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OPSEU PWC: International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers

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Both [URL="http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2014/07/09/fred-hahn-sex-workers-deserve-the-same-protections-as-all-other-workers/"]CUPE[/URL] and [URL="http://www.opseu.org/news/national-day-remembrance-and-action-violence-against-women-december-6-2014"]OPSEU[/URL] have come out in favour of decriminalization of sex work over the last year. These are very welcome allies to have, since we view sexwork as labour/work.

Here is a statement/announcement from the OPSEU Women's Committee:


The International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers is observed annually on December 17 by sex workers, advocates, friends, families and allies. The day calls attention to hate crimes committed against sex workers worldwide, as well as the need to remove the social stigma and discrimination which contributes to violence against sex workers. Incorporated into this day is the red umbrella which is a recognized international symbol of Sex Worker solidarity and resistance.

On this day, the Provincial Womenâ??s committee calls attention to legislation enacted by the Federal government on December 6, that puts the lives of sex workers at risk. The Canadian government enacted Bill C-36, the erroneously-named Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act, which recreates the harms and violence experienced by sex workers under the previous laws criminalizing prostitution.

Bill C-36 replaces the three key provisions of the Criminal Code that were struck down by the Supreme Court on December 20, 2014 in the landmark case, Bedford v. Canada.

The Bill recreates the harms of the provisions struck down in the Bedford case, allowing the epidemic of violence against sex workers to continue. Bill C-36 views all sex workers as victims of violence, rather than understanding that it is criminalization, isolation, and the denial of rights and freedoms that breeds violence and exploitation against sex workers.

In solidarity with sex workers around the globe, the PWC calls for the full decriminalization of sex work to ensure the safety, dignity and security of all sex workers and in recognition that enforcement disproportionately targets Black, Indigenous, Migrant, Trans women and street based sex workers.

The PWC stands in solidarity with sex workers in calling for :

The repeal of Bill C-36 and the full decriminalization of sex work in Canada
[*]Legal and labour rights for sex workers
[*]Provincial and Municipal non-enforcement of C-36
[*]The de-stigmatization of sex work
[*]The recognition of the dignity and value of sex workers

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