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Maria Divina: Visiting Maritimes for the second time

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UPDATE in date of August the 23th: Confirmed Dates:

St-John: Monday the 10th from early afternoon to Tuesday the 11th 11am

Halifax: Tuesday the 11th evening to Wednesday the 12th noon (for the moment) 


I have in mind to come visit you the week of the 9-10th to the 15th of September. My schedule is a work in progress at this moment depending of the demand

Fredericton, Moncton, St-John and Halifax or why not other cities I might even go to St-John's

Please signify me your interest at my email address: [email protected]


Life is so great when we are giving us a time to savour it properly

Dear Gentleman

Electing a lady to accompany you might be based

on some common grounds to assure the most rewarding experience.

I don't know better common ground than a mutual respectful approach based

on positive vibes to build a genuine enhancing connection.

If we never met before, let me introduce myself briefly

I am Maria Divina, a mature & beautiful woman in her forties, full of joy & smiling at life.

I'm a very caring person, I like to please and be please also. I adapt myself to almost all kind of contexts :-)

Did this picked your curiosity?

We are maybe then meant to meet!

I warmly invite you then to contact me

by email at [email protected]

*I do prefer email exchanges at first for questions & reservation because they are the perfect tool to build & discover our chemistry. After our first meeting, you could use texto to reserve with pleasure.

Light screening is required, reference and/or handles and/or P411 and/or deposit

I am open to specific requests as for clothes, color of make-up & etc and if I don't already own I will invite your kindly to bring it or send me a deposit to permit myself to buy it.

Everything with empathy, courtesy, respect
& most important conviviality
I'm wearing always my legendary smile

Let me share few expectations about my eventual partner of encounter.

I could in fact simply resume it to my natural will to surround myself with people having a good emotional intelligence and

being happy to celebrate life together and, on the more down-to-earth side.
I'm a hedonist that is looking for all the pleasurable moments possible in good company, what can I say? 😉

Be assured that will be a privilege to accompany you

Au plaisir!

Maria Divina xox








Edited by Maria Divina

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