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The Inheritance Tax

Accounts ReceivableTax

Airline Surcharge Tax

Airline Fuel Tax

Airport Maintenance Tax

Building Permit Tax

Cigarette Tax

Corporate Income Tax

Death Tax

Dog License Tax

Driving Permit Tax

Environmental Tax (Fee)

Excise Taxes

Federal Income Tax

Federal Unemployment (UI)

Fishing License Tax

Food License Tax

Gasoline Tax (too much per litre)

Gross Receipts Tax

Health Tax

Hunting License Tax

Hydro Tax

Inheritance Tax

Interest Tax

Liquor Tax

Luxury Taxes

Marriage License Tax

Medicare Tax

Mortgage Tax

Personal Income Tax

Property Tax

Poverty Tax

Prescription Drug Tax

Provincial Income and Sales Tax

Real Estate Tax

Recreational Vehicle Tax

Retail Sales Tax

Service Charge Tax

School Tax

Telephone Federal Tax

Telephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes

Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax

Vehicle License Registration Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Water Tax

Watercraft Registration Tax

Well Permit Tax

Workers Compensation Tax

''' and in 2010 the HST!!!!!!!!




Not one of these taxes existed 60 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world.We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids..


What in "Hell"happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'

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What in "Hell"happened? Can you spell 'politicians?'


And who gets alot of TAX FREE ALLOWANCES



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Seems to be a continuous thing. They figure that Tax Freedom day, the day most families work for until they pay all their taxies and before they have earned anything for them selves is now sometime in June. Seems to be getting a little later each year.


And then you have a whole lot of suedo taxes i.e licencing, registration, an usage fees. As a few exampes, 911 levy on your cell phone, system access fee to make a long distance call, disposal fee on tires when you bye new, and get maintanance on the car and there's an environmental surtax.


This list could become very large indeed.

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And that's not counting the slow increases of taxes we pay ...


Meg, did i read Death Tax on your list??? The things they find to make a dollar .... to cover the pay increases they are voting themselves ...

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There is no way to win against the government, with everything they remove on my monthly pay over 50% goes to them. After the income tax and the CPP and so on plus add everything that I buy with a 13% tax and just to give an example my hydro bill last month was $310.00 and after adding the delivery charge and debt retirement and that f*^%#g 13% tax my hydro bill was up to $625.00 does that make sense, not to me it doesn't.


If I was to charge the customer at work all of those extra charge I would be out of business in a week. Think about it.


Sorry for venting like that, I do feel better now.

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Meg, If they could figure out a way they would tax the carnal pleasures that we so much enjoy.


The government can kiss my overly taxed Canadian ass.

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Guest W***ledi*Time
Not one of these taxes existed 60 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world.We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.....'


Canada's National Debt was 11..6 Billion in 1950; GNP was 18.4 billion -- so debt was 63% of GNP (per Canadian World Almanac). Today, the national debt is 520 billion, or 32% of a GDP of 1.6 trillion.


Excise taxes, income taxes, property taxes etc etc etc certainly did exist in 1950.


In 1950 there was no universal Medicare, no universal Old Age Pension, no Canada Pension, etc. etc. etc.


ha ha ... I'm not saying anything about Mom staying home to raise the kids ...


It is true that tax revenue as a percentage of GDP has risen over time. (The Canadian Encyclopedia)

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I am neither friend to nor fan of politicans, but in a society like ours, your best bet is to consider the trade off. Yep, lots of taxes, but you can see your doctor witout having to provide proof of insurance and there's a dcent security net to catch you in case you fall. And while I would NEVER claim our system is perfect (it is far from), for everyone who complains about living in Canada (freedom of speech) there's a thousand who wished they did.

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