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Devout British mother-of-three, 31, dies from cannabis poisoning after smoking a join

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Guest S*rca****sid

A mother-of-three is believed to have become the first woman in Britain to die directly from cannabis poisoning.
Gemma Moss, a 31-year-old churchgoer, of Boscombe, in Bournemouth, Dorset, collapsed in bed after smoking a cannabis cigarette that led her to have moderate to high levels of the class B drug in her system.
Tests of her vital organs found nothing wrong with them although it was suggested she might have suffered a cardiac arrest triggered by cannabis toxicity.
Miss Moss' death was registered as cannabis toxicity and a coroner has recorded a verdict of death by cannabis abuse.
Deaths directly from cannabis are highly unusual. In 2004 a 36-year-old man from Pembrokeshire became the first person in the UK to died from cannabis toxicity.
David Raynes, of the National Drug Prevention Alliance, said: 'It is extremely rare and unusual for a coroner to rule death from cannabis abuse.
'In 40 years I have never come across deaths from cannabis alone. There have been cases where it has been combined with other drugs or alcohol.
'It has often been said that cannabis doesnâ??t cause death. Users usually pass out before they can take enough cannabis to kill them.
'This case serves as a warning that cannabis can cause immense harm.
'Cannabis is know to increase heart rate and blood pressure. Cannabis these days is designed to be much stronger than cannabis used in the sixties to meet demand of users who want a stronger hit.'

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