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Research Demolished the Stereotype of the Underage Sex Worker

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This article is a few years old, but still very interesting.

[B][U]Research Demolished the Stereotype of the Underage Sex Worker[/U][/B]
By Kristen Hinman



...Most astonishing to the researchers was the demographic profile teased out by the study. Published by the U.S. Department of Justice in September 2008, Curtis and Dank's findings thoroughly obliterated the long-held core assumptions about underage prostitution:

â?¢ Nearly half of the kids â?? about 45 percent â?? were boys.

â?¢ Only 10 percent were involved with a "market facilitator" (e.g., a pimp).

â?¢ About 45 percent got into the "business" through friends.

â?¢ More than 90 percent were U.S.- born (56 percent were New York City natives).

â?¢ On average, they started hooking at age 15.

â?¢ Most serviced men â?? preferably white and wealthy.

â?¢ Most deals were struck on the street.

â?¢ Almost 70 percent of the kids said they'd sought assistance at a youth-service agency at least once.

â?¢ Nearly all the youths â?? 95 percent â?? said they exchanged sex for money because it was the surest way to support themselves.

In other words, the typical kid who is commercially exploited for sex in New York City is not a tween girl, has not been sold into sexual slavery, and is not held captive by a pimp.

Nearly all the boys and girls involved in the city's sex trade are going it alone.[/I]

[URL="http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/2011-11-03/news/new-research-demolishes-the-stereotype-of-the-underage-sex-worker/full/"]â?¦Read Moreâ?¦[/URL]

And another similar oneâ?¦

[B]Most of What You Think You Know ABout Sex Trafficking Isn't True[/B]

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