Jake_1957 1301 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 I'm one of those people who do not have a cell phone, is this a issue with providers for incalls ? So far it hasn't been a issue for me, I've called a hour before our date to verify our meeting time and for location particulars. I've seen threads about people buying cheap throw away phones, but I don't see how this helps the girls know who we are. I make contact via PM's and calls from my homephone. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etasman2000 15994 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 I'm one of those people who do not have a cell phone, is this a issue with providers for incalls ? Even if you don't need one for the setup you should have one for emergencies. This can be as simple as traffic backlog while heading to the meeting place to last minute medical situations. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Megan'sTouch 23875 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 I do require a cell phone for bookings because I don't like giving out my address before the appointment. I feel secure knowing you won't show up early when I may have another client, as you don't have the address! That being said, I have made exceptions with people who offer their home number to be. I generally assume that anyone who is willing to give me their real name, real address, and real home phone number is not someone who will screw me around. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jake_cdn Report post Posted March 8, 2011 It has never been an issue with me even if I am not carrying my phone. SPs have been very understanding and have tried to accomodate me in these situations. Having said that here is a cell phone rage ... I can't stand cell phones but I have one for emergencies and only keep in on when travelling or expecting a call for someone at an arranged time. I do not like what they have become. There is less and less use of cell phones as a phone and more use as a portable email/text/internet data device. I think the technology is wonderful but I do not like to see people exercising their phones in their car, in bathrooms, at the theatre or sporting events and worst of all walking down the street. It truly bothers me to have to dodge people walking like zombies attached to their cell phones. Sigh !!! ... thanks for letting me vent Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 Ya I kinda hate my cell phone too, I get a lot laughs from people seeing me pull this sucker out, while finding out the location...really is heavy too ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jake_cdn Report post Posted March 8, 2011 Ya I kinda hate my cell phone too, I get a lot laughs from people seeing me pull this sucker out, while finding out the location...really is heavy too ;) That is too funny :icon_biggrin:. I bet you had to upgrade your car to a van to bring this with you when you went out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 It is not a deal breaker for me if you do not have a phone, but, should you get held up on your way to see me, I have a 15min window for you to be late, then your appt goes to the next one in line. We require perfect timing when scheduling appt.So that we can insure discretion. Cant have ppl showing up late and expect me to not have the next one arrive to fill your time slot. I would suggest having a cell, yes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E.D. man 691 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 In a time long ago cellphones didn't have, working sp's in the 70's did mostly outcalls and when it came to incalls you called from the closest payphone. So SP's would be in demand wether cellphones would exist or not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A***** A***** 510 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 Yes, cell phones are required. No matter how good your word is that you "could be on your way" You would still have to call me from an intersection near my home, to verify you are in the area and on your way. NO cell phone, means no apt in my books. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jughead 45 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 I am not a high user of my cell phone but I do have one. The cheap throw away phones i buy used one I pick them up a yard sales , trift shops and such cheap.. $5 maybe $10, I tend to give them away, parents, sisters, friends who loose or break them. I can active it prepaid cell serive put the card on them and if htey break them in 3 months no big loss, Now if i tell the cell provider that i am Donald Duck, in Ducksville......Mars, i can throw the phone away once or even a few times or if if it does get lost or stolen no big loss no big investment. The idea being that if you have a wife or girlfriend that you do not want to catch you with a SP this is one way for you to keep private, unexplained calls phone numbers off you normal cell phone bill. Who was the SP on this board that had a wife of one of her client call her and ask who she was and how she knew her husband....oop's did he get caught, I never heard. THe SP was simply asking waht do I do if it ever happens again. The issue borugh up a larger one that we as hobiest want to keep the SP's out of our private life and problems there of, they do not need the hassle of some one wife calling. If they feel more comfortable having my cell phone number fine, If I feel for an reason that there is a need I will change to a new one in 5 minutes........not that it matter for a single person like myslef. If you are gettiing by with out having one, and you do not see the need for one then you are fine do not change until you have to. I find that most sp will not longer accept calls from phone booths, and require some sort of call back number, This has really changed in the last 10 years or so, a sign of the time I am affraid. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 In all my time of giving out my number, in no account has a SP or MA ever contacted me without me contacting her first. And, because it is my work related cell number, I ask for discretion to the MA or SP to text/call me only during these hours,as I might be in a meeting or with a client. I know that due dilligence is used by 99.9% of the ladies here, so I'm not worried about my number, and I don't think the married men need to freak out about what is stated, in the thread prior to mine. And yes cell phones are required,how the heck are you going know the room number at the Hotel,(Oh excuse Mr.Bellhop I'm looking for Ms. XXX she is 5'8'' blonde, 36dd's,24-36 have you seen her or you know what room she is in? ;) ) or apartment buzz number then actual apartment,or house number. