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Layah - Express Weekday Appointments With Your Favourite Fun-Sized Temp Girlfriend

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[SIZE="3"][CENTER][COLOR="Magenta"]Layah Lee LeRoux[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]
[SIZE="3"][CENTER][COLOR="Indigo"]Fun-Sized Temporary Girlfriend[/COLOR]
[b] [u] [color="red"] â?  WARNING â? [/U] : Contact with Layah can be habit forming!!! [/CENTER][/color][/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Now that the snow has melted and the temperature is heating up it's time to come out of hibernation and start having fun!

We each have our own ideas on what fun it is but I think most men will agree that having a lovely female companion by their side increases the enjoyment tenfold. [/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]What if I told you you could have is lovely looking young woman on your arm who was more than just eye candy? What if I told you that she would be smart, funny, easygoing, caring, intelligent and more? Would you be intrigued? Well, gentlemen, this woman does exist and the best part is, she is available on demand. [/COLOR]

[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Hey boys. My name is Layah. Think of me as a temporary girlfriend of sorts. I can be by your side for all of the girlfriend type activities from going out on dates to coming to my place for quality cuddle time. I could relax you with a full body massage or get your heart rate racing with a sexy strip tease. I offer the benefits of a relationship without the drawbacks or the commitment.[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Because I know that most men are visual creatures, I encourage you to take a look at my photo albums [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/album.php?u=76243"]here[/URL].
Also, reading about the experiences of others who have met me may be helpful. You can read some of my recommendations here. [/COLOR]

[COLOR="Purple"]If your interest is piqued or you are interested in getting together some time, Please contact me by text [COLOR="Red"]613-400-6453[/COLOR] at least 45 minutes to an hour in advance for same day bookings. Email [url][email protected][/url] is acceptable if booking 24 hours or more in advance. PMs may not be read/replied to in time so please use this as a last resort.[/COLOR][/B]

[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]Please Note: Private calls will not be answered[/COLOR][/B]
[IMG]http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=8042&pictureid=54414[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=8042&pictureid=53718[/IMG][IMG]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BtLjVIZCMAAVcy0.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=6311&pictureid=59135[/IMG][IMG]http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=6311&pictureid=57496[/IMG][/CENTER][/SIZE]

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