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Do you believe in life after death?

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Does Life after death, ghosts, angels, heaven, hell, all exist in the afterlife?


We have seen many movies and heard stories about people experiencing the tunnel and bright light upon death and encountering deceased relatives and friends or the soul departing from the body with some people claiming near death experiences watching themselves while under surgery from above and then coming back down to their bodies.... And on the top of that, the heaven and hell promised by almost all religions...


Do you believe in life after death? It is more comforting if there is such thing as our lives will never end after we pass on but is it true? If life after death cannot be proven scientifically, is it then intellectually irresponsible to accept it?


My personal view. I have no idea whatsoever and likely that is why I seek advice and comments, however, one thing is for sure that death after life exist but would be glad if life continues after death (so long as I don't end up in hell lol:icon_smile:).


Do you have a related personal story or a story about a friend or relative which you would like to share?.


On a less serious note, even though I may not be a firm believer in life after death, I do believe in life after a hard work week and angels and heaven as tomorrow I will meet an angel who will take me to heaven for an hour or so lol:lovers:.

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Do you believe in life after death? It is more comforting if there is such thing as our lives will never end after we pass on but is it true? If life after death cannot be proven scientifically, is it then intellectually irresponsible to accept it?


My personal view. I have no idea whatsoever and likely that is why I seek advice and comments, however, one thing is for sure that death after life exist but would be glad if life continues after death (so long as I don't end up in hell lol:icon_smile:).



I can't say that I do. However, you won't know until you're dead and you can't necessarily come back to report it. I personally don't think there is an actual heaven and hell and everything that we've been taught to look forward to or fear. I believe organized religion uses this as a tactic to scare people into believing certain moral values or ways of their religion. I think once you're dead, you're dead. I would like to think that our spirit lives on but scientifically we will never be able to prove this.

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I can't say that I do. However, you won't know until you're dead and you can't necessarily come back to report it. I personally don't think there is an actual heaven and hell and everything that we've been taught to look forward to or fear. I believe organized religion uses this as a tactic to scare people into believing certain moral values or ways of their religion. I think once you're dead, you're dead. I would like to think that our spirit lives on but scientifically we will never be able to prove this.


Thanks for your comments Nicolette. What you say is true that a dead person will never come back to report if there is life after death however, there has been many near death experiences when credible or completely sane people came back to life and reported what they saw (the tunnel and the light and encounter with dead relatives or friends or ascending to the ceiling (seeing relatives wiping) and descending back to their bodies).


My own father had a heart attack in the hospital and he was brought back and he said he felt like being inside a dark deep tunnel and someone pulling him back up from that tunnel. He didn't see any light though.


I have been thinking about this subject for many years now and wondered if anyone shares the view (that life after death may be true) or has a personal or a friend/relative experience to share.


I agree with your comments that religions use hell as a tactic to scare people into submission or believing some moral values, however, they are many people in the world who do bad things as few examples, corruption, exploitation, abuse, not to mention worst crimes like physical/sexual abuse of women and children. So, there is no hell for them and no justice. They abuse and steal and muder and assault and rape and they die happily ever after??.

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Thanks for your comments Nicolette. What you say is true that a dead person will never come back to report if there is life after death however, there has been many near death experiences when credible or completely sane people came back to life and reported what they saw (the tunnel and the light and encounter with dead relatives or friends or ascending to the ceiling (seeing relatives wiping) and descending back to their bodies).


My own father had a heart attack in the hospital and he was brought back and he said he felt like being inside a dark deep tunnel and someone pulling him back up from that tunnel. He didn't see any light though.


I have been thinking about this subject for many years now and wondered if anyone shares the view (that life after death may be true) or has a personal or a friend/relative experience to share.


I can't say that I know anyone who has had a near death experience so I cannot comment on that question. As for your original question in believing in life after death.. no.

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Been there. Done that. No light. No tunnels. No unicorns, rainbows, Gummi bears, angels, demons or Nordic goddess with metal brassieres.


In fact, no memories at all. I was here, then gone, then back again.


One thing I can say... it was everything and nothingness. A great black void.


I think because of that I really don't fear death itself. From my experience, because it lacked all the Biblical tales of torment or rapture, I saw it as just a release.


Think of it this way - you have no memory of life before you were born, why then would you have any memory of life after death? You exist in a specific time and place, before and after are only relevant to those peripheral to your lifetime. People "live on" because of the impact they have on other people's lives. If a legacy can be left, I think that is the most endearing thing imaginable. Your "afterlife" is that memory bank in the grey matter of others.


Having been technically dead, I can say that we really don't fear death itself. The rational fears then are obviously "not living" and the act of dying.


"Not living" is an egocentric fear based solely on self importance, and it is perfectly normal and acceptable. You want to spend more time with family and friends, make a bigger difference in the world or act in a self indulgent manner. "I want to see Scotland before I die.""I want to sleep with the cast of Cats.""I want to visit my family in Bangladesh."" I want to save feral rabbits.""I need to say I love you one more time." All of this to say, "I want more time."