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake_1957 1301 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 And yes cell phones are required,how the heck are you going know the room number at the Hotel,(Oh excuse Mr.Bellhop I'm looking for Ms. XXX she is 5'8'' blonde, 36dd's,24-36 have you seen her or you know what room she is in? ;) ) or apartment buzz number then actual apartment,or house number. As I originally stated I haven't had a issue so far. So far it hasn't been a issue for me, I've called a hour before our date to verify our meeting time and for location particulars. I don't see the issue if I call 1 hour before the date verses 5 mins before our date to find out their room number or buzz code in apartment buildings. I admit there is a slim chance that I could have car problems getting there and then I would not being able to contact my date saying I can't make it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A***** A***** 510 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 As I originally stated I haven't had a issue so far. I admit there is a slim chance that I could have car problems getting there and then I would not being able to contact my date saying I can't make it. Thats precisely why it is G00D to have one! I know and only speaking for myself, that my exact location is never given in advance, you must call when you are in the area to verify you really are here. Having a client call from a specific usually helps weed out the wots. I would strongly suggest you get even a throw away phone, as there are few if any ladies who would book an apt just because you say you are on your way, and not be able to verify that Posted via Mobile Device 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 Getting a room number or address an hour before the actually event,tryst,appointment,date,love affair,Randy time,adventure,booking,session,rendez-vous,arrangement,time spent with,getaway,mini vacation...well what ever we call it. :) :) I think the ladies set it up that way so they a) Know you are 5-10 minutes away or parked b) You are not too early c) You are running late "Hello are you here yet" I always use that format, guess you are lucky to get that info way ahead of time. As I originally stated I haven't had a issue so far. I don't see the issue if I call 1 hour before the date verses 5 mins before our date to find out their room number or buzz code in apartment buildings. I admit there is a slim chance that I could have car problems getting there and then I would not being able to contact my date saying I can't make it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 I think the answer to your question is that it depends on the lady But if your held up in traffic, or otherwise running late it provides a means of communication back and forth And an option for texting too, that way if in public, you can still communicate without your conversation being overheard. It just makes the arranging of an encounter so much more easy And the cost of a cell phone can be as cheap or expensive as you like, from throwaways under a $100, to state of the art phones with everything but the kitchen sink built in Consider it the cost of partaking in this wonderful hobby RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted March 8, 2011 Being a bit of a Luddite, I didn't bother to get a cell phone until about two years ago. (I didn't get it specifically for hobbying, but as insurance against emergencies in general.) I lived a perfectly happy hobbying life before I got a cell phone. The ladies that I dealt with who required a final call before they dispensed exact location, etc. were happy to allow me to either phone from my home land-line before I left, or to allow me to call from a public phone. I was never refused by a lady due to my lack of a cell phone. I can't recall for sure if the following ever happened -- but if a lady had stated in her ads or on her website that a cell phone was a requirement for her customer to have in order to fulfill her contact protocol, I would obviously not have wasted her time or disrespected her by asking that she bend her rules specifically for me. It goes without saying that each lady's rules should be followed scrupulously. Since I've had a cell phone, I find I wind up using it on about half of my dates. This is because plenty of times it turns out that the lady just goes ahead and e-mails or PMs her location beforehand. Of course I'm a heavy "repeater" also, so I often know where the lady is located anyway, from previous encounters. I've even had one lady ask me not to make the final location-call from my cell. Her contact protocol was that her customers had to phone her from a specific public phone in her neighbourhood, so that she knew for sure that they were close. (The phone was a couple of streets away from her building, so making a clandestine visual inspection wasn't part of her reason for requiring the call to come from the specific public phone.) Each lady has her own preferred way of operating, there's no one single rule that applies across the board. Things are definitely much easier with a cell phone. Not having one will limit your options. But as near as I can tell, it isn't an absolutely indispensible requirement to happy hobbying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 with a cell phone now a days,not a indispensable requirement but certainly makes matters a lot easier for both parties involved and you are correct not having one could limit your options. Years back using pay phones, was difficult,busy signal..waiting..using change,calling 3 or 4 times to finally get through, or had to listen to a greeting and leave a message, call me back at ???-???? and waited and waited, ahhh yes the good old days. ;) Things are definitely much easier with a cell phone. Not having one will limit your options. But as near as I can tell, it isn't an absolutely indispensible requirement to happy hobbying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jughead 45 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 Any of the advertisements that I have seen from SP/MP have stated that calls from private number or blocked numbers will not be answered, they stated nothing about it being manitory to call from a cell phone. For the most part a home number would meet those requirement. As far a calling from 5 minutes away if a phone booth is not acceptable and one does not have a cell phone I have no suggestion for that. There have been other threads about these issues. The usage of a home phone, Cell phone, work number, Work Cell phone, a cheap cell phone to throw out, a second sim card, phone booth, all have been previously raise. Obviously if somone is hobbying they have fugured out a way to make the "arrangment" I did not mean to state otherwise or that anyone has anything to worry about. I do beleve that for the most part the SP, MP will respect your privacy, they value that as well, each one for theere own reason. What is simply boils down to is that those of us who have cell phones choose to make use of them. Those who do not have a cell phone make do with out, for both side it works and that's all that really matters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silverado17 12689 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 i have a cell phone because it's the only phone i have don't have a land line why pay for 2 phone bills 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 