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Lovely Maxime Dupuis available in Ottawa Downtown visa|Mc|amex

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[CENTER][B][SIZE=7]Maxime Dupuis[/SIZE][/B]


[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]ABOUT ME[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
Dear Gentleman,

I am 25 years old, French Canadian , captivating, seductive Mademoiselle with hypnotic hazel eyes, pouty lips and a devilish smile.
I have a naturel, perfectly toned and athletic body with flawless skin. I keep myself healthy having a healthy diet & stay active ( golf, ski, running, yoga.. anyting exciting and ready to try new things:) )

I can definite myself as sensual and passionate women who enjoy finest things & great conversation .
I enjoy the life to the fullest and I have a big appetite to cultivate myself and learn .
Iâ??m well-educated, feminine, and positive. I have an energetic personality that you will never forget. I will provide you with an intimate & unforgettable Rendezvous.

I am the perfect companion for any social occasion or a romantic dinner date. I am also available for business trip or any vacation I enjoy travel and discover the world between the sheet

I speak both French and English and I am well reviewed in Canadian board, you can reads my reviews they are available on my website and give you a foretast of pleasure we can have together.

Laissez moi le plaisir de m'introduire je suis Maxime Dupuis une â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â?? de 25 ans. J'ai eu la chance de voyager dans les dernières années à travers le Canada et les Usa où j'ai pu me bâtir une solide réputation sur les différents boards, mes reviews parlent d'eux même, je vous invite à les consulter pour vous donnez une idée du type de session que j'offre, ils sont disponibles sur mon site web.

Une nouvelle description à suive...


Friday July 17th ; 8 am @ late [B]Ottawa[/B]

Saturday July 18th; am @ 2 am* [B]Ottawa[/B] or [B]Montreal[/B]
Sunday July 19th; am @ 2 am* [B]Montreal[/B]

Monday July 20th; check in @ midnight [B]Winnipeg [/B]
Tuesday July 21st; 8 @ midnight [B]Winnipeg [/B]
Wednesday July 22nd; 8 am @ midnight [B]Winnipeg [/B]
Friday July 24th; 8 am to midnight [B]Winnipeg [/B] ( my birthday already !!!)
Saturday July 25th; pm to midnight [B]Winnipeg [/B] (or Montreal to be confirm )

[I]Stay tuned I will updated my schedule[/I]
I am planning my tour for August & I will share my time between Montreal Iif you have a date you would like to meet for a longer anrangement please let me know !

More date to come stay tuned


[FONT=Century Gothic][B][SIZE=4]DONATION[/SIZE][/B][/FONT]
30min. : $200
1hrs. : $300
2hrs. : $600 PROMO 500
Dinner Date ; $1000

Visa & MC & Amex accepted (Must be mentionned)

longer engagement available please request (3h & more ; I required 50% deposit )

[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4][B]RENDEZ-VOUS[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

Please allow me enough time to answering my email and my txt during my trip, pre-booking is a must to avoid disappointment.

[B][SIZE=3]To book a rendezvous by EMAIL COPY/PAST this information ¸
BY TXT ONLY @ +1 613 890 5599[/SIZE][/B]

[B]Please make sure when you email me or text me to provide the follow information if you don't provide all information I will not be able to book an appointement with you. [/B]

[B]S'il vous plait prenez le temps de me donner toutes les informations requises lorsque vous voulez prendre un rendez vous. [/B]

Handle board name and which board:
Last SP you seen( first timer welcome :) )
More about yourself (I always enjoy to know more about you :) )

Meeting Date;
Meeting Time;
Meeting Duration:
Meeting City;

Please if you can mention the city where you want we meet in the subject; [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]


[B]P411: P114554
WEBSITE: [URL="http://â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??"]â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??â??[/URL]
PHONE NUMBER: 613-890-5599
TWITTER; @elitemaxime
EMAIL: [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL][/B]

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