[/U]I have 30 hours in class a week, 20 hours of homework/study at home and I will spend about 10 hours at the gym a week. My time will be extra limited for massage which make me a little sad because I love my job.

[COLOR=#ff1493][U]Approved Gentlemen For Massage:[/U][/COLOR]
I will only be available to meet 5-6 gentlemen a week and I will be extra selective. I want to enjoy my massage time as much as I can. The way you look doesnâ??t matter on my selectivity, itâ??s about class, respect, hygiene and chemistry. If you are all of this then we will have a lot of pleasurable moments!

[U][COLOR=#ff1493][U]Booking By Phone Call:[/U][/COLOR]
[/U]I wonâ??t be available on short notice like I was for the last couple years. Booking will have to be more planned ahead. I wonâ??t be able to answer any phone call during my school hours and I wonâ??t call back any missed call on my break or after school unless you leave me a detailed message with your name and number on my voice mail. Be sure to include until what time I can call back and if you donâ??t hear from me that means I wasnâ??t able to call back in the requested time.

[COLOR=#ff1493][U]Pre-Booking & Questions: [/U][/COLOR]
The best way to pre-book at least a day ahead is by e-mail. For booking in the same day the best way is by text message. If you have a lot of questions about service, session or rates please send me an e-mail in advance and I will answer all your questions by e-mail. I receive tones of text in a day asking me questions that are right on my website or stuff that take a whole page to reply. I wont have time to do that anymore and I am sure you guys can understand.

[U][COLOR=#ff1493][U]Last Minute Booking (Same Day):[/U][/COLOR]
[/U]For booking in the same day, send me a text with all the information regarding the session.
- Your name
- Requested time & Date (ex: Saturday August 17th 2013 at 1pm)
- Duration (ex: 30min, 45min, Hour, etc.)
- Type of session (ex: sensual excitement, naked sensation, etc.)
Then I will try my best to make it happen. Be sure the requested time and date matches my online schedule.

[U][COLOR=#ff1493][U]Online Schedule:[/U][/COLOR]
[/U]To know my availabilities, go on my page â?Book A Sessionâ? and simulate a booking. Choose the session you prefer, then click on the month and date. Only the hours that are still available will appear. My online booking system is automated and updated at every booking. Itâ??s easy to use and take only 2min. It send me a text soon as you request a booking and I can approve it or not really quickly. This is by far the easiest and my favorite way to book an appointment. As itâ??s saving time for both of us.

[COLOR=#ff1493][U]Late On Your Rendez-Vous:[/U][/COLOR]
My time and your time is precious. I will respect yours and I ask you to respect mine. For exemple if you book an hour appointment at 1pm and u get here at 1:15 then you still have to pay for the hour but you will have only 45min left. If you donâ??t show at all and you donâ??t call then you are blacklist right away.



[B]Schedule From September 12th to September 15th 2013![/B]

The best way to find out my day by day availability is to use my online booking system.
Click on my page �Book A Session� or [URL="http://katrinecannon.com/?page_id=683"]Click Here.[/URL]
Note that session have to start and end between those time.
Ex: monday I could see you at 6pm for 2hours or less. I could also see you at 7pm for an hour maximum, etc.
Those availabilities include homework and study time as well. I can only see 5-6 gentlemen a week between those times.

Thursday September 12th: Plateau in Hull - 6pm to 8pm[/B]
[B]Friday September 13th: Plateau in Hull - 10am to 11am & 4pm to 9pm[/B]
[B]Saturday September 14th: Plateau in Hull - 11am to 9pm[/B]
[B]Sunday September 15th: Plateau in Hull - 11am to 8pm[/B]


Hope to have the pleasure to meet you [URL="http://katrinecannon.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif"][IMG]http://katrinecannon.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif[/IMG][/URL]
With my sexiest Kisses,
Katrine C.

[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Purple][I][B][SIZE=3] [URL="http://www.katrinecannon.com"]www.katrinecannon.com[/URL][/SIZE][/B][/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Purple][I][B][SIZE=3] 819-664-3311[/SIZE][/B][/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Purple][I][B][SIZE=3] [URL="http://katrinecannon.com/?page_id=17"]Donation and Packages[/URL][/SIZE][/B][/I][/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Purple][I][B][SIZE=3] [URL="http://katrinecannon.com/?page_id=683"]BOOK NOW!! CLICK[/URL][/SIZE][/B][/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]

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