It really comes down to trust. If I am going to give you my location, I expect something in return. While I prefer a verifiable cell number, I will obviously trust you if you call from your residence. I mean, really, why would I disclose my location to someone who cannot trust me enough to cough up a bit of personal info? I am not asking for your life story; just an assurance that you are not LE, a psycho or someone likely to waste my time. I don't really fathom the idea that someone who will no show on me has knowledge of my whereabouts. Dear OP...it comes down to a matter of trust and in these times, cell phones are the norm and therefor you can not fault us for using them as our safety net :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted March 8, 2011 Meg is absolutely right. It is about trust. Yes, there is the fear by some guys that the info provided could be used for nefarious purposes by a woman they don't know Now flip side of that. The lady really has more to fear by seeing a man in private that she doesn't know. A little trust goes a long way. Remember, hobbying is the ultimate blind date, unless you are seeing a lady for a second, or third or more times...then it's like meeting a old girlfriend and rekindling memories RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted March 9, 2011 As I originally stated I haven't had a issue so far. I don't see the issue if I call 1 hour before the date verses 5 mins before our date to find out their room number or buzz code in apartment buildings. I admit there is a slim chance that I could have car problems getting there and then I would not being able to contact my date saying I can't make it. In my situation, I won't book without a cell phone because my girlfriend and I have been stood up this way before 10 times more than those who do have a cell phone. We do not feel comfortable giving out the exact address unless we know you're in visitor parking where we can look out the window from afar and see that someone has actually pulled up. Buzz codes are different in apartment buildings because if someone pulls a no show they don't know which apartment you're actually in. I would be willing to make an exception if someone booked from their home phone but that is rare so i don't book from payphones or those saying they don't have a cell phone without any other backup number. Calling from a conference/boardroom or main number of an office building without an extension won't fly with me either. My girlfriend once booked a call from a payphone and the guy sounded okay and everything but he was not at her place at the agreed upon time so I went ahead and booked an appt with one of my clients. He knocked on the door while I was with someone and she had to discreetly tell him that he could not come in because he was a half hour late! Apparently he had gotten lost and didn't bother to call. After that we said no more because we do things discreetly and we don't see clients at the same time. It is a matter of discretion and what can happen if there is no number to get a hold of someone. For SPs, it's really a matter of security. If you give out your address and the person doesn't show up, they know where you are and that is an uncomfortable feeling. The relationship between a client/Sp is give and take and if I am going to invite you in my private space then I ask for a number in return. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J Galt 337 Report post Posted March 9, 2011 I don't have a cellphone for two reasons: I live in a rural area where reception is a joke; a cellphone is essentially useless anywhere near my home/work(I have a work-provided one at work but again, not enough reception to make it worthwhile). The second reason is that I hated the loss of privacy when I had a cellphone. Reception or not, busy or not, when I had a cellphone it rang constantly, and if I didn't answer, or didn't drop everything to talk for hours with no notice, suddenly I was a rude prick who needed to explain himself? I like the fact that not having a cell, and all my friends/family/coworkers knowing it, means I can actually have privacy. They have no expectation of being able to reach me for every little demand. And when I travel, I am truly unreachable by anyone. That's a great feeling that a lot of people have quickly lost touch with. All this being said, maybe I'll steal a cell from work if it'll make an SP more comfortable. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kubrickfan 12836 Report post Posted March 9, 2011 Nowadays, there really isn't an excuse for not having one and it doesn help establish, as many have said, an important level of trust with the lady or agency. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted March 9, 2011 I find it pretty simple to accomodate someone without a cel phone. Being someone who might see a fair number of older fellas, who do not make a hobby of this, but do it more infrequently, if they don't have a cel phone, that is fine. On a first time visit, they will have to call from a nearby payphone for the street address, buzzer and directiions. The apt # they get when they buzz. They can make the appt from the home phone, but I won't give out an address based on that unless their number and they indicate they are already in my neighbourhood. At that point, they could get the address, directions, and buzz#. No one gets the whole enchilada until they are already here. The only reason a cel phone is preferred is because many first time visitors to me get lost for some reason, if they don't follow the directions. There are fewer payphones, but anyone who doesn't have a cel phone is going to be ok with using them. A call an hour or even a half hour ahead from the home phone is also fine, for confirmation. I just don't like someone disappearing for over an hour, not knowing if they are lost, not going to show up, or whatever. Having them call from the payphone works to confirm and not give out the address before you waste too much time. A reasonable amount of time is given for the person to find the payphone,make the call, etc, get stuck in traffic, but realistically if someone estimates they are 20 minutes away from making that call, and 45 minutes pass, no one is waiting for them anymore lol. In the meantime, that person doesn't have my address anyway. The call from the payphone (as shown in the example) used to be the traditional way sps would verify the guy was actually in their area. Some know of a payphone they could see from their window, again to verify the guy showed up. Those were the days when there were payphones aplenty lol. YOu can't fake a known payphone # lol. But celphone guys, they'll set up an appt, then 20-30 minutes later call to say they are at the cross streets, get the address and buzzer, and that's the last you ever hear from them. They aren;t lost, just having a cel phone makes it easier for them to do the address grab, for whatever thrill getting an address gives these dudes. I have yet to figure that one out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites