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Looking Back.............

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Just went for a drive to wash the first layer of dirt of my car.


Go tho thinking there are alot of good threads about a varity of topics.


Looking back on the past "If I only knew then what I know now"


High School:

I had a major crush on the head cheerleader, and stupid here let her know, my name was mud. Oh well I learned alot, but looking back I can thing of one or two other girls that now I think probaly like me, what could have happened.........


I would not change anything though she was a freind, but we are no longer are, I guess I found out that we were not very good freinds for each other. There are a few girls who might have liked me and I did not see it then, what might have been eh.



If I had made other choises when they presented them selves, you knw you get offered a job but they need an answer that minute, should hav e said yes to a few of them........


I started a new job 2 years ago after being with the last company for 20 yrs. The last company failed to realize what all I was doing for them it hurt them when I left, there lost for thinking that I did not have enough experince to promot me. The new company would see my work ethic, dedication and was to promto me but there is no more management spot available at this time, which gives me more time to learn.



If I could send the winning lotteries number back ot my slef...........where would retire.........


Not rich but the bills are being paid I can afford to buy a daily coffe at Tim Hortons.



I do not have tons of friends but thougghs I do have I can count on and the reverse is true.......


A friend of mine was hurt a few years back, and it left in a wheel chair, his wife was able to retire to be his care giver. Fridays I take over and let her do what ever, nap, clean the house, shop, go out with frineds. I do alot for them some days, an he can be quite a hand full some days. He knows that I am making plans to fly out to Alberta for my vacation to drive back to Ontario with another friend whom got laid off. He give me some money as a gift to help cover the flight out or for extra spending money and said that if I needed more he would loan me some, Friends like that are hard to find.



Should have bought that "Vette for $2000 (way way under priced) the guy who bought it sold it for $5000 a few years later, Doh!......


What can I say the average vehicle is not an investment.


Hindsight is alwasy 20/20 Eh!


Are there thing I could change.....YES

but what would have the cost been.


The person I am today has alot to do with what I went through to get here.


Anyone else.......

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These two qoutes I like:


Satchel Paige : "Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you."


Will Rogers: "Don't let yesterday use up too much of today"


I try my best to follow these.




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If I only knew then...

1. Forget about the focus on a career...it never materialized (don't get me

wrong, I have a good paying job, but I've been stuck in it for 26 years)

2. Don't have alot of friends, but the ones I have are good true friends, the

rest aquaintances/co-workers.

3. If I had known how my dating/relationship life was going to turn out, I

would have started hobbying much much much sooner in life...and from

my experience, the ladies I've met hobbying have been much better

than the ones I dated

4. No matter what, family is important.

5. Generally speaking (some exceptions to this) nobody is better than

somebody else, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Yes,

someone may be down one day...help them up, because tomorrow you

may be the person that is down

Some ramblings


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Guest tr*****e
If I only knew then...

1. Forget about the focus on a career...it never materialized (don't get me

wrong, I have a good paying job, but I've been stuck in it for 26 years)

2. Don't have alot of friends, but the ones I have are good true friends, the

rest aquaintances/co-workers.

3. If I had known how my dating/relationship life was going to turn out, I

would have started hobbying much much much sooner in life...and from

my experience, the ladies I've met hobbying have been much better

than the ones I dated

4. No matter what, family is important.

5. Generally speaking (some exceptions to this) nobody is better than

somebody else, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Yes,

someone may be down one day...help them up, because tomorrow you

may be the person that is down

Some ramblings


Thank you, roamingguy, you have helped someone much younger than yourself today.

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Here's anothere quote from John Lenon which I think is so true.


Life is what happens when your busy making plans...

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