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The Greens and The Press

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Depending on ones point of view, disappointing news this morning that the Green Party and Elizabeth May have not been invited into the televised debates. The rationale from the networks is that they are only including leaders from the parties that presently have members sitting in the House of Commons.


As with many issues I do see both sides. In Canada there are numerous fringe parties, all of which would love an opportunity on the national stage.


For me however, a party that received 7 % of the national vote in the last election and a party that has had gains in successive elections should not be described as a fringe party.


Their primary issue is of course the environment, but they do in fact have ideas and policy statements in other national areas.


The Greens are a national party but they do I believe have affiliations with the other Green parties around the world. These parties in other countries have made significant progress, including the eventual election of some of their members. It takes time and is a slow building process.


The environment IS a national issue, and the Greens presence at the debate would be one means of keeping the other national leaders honest in their discussion of this issue.



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Oh yes I have comments! What a joke! I am outraged at this. I was taken with Elizabeth May a few years back. She was in the debates for the last( or was it the one before?) election. She was the only one out of the parties who gave factual information. Her dates, times, and $ amounts were bang on! She answered each question dead on. No running around in circles trying NOT to answer the question at hand. As many of them seem to be talented with.

I am very upset by this, cant help but feel that this is not what we call democracy? Why was she involved with that debate and not this? Would have she had less seats at that time?

Although environment is at the foundation of their party, but, is not their ONLY concern. I seem to remember she had great plans during the whole "bail out" situation with GM and other institutions,Education, and many topics that we all are concerned on. I felt as though she took the Green party from being a hippy party, to a level of respect within our parliament.Too bad for us, that we can not hear all substantial parties plans!


Additional Comments:

Ohhhh, and I forgot to add, Green has a riding in every part of Canada, and yet Bloc has only(?) Quebec....but Yet.....Hmmmm? Am I missing something?

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I agree - the ability to participate in the national debate should be linked to (a) the popular vote the party receives (perhaps a cut-off of 5%), and the ability to present candidates in a certain number of regions or ridings. The Bloc got 9.8% and the Greens 6.8%... not that far off...

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