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I did it again! Important info for you to know

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[B]Arg! I broke my toe! And I dont mean a little fracture! This is a break that has left me in a boot cast and crutches! Appearently my bathroom door and I got into a fight and the door won!!!

For at least1- 2 weeks I may not be booking at all. It will be a 6-8 weeks duration before fully healed. However after the first 2 weeks I will book ONLY regular clients that know me well as I always like to put "my best foot forward" hehehheð???ð???ð???ð??? But certainly on our first introduction!

While I am healing, I will be moving my spa into my personal space for The stairs would be difficult for me . and Also will NOT be offering a Jacuzzi session till such time . HOWEVER your welcome to a bubble bath in my extra large tub upstairs.

** PLEASE NOTE I DO LIVE WITH DOGS but they will be in their kennel for our visit. I also maintain my house attentively so that dog hair is not an issue. If you are alergic, then you make your best choice. ***

It is possiable I may the clumsiest provider in town! Haha now there is a slogan! Haha

See you all on the other side of this week or 2. :(
Get well gifts or donations glady accepted ;)

Sophia:) [/B]

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