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How Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin Could Save the Indie Porn Industry

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Guest S*rca****sid

Itâ??s a small miracle that cartoon porn artist Kadath has managed to stay afloat in the adult entertainment industry. Since 2011, he's been tossed from online vendor to online vendor, struggling to find a URL where he could peddle his drawings of humanoid animals engaged in hardcore sex. He used to sell porn and collect money through the marketplace [URL="https://gumroad.com/"]Gumroad[/URL], but one day, the people who ran the site contacted and said they were giving him a week to delete his content and transfer his funds out of their system. After that, he went through [URL="https://ribbon.co/"]Ribbon[/URL]â??before once again being abruptly ordered to pack his bags. Even though Kadath says he was led to believe that Ribbon was cool with adult content, they froze his account and forced him to beg for two months to extract his funds. And he was one of the lucky ones: Other artists weren't able to get their money back or were banned from these sites altogether.
â??The impression I got,â? Kadath told me, â??was that Gumroad and Ribbon were forced to drop adult content because their payment processors didnâ??t want to deal with â??high-riskâ?? material.â?
Kadath's impression is correctâ??banks and credit card processors donâ??t want to be associated with types of businesses that the......

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