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Kelly:Age spots, Melasma, freckles are volume delays reflects(1)

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Spots â?? stasis.Dark spots, including age spots, Melasma, freckles, which mainly occurs in hands, face and body.These spots will gradually become larger, the President.Spot, we constantly dead cells accumulate, pile up, the more, more dark spots, we thought it was growing.Stacked of results jam vascular, jam Meridian, more plugging more plug, on like has a car car problem traffic was jam as, behind of series of car followed was plugging, more plugging more more, more plugging traffic more not unblocked, dang this car bad car was hanging go (drag go) Shi, traffic and immediately recovery has unblocked, but, spot many people on not knows to processing it.Black is synonymous with the blood stasis, prompted the stagnation blood stasis, so the spots, the more people, prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, black as black as stasis, which mainly occurs in cardio-cerebral vascular diseases of the elderly.

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