At the same time, what we fear more than death itself is dying. I was lucky. I didn't even know I was dead. The doctor said that I was gone for a short while, and it happened when I was unconscious anyhow. Some are taken slowly and are given the opportunity to say their goodbyes, but in the trade off they suffer. Others go in the blink of an eye and we regret that we never had that chance to say goodbye.


Just a little insight from a former dead guy....

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Geez ... a bunch of "doubting Thomases" around here (smile). I dont know either, but I'm taking as few chances as possible.

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...I wish to have life after death. A chance to see Alida Valli, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn.. to name a few? :). I think we just love every minutes we have now. Just leave what's happen tomorrow for tomorrow.

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When I was younger I did believe in life after death. Didn't know if it was going to be a good life or a bad life. Now I no longer believe in life after death. Now I just believe in enjoying life at the expense of no one and while helping those around me enjoy theirs.

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This was a question, that to my knowledge, even Einstein ducked when it was asked. He usually referred to one of his scientific laws: energy cannot be destroyed, simply changed into another form.

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Geez ... a bunch of "doubting Thomases" around here (smile). I dont know either, but I'm taking as few chances as possible.


No doubts here.

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Thank you all for your comments. It appears that a majority don't believe in life after death.


Nobody yet has undertood what life is. What makes us alive? Is it just many billions of living cells that work together and produce life or is there a source of energy in our body (the soul) that defines life? So what happens to our soul after we die? If energy can never be destroyed then our body may die but our soul may remain somewhere in some form.

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I really don't know, nor do I profess to know.

I do think life after death is a cornerstone of many religions to provide comfort to people in the here and now...but if heaven is walking in the clouds, wearing wings and listening to harp music, I prefer the here and now.


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Thank you all for your comments. It appears that a majority don't believe in life after death.


Nobody yet has undertood what life is. What makes us alive? Is it just many billions of living cells that work together and produce life or is there a source of energy in our body (the soul) that defines life? So what happens to our soul after we die? If energy can never be destroyed then our body may die but our soul may remain somewhere in some form.


It is comforting to think that out spirit will live on but I think that this is something science may never be able to prove this so we will always wonder which is why I believe in living life to the fullest. I had family members taken away in the blink of an eye and it makes you realize the value of life- the here and now.

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Actually because of technology improvements in the medical life saving devices.. more and more people are experiencing having died and coming back. I've read a few books on the personal experiences of people like this.. This one in particular was a great one to read.


Dannion not only goes through it in great detail but ends up meeting several people who have experienced the same thing. Do I personally believe in it? absofuckinglutely!






I've watched several tv programs as well of people who were put under hypnosis recalling past lives and then going to the places where they had 'previously lived' some a few hundred years ago..and describing the places in great detail and then viewing them. Very interesting stuff.

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What makes us alive? Is it just many billions of living cells that work together and produce life




or is there a source of energy in our body (the soul) that defines life?




I can't be certain of this of course... but then we could invent all kinds of statements that we can't be sure aren't true. Are there vast herds of cold-loving yellow elephants living in a vast cave under the antarctic ice? I can't be certain there aren't. But there's no reason to believe there are.


So what happens to our soul after we die? If energy can never be destroyed then our body may die but our soul may remain somewhere in some form.


The energy stored in our bodies is turned into heat as we decay, and used to fuel the things that eat us. There's no special accounting needed here to stay consistent with physical laws.


We have to watch out when trying to decide about things we would really, really like to be true -- like some form of "I'll never really die!" So the evidence for it has to be really strong, because we're predisposed to put the spin we want on anything that's vague.


There's nothing in the reports of near-death experiences that can't be explained by the distorted experiences of our brains as they start to fail (tunnel vision with "bright light" in the centre, memory flashes as our brain hunts for anything in our experience that can make sense of what it's going through) plus the fallible interpretations people place afterward on an experience they couldn't understand.


The really short version of my own belief is: I can't know that there IS anything after death, so my best bet is to assume that there isn't. There's only what I know. So I live my life as if it's the only one I've got, without hoping that something better will come afterward and give me another chance. I could be wrong -- but I've lost nothing if I am, because I'll have lived the best life I could.


And in the unlikely event that after I die, I suddenly reawaken and discover that there's a whole other life to be explored... well, hey, talk about a "happy ending"!!

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Most people have said they don't know...and of course this is an appropriate answer considering our culture and our collective beliefs.


Many people don't like to think about death never mind discuss it. We live in a culture where living at all costs no matter how painful the life is important. My mom worked as a nurse for her whole adult life (mostly in the death and dying floors) and then volunteered in hospice care after her retirement.. something that takes a special kind of love. I personally couldn't handle such a job. I've been next to a death bed a few times and it's too much to bear for me.


