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Come For Sex, Stay For The Jail Term

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â??I wonder why prostitution is illegal. Why should it be illegal to sell something thatâ??s perfectly legal to give away?â? . George Carlin .


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someone has a way with words!! brilliantly written piece thanks so much for sharing this! Highlighting my fave lines .... these are just priceless!!

Jess xo [I]


On August 15, 2014 by Dave Johnson
Bill Thomas

â??I wonder why prostitution is illegal. Why should it be illegal to sell something thatâ??s perfectly legal to give away?â? . George Carlin .

Last year the Supreme Court of Canada threw out the old and archaic laws on prostitution and recently Justice Minister Peter MacKay replaced them with a new and even more archaic set of laws. Bill C-36 is designed to abolish prostitution in Canada, a prospect with as much chance of success as world peace, a clean planet and the Nobel Peace Prize for Vladimir Putin.
Canadaâ??s new prostitution law would make it legal to sell sex and illegal to buy it. How it works is, if youâ??re a provider of sex you are now a legitimate, single-proprietorship, business retailer and if youâ??re a customer, youâ??re a criminal. [B](Peter: The correct economic theory is supply and demand. Not supply and reprimand.)[/B]
In Canada, the worldâ??s oldest profession just became the countryâ??s most confusing occupation. â??Hi, câ??mon in. See anything you like? Yeah, well stick â??em up! Youâ??re under arrest.â?
Now if you think this is kind of stupid, you donâ??t know Canada. Thatâ??s how we do things here.
In Canada, in the 1950â?²s we developed the Avro Arrow. Twenty years ahead of it time, the Avro Arrow was a fast and furious military fighter jet without equal in the world. At enormous cost and with the finest of scientific minds we built an aircraft that could fly circles around Cold War enemies. So we cancelled the program, destroyed all the planes, burned any evidence of its existence and flew the sole surviving models into Lake Ontario. Why? Because we felt like it.
In Canada, in the 1990â?²s we had perhaps the greatest multinational communication consortiums in the world. Nortel employed 100,000 people with capital of $400 billion. The Canadian government watched this telecom company disintegrate into bankruptcy as the shareholders cleaned the carcass and then all the high tech component companies were auctioned off to foreign interest so they could then cripple the growth of other hi-tech companies back home. Why? It sounded like a good idea at the time.
In Canada we created a huge nonprofit, conservation organization with a half million enthusiastic members. The Ducks Unlimited people manage wetlands and bird habitants in order to promote a larger and healthier population of waterfowl. And then they shoot them. Why? Why not?
In Canada, we be loony.
So to a Canadian, the new prostitution law â?? hookers happy, johns in jail â?? makes perfect sense. The new sell and buy law is a lot like taking your car into Jiffy Lube to get your oil changed and after you pay for the job you find yourself calling a friend from jail, asking for bail money and a ride home. Applying this legal/illegal business model, McDonaldâ??s would definitely not have been as successful as they are today by selling 260 billion burgers and then having their customers escorted out of the restaurant in handcuffs.
Three years away from its 150th birthday, Canada is still a relatively young country. Russia, by comparison is 5,000 years old and before Bush and Cheney turned the â??Cradle of Civilizationâ? into â??Hell on Earth,â? Iraq was way older than Christ.[B] As a youngster on this plant we tend to do really stupid things and then lock ourselves in our room for long periods of time.[/B] Plus, we elect people to office who couldnâ??t organize sex in a bordello which brings us back to a prostitution law that makes you think [B]our justice minister was swarmed and badly stung at five years of age during his â??birds and beesâ?? talk.[/B]
The new Canadian law is not quite as bazaar as the law in the State of Montana which considers prostitution a â??crime against the family.â? Some family! Although thereâ??s probably something sinister in that rule, the most egregious Montana law is the one that makes it illegal for a married woman to fish alone on Sunday. Thatâ??s the one thatâ??s keeping me awake at night.
All this is just as confusing as a recent headline in Italian newspapers that read: â??Prostitutes appeal to Pope.â? To be clear, the prostitutes were petitioning the Pope for his help with serious issues in their sex trade industry. The Pope, I repeat, the Pope does not find prostitutes appealing. I mean, câ??mon â?? the Popemobile doesnâ??t even have a backseat!
Justice Minister Peter MacKay can be forgiven for his confusion about how the sex trade business works. For one thing â??the house of ill reputeâ? no longer refers to a brothel. [B]In Canada over time, â??the house of ill reputeâ? has become the nickname for the House of Commons.[/B] With no less than four Canadian senators either now charged or about to be charged with financial crimes, the â??house of sober second thoughtâ? has become an exclusive club for power-drunk thieves. The fact that MacKay visits these places almost every day is no reflection on his character.
I believe it was Dave Broadfoot, our father of comedy who said: [B]â??The problem in Canada with political jokes is that so many of them get elected.â? [/B]Amen.

For comments, ideas and copies of T he True Story of Wainfleet , go to [url]www.williamthomas.ca[/url][/I]

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