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Soft Whispers and Frenzied Passion

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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I]Hi there! I'm Shay Lovell![/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] --I'm an elite and soft hearted, ottawa companion. I have quite a wide literary interest to go along with a marvellously open mind intimately. Soft kisses and gentle caresses. Let our rapid heart beats tell a tale!

I want nothing more than to smile while I hold your hand. To listen to your spinning mind. To stand with you, accompanying some debauchery. Let's delve into what we can explore together.


[SIZE="4"][CENTER][B][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I]Shay - A Cautionary Tale[/I][/FONT][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE]
[CENTER]â?? Iâ??m a mid 20â??s woman with an eye for humans.I donâ??t see the colour of your skin or gender/sexuality coding as a barrier. The same goes for age, given your 18 years or older, mental ailments and/or physical ailments.

From my younger years, I have always been fascinated with how a person ticks. Their interests, their ideas and just intrigued by how their eye brows move with each expression. I would always look to see how unique their smile was by making them laugh. Being humanly comes natural to me. I have a tender heart and an insatiable vibe when faced with intimate details. I just want to explore what life has to offer.
A typical day for myself would include bombarding my cat for attention and singing songs about her well, TO her, exploring my mind with some writing that is non-time effective, creating this night owl effect. (Starting literary courses in Sept.2017)

If you were to see me at a social setting I will deny any offers for alcoholic beverage as it doesnâ??t sit well with me mentally. I much prefer having a bubbly lime water or chai tea,depending on the setting.
[B] A perfect date idea IMO would be a lovely bike ride and picnic![/B]

[B]NEW:[/B] I have recently got into fitness and am a beginner within weight lifting. It really helps me mentally and gives me time to give my body and mind some love.
I would be best described as womanly, quirky and all around pleasant. I laugh loud and will clumsily try to remove my clothes for you. Prepare yourself. Itâ??s quite amazing.
Go ahead. Ask me Out!


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