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Let's talk about respect

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The overwhelming majority of my clients are also wonderful people! I very much dislike the stereotype that men who see sex workers must be pedophiles, rapists, no respect for women, etc. From my experiences, nothing could be further from the truth! I get much more respect from the clients I meet than I would from any bar in town.

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When I decided to take up hobbying, the biggest hurdle for me was the stereotype as seen on tv.

When I first joined CERB, I discovered a wonderful community...yes community of men and women who have a mutual respect and affection for one another, and my daily log in, reading, sometimes replying to threads makes my day

I have met in person, many wonderful and beautiful ladies through CERB, not to mention those individuals I have "met" through posts, pm's and emails

Without CERB and hobbying I now think there would be a bit of a void in my life

Some thoughts


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I think the guys that take the time to read cerb and the other boards to get to know the "hobby" are instantly showing respect by investing the time to try to do get involved in the "right" way. Therefore, almost by definition, I suspect the ladies are likely to meet a higher caliber of client here than a random sampling of calls based on their website, escorts canada or CL (when it was around).


I have always been a polite, respectful person, but cerb has definitely changed me. Althought sometimes I think things here are a bit too filtered, I have learned an incredible amount of information from the ladies and the other guys. And it hasn't happened very often, but it is certainly fun to meet another cerb member.

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I just have to say wow. Julia you are a survivor and you managed to persevere when it was all stacked up against you. I have to say that I really respect your ability to put your bad experiences behind you. I am very new to this but in the instances I am with a SP I have nothing but respect for her and her choices.

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Cerb has definately been a positive influence in my life as well. Ten years ago I would never have even entertained the aspect of becoming a hobbiest. Since then the vibrant woman I fell in love with and am still deeply in love with has fallen ill to a condition that puts her in constant pain. People around us seem to have turned a blind eye to her condition and because it is ongoing no longer care. Don't get me wrong the last thing we need or want is sympathy but understanding and caring now and again would be nice. When on cerb the friends I have made and confided in have been a real support when I needed it. You know who you are and I thank you. The beautiful women I have met allow me to experience the raw passion I so need from time to time and considering when we first meet as strangers it's mutual respect for each other that sets the tone for all we do.

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It s sad to say that in this world I can be me, completely..But in the real world, I can't. I have to protect my image of my "other" self to avoid conflict.

My acquaintances outside this line of work, the one s that know what I do here, have no understanding and could never grasp the concept and often either judge me harshly then tell others because they find it entertaining. Because of this, I become the very people I don't like, the "fake's". All my life I have avoided being fake, or put on an act for others, and it turns out I am just that. Only here can I be me. Out there..well that s a different story.

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The stigma goes both ways. While protraying the men who see SPs as leaches and craven misfits (and make no mistake, I'm sure there is a minority who fits that description), the women themselves are often portrayed as addicts and broken, abnormal people. Most of the women I have met through CERB are smart, witty and charming and I have even had the opportunity to call some friends. And they have treated me with more genuine respect and sincerity than a lot of women in the "outside" world in social situations.

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Yes, I know, I am using blue tooth and didn t show up when I posted it at first so I re-posted it. There is no option as far as I know to retract. Sorry for double posting.

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Yes, I know, I am using blue tooth and didn t show up when I posted it at first so I re-posted it. There is no option as far as I know to retract. Sorry for double posting.


Each post has an edit option that is available for a day or two after posting. I believe you could use that to remove most of the duplicate post and add a comment to explain.

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I guess I could have removed and said see post above lol. Im glad that everyone is enjoying it, but since you mentioned this, my second post was removed and all my nominations for that post were taken away, not added and lost all the rep points too.

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my second post was removed and all my nominations for that post were taken away, not added and lost all the rep points too.

This is the 2nd time you've mentioned issues with your rep points. I would encourage you not to take rep points so seriously! After all, it's just an internet forum, and beyond business it's all meant to be fun and games. It's not like we can cash in our rep points for prizes or anything lol.

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I love the idea Megan, just that simple. I love the idea that posts can be nominated or kinda given a thumbs up, love seeing everyone enjoying a post, yours, mine, his, hers..

These points are a ridiculous concept to me, but if I am to get them, noting that I should keep them in the event that there was a double post shouldn t be a problem.

And yes, it is fun and very entertaining.

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Guest W***ledi*Time
... my second post was removed and all my nominations for that post were taken away, not added and lost all the rep points too.


I've never before heard of such a situation. In my experience, nominations and rep points are not affected just because a post is removed from the forums. I would ask mod about this if I were you.


The only rep I've ever lost is when the entire database crashed and had to be restored to a previous state.


Additional Comments:


I just checked your profile, and you are listed as having 26 noms in 9 posts. I searched your existing posts, and counted only 21 noms in 8 posts. So it appears that 5 noms in 1 deleted post are still attached to you.


Additional additional comments:


I notice that a lady has had her erroneous approval of your post on the "Pro-Choice" thread removed. (Based on the text of her approval, she had obviously intended to disapprove, but made an error and gave you positive rep by mistake.) This may be why your rep decreased, not because of the removal of your second "Respect" thread.

Edited by W***ledi*Time
did my homework after class started

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This world vs. the real world..........


In the real world the vast majority of women have some sort of ulterier motive where men are concerned. In this world things just seem to be open, you can take people more at face value.

In the real world.................well let's not go to that spot not right now anyway..........

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Haha!! What a wise man we have here, what research you have! Good work Sherlock umm I mean WinkledinTime. Yes i did notice the lady removed her smiley face.I noticed her error, but I don t point out others mistakes, i just giggle LOL CHEERS!




I've never before heard of such a situation. In my experience, nominations and rep points are not affected just because a post is removed from the forums. I would ask mod about this if I were you.


The only rep I've ever lost is when the entire database crashed and had to be restored to a previous state.


Additional Comments:


I just checked your profile, and you are listed as having 26 noms in 9 posts. I searched your existing posts, and counted only 21 noms in 8 posts. So it appears that 5 noms in 1 deleted post are still attached to you.


Additional additional comments:


I notice that a lady has had her erroneous approval of your post on the "Pro-Choice" thread removed. (Based on the text of her approval, she had obviously intended to disapprove, but made an error and gave you positive rep by mistake.) This may be why your rep decreased, not because of the removal of your second "Respect" thread.

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I merged them (Keeping the rep points) and I removed the smily face comment as the lady who made the comment obviously meant to disagree with your post and not give you rep for it.


If your careful not to double post stuff like this does not happen..

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I merged them (Keeping the rep points) and I removed the smily face comment as the lady who made the comment obviously meant to disagree with your post and not give you rep for it.


If your careful not to double post stuff like this does not happen..


Bluetooth just wasnt meant for those with no patience like myself. Thanks. :)

The rep points were transferred yes, not the nominations. It s all good,

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Guest W***ledi*Time
... not the nominations...


You still have the nominations. But just like the rep, they are attached to a post that no longer exists.

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As others have said, dont focus on the rep points ... just focus on writing intelligent, inciteful and helpful posts. The points will come over time. Also, you will have a better general reputation on cerb regardless of what the rep points indicate.

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I think the guys that take the time to read cerb and the other boards to get to know the "hobby" are instantly showing respect by investing the time to try to do get involved in the "right" way.


I think this is a very good example on how we should learn and discover everything we can about well..everything. It's always good to do research, and in this "hobby" we are fortunate to have available services and forums like this to join together, share experience and bond. A great way to get involved the right way.

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