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Retouched pix... I don't get it!

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I'm so not down for edited pics. Except for my one photo where I edited in a killer cupcake (and that was awesome, heehee), I've never retouched anything. I would never want someone to arrive and say 'you don't look like your pictures'. How humiliating would that be? I post what I look like, if you like it, great, if not, too bad but I won't change my photos because of it.

I agree Cleo and do my own now. I'm far from having the so called "Perfect Victoria Secret body, without the DD boobs". My body has changed over the years but will never photoshop a picture. I have considered using it for backgrounds but thought it may give the impression the the entire photo was retouched. I will never look any different unless I get the nerve up to have plastic surgery and of course the natural aging process. I do get the comment very often that I look younger than my age and I embrace that.

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I find it great that this topic is out for all folks, including relative newcomer hobbyists (i.e. me) to think about. After having read this thread I will now be holding both myself and a SP a little more accountable for our choices - "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".


I now understand a little more about why some SP's will "photoshop" (don't really understand the term but assume it means "alter in a positive way") and totally understand the safety and identity concerns now alot better. Thank you Cerb and the thread contributors for their views.

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It's interesting... I use pictures to decide who *not* to see, rather than who to see.


I can tell from a picture if the woman in question is more or less my type or not... we all have our preferences.. so the pictures are useful in helping me determine who I would not really be interested in seeing.


But I never decide to see someone simply because their pictures turn me on. Maybe I am just a cynic, but pictures are never really accurate... they capture a moment in time, and don't tell much about who the woman is. To really decide if I want to meet someone, I try to read their posts... try to get a sense of who they are. CERB is great for that - the personalities of the amazing ladies here come through.


Interesting that I have almost always determined in the end that the pictures have not done justice to the ladies. A live smile is always what gets me in the end.


So in the end, touched up or not, doesn't make much of a difference to me.

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I'm all for photoshopping pictures if you wanted to add/remove something to it for protection/privacy because the images are public. But photo shopping to really alter the appearance of yourself to make you more appealing... No thanks.

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I think it's important to be accurate and truthful with the pictures but I also understand the practicality in emphasizing your specific features; it's a fine line to navigate. I have, however, un-booked an appointment ahead of time because I found out photoshop was used to cover up something significant.


I think the policy of using pictures you look good in rather than changing a picture to make you look good is a safer strategy.

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Guest s****i*

I find it funny when guys who can basically maintain full anonymity, and don't have websites full of pictures of them and their bodies for women to see are worried about edited photos of women. Honestly how many women would go "mmmm, that's hot I'll have that! Just wish I knew what his eyes look like and I wonder if his body fat percentage is still that low... maybe he used photoshop on those body lines?"


I think it's very nice that we even get a glimpse of what they may look like. I guess. I like to think most people are good and wouldn't want to be completely misleading. But (sorry to reference food) garnish on a plate has never made me choke.

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