In other cultures euthanasia is a welcome option for those with a choice to make.. but here only in hushed circumstances if at all.


Life after death? What a concept... you first have to think about death.. and you have to acknowledge a spiritual realm beyond what you think you see/hear and feel. Most see evidence of this on a regular basis but don't realize what they are experiencing.


I haven't been to Bora Bora.. but I believe it exists based on others experiences of it.. look into it before dismissing it. The stories others have are fascinating and beautiful.


I've never heard of one story of near death experience where the person was happy to be back in the land of the living.. that should tell you something about the true beauty they experienced on the other side.. and more than just a white light.. very very detailed experiences.

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I think the only general consensus you're going to get on such a massive issue is that no one knows. It is beyond the current scope of human understanding. Do people have the potential to understand it? Definitely. But right now there's too much stuff in the way (obsolete superstitions, a casual disrespect for intellect, etc.). But I don't think any of our current notions of a possible afterlife is close to the mark. If so many people were so certain that there was a blissful, beautiful existence waiting for us beyond the grave, would the sucide rate not be a little higher? Why would so many people fear death so much? Or mourn the dead when they should rejoice at their progression to that Utopia? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying something like that doesn't exist. But no one knows for sure. And no one probably will in our lifetimes (making the point moot). But perhaps it's the mystery that's suppossed to keep us going and striving.

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Thank you all for your comments. It appears that a majority don't believe in life after death.


Nobody yet has undertood what life is. What makes us alive? Is it just many billions of living cells that work together and produce life or is there a source of energy in our body (the soul) that defines life? So what happens to our soul after we die? If energy can never be destroyed then our body may die but our soul may remain somewhere in some form.


Carrie Moon, I think that you likely mis-understood or mis-read my post. I myself have no idea whether there is life after death or not as I stated in my first post, and that was why I opened the thread. In fact I inclined to believe that there may be some sort of existance after death (like an energy or soul) so I never stated that I believe there is no life after death. But what I meant to say above was that so far, the majority of those posted in this thread appears to be saying that they believe there is not life after death. That was not a majority believing in what I have said or a majority who agree with me in any way. Because I never said such thing myself quite to contrary I inclined to believe there is life after death as stated in my posts. But it is okay for your negative rep. Thanks for your participation in the thread. Just wish to clarify my statements.

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I believe in life after death but more of an energy life force transfer. I am not sure what will happen but I know something will so I try not to think about it too much and just try and live each day to it's full

Potential, love freely and openly and treat

My friends, family and lovers like gold. What you put out into the world will come back three fold. I honestly can't wait

to embark on my next great adventure "death". Who knows what will

happen but it should be interesting!!!!

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We just end up as fertilizer. The only difference between us and that goldfish flushed down the toilet is the fact we have the ability to spend way too much of our time thinking about death.

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Just a little insight from a former dead guy....



So....what you're saying is, you're really a zombie. ;)


We just end up as fertilizer. The only difference between us and that goldfish flushed down the toilet is the fact we have the ability to spend way too much of our time thinking about death.



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So....what you're saying is, you're really a zombie. ;)



.... which explains a lot of things. The way I yawn, my wayward glance, my strange new gait... and that craving for ummmm... BRAaaaINnnnnNNNNsssZ!!!!!!!

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Been there. Done that. No light. No tunnels. No unicorns, rainbows, Gummi bears, angels, demons or Nordic goddess with metal brassieres.


In fact, no memories at all. I was here, then gone, then back again.


One thing I can say... it was everything and nothingness. A great black void.


I think because of that I really don't fear death itself. From my experience, because it lacked all the Biblical tales of torment or rapture, I saw it as just a release.


Think of it this way - you have no memory of life before you were born, why then would you have any memory of life after death? You exist in a specific time and place, before and after are only relevant to those peripheral to your lifetime. People "live on" because of the impact they have on other people's lives. If a legacy can be left, I think that is the most endearing thing imaginable. Your "afterlife" is that memory bank in the grey matter of others.


Having been technically dead, I can say that we really don't fear death itself. The rational fears then are obviously "not living" and the act of dying.


"Not living" is an egocentric fear based solely on self importance, and it is perfectly normal and acceptable. You want to spend more time with family and friends, make a bigger difference in the world or act in a self indulgent manner. "I want to see Scotland before I die.""I want to sleep with the cast of Cats.""I want to visit my family in Bangladesh."" I want to save feral rabbits.""I need to say I love you one more time." All of this to say, "I want more time."


At the same time, what we fear more than death itself is dying. I was lucky. I didn't even know I was dead. The doctor said that I was gone for a short while, and it happened when I was unconscious anyhow. Some are taken slowly and are given the opportunity to say their goodbyes, but in the trade off they suffer. Others go in the blink of an eye and we regret that we never had that chance to say goodbye.


Just a little insight from a former dead guy....



And I for one am glad you are still here my good buddy!xoxo

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