Guest Kitten_Kinkie Report post Posted September 8, 2018 Has this happened to anyone before? I was a SP for years, and when I retired someone decided to try and steal my old name. Now as a MA I chose the name Kitten as there were NO OTHER ONES ACROSS CANADA but all of a sudden this new girl pops up as "kitten" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted September 8, 2018 I suppose imitation is still the sincerest form of flattery. Unless you trademark it, it's not easy to keep it uniquely yours. By the way, as anyone ever told you that you looked a lot like Mila Kunis? Have a nice weekend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reuben Sandwich 13841 Report post Posted September 8, 2018 Similar or duplicate names do happen from time to time. I had no trouble finding or differentiating your profile. You're my one kitten 🐱 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kitten_Kinkie Report post Posted September 8, 2018 Thank you both xoxox ❤️ kisses to each of you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitten 1286 Report post Posted September 8, 2018 (edited) Thank you for the attack, but this was not done in malice at all. The name was available so i went with it... I come to look into changing it, but now im kind of tempted to keep it... ill be contacting a moderator for advice Edited September 8, 2018 by Kitten 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MGSP 1593 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 13 hours ago, Kitten_Kinkie said: Has this happened to anyone before? The simple answer is No. While registering on any electronic platform, whether it's Lyla, or gmail, or any other, it is impossible to duplicate a user name. The system just won't allow it and will force the use of a different name or a variations on that name. For instance, if you make a search on the name ''Summer'' in Lyla, you will find 70 variations on that user name. If Kitten was able to select that name while registering on Lyla, it's because it was rightfully available. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckyme 41401 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 Before it gets too far out of hand, I feel like I need to chime in. I came to know kitten_kinkie about two years ago. When she joined CMJ as an MA a few months ago, I remember seeing her name as Kitten in some of CMJ's advertisements. I also followed her on her twitter account where she's also very active. When I saw the new KItten appeared on lyla recently, I thought it was the original Kitten (Kitten_Kinkie) of CMJ. It turned out that the new lady didn't realise there was a Kitten already and she was very receptive of changing her user name when I informed her in our PM conversation. While it is true that one cannot register a user name if it exists already, the problem could have started when CMJ neglected to register their original Kitten on lyla. I hope the issue could be resolved amicably with no escalation. 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MGSP 1593 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 1 hour ago, Luckyme said: I hope the issue could be resolved amicably with no escalation. I definitely support your proposal. 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitten 1286 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 This wont get out of hand. I wont allow it. I am waiting for the mod to get back to me. Im looking into getting it changed only because this it far too much drama and attention i care for. Not because this lady feels entitled to bully others from such a generlized name. Its her career and i understand the adverse effects it brings. I dont need the name that bad but wish to maintain the reputation i have built up. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waterat 20911 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 lol, I don't percieve that there was any malice intended in the duplicate name being used: hell. I did almost the same thing although, as a client, being somewhat on the other side of things! When I nervously first signed onto lyla I attempted to use the name 'waterrat' (there was already a respected member using that name) and I, without thinking, dropped one 'r' and hence waterat. I wish I had made a more significant change as my board handle can now be confused in the typing of my established 'hobby' email address and I always need to explain to ladies with whom I'm conversing not to confuse the two! My mistake, I did apologize publicly to waterrat early on during my presence on the board and he simply responded to keep my nose clean and not get him in trouble with the mod! lol There has never been a problem. 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kitten_Kinkie Report post Posted September 9, 2018 I’m not bullying you? I asked you nicely to change it as I have built a reputation with this name in Ottawa (the city you are currently working in) if my name was sunflower moon and someone else made a sunflower moon account I would be equally mad. This isn’t the first time someone has had the same name as me. If you go back to the start of my post I mention this, she took my old name Sammie Smith and trying to take reviews, clients, etc saying she was me even though we look nothing alike. I’m just weary when someone has the same name as me as it leads to confusion and hassle of constantly defending myself. I’m sorry if I came off as “bullying “ to you when I reached out to you personally asking you to change and simply was asking ALL of Canada if this ever happened to try and hear how others handled it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waterat 20911 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 Whoa! I hesitate to enter again into what is becoming an, at best, uninteresting thread and offer unsolicited advice but here's my 2 cents: "Kitten_Kinky" you're currently been on this board for all of 16 h *NEW ACCOUNT* and made three posts, all of them on this thread and are still under modeeration - move on and get over it. "Kitten", on the other hand, has been a member here since Monday and has become a 'General member' strictly by having made 8 posts, only 2 of them on this thread, and is still under moderation. Won't be taking sides but if I were forced to it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where my sympathys would lie. My perspective is a lyla centric one. I don't participate on (nor visit) any other forums for the reasons that this thread is sliding towards. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LuxeMulvari 65764 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 I started in the industry about 10 years ago as Luxie ( I wanted Luxe but the agency I worked for at the time said no) then when I went on my own, I dropped the dreaded "ie" to Luxe. At the time, there was NO ONE with anything similar( I'm from the era of Angels and Mercedes lol) I wanted my name to be unique and memorable like myself... Fast forward to 2018 and I can't tell you the number of ladies with some variation of Luxe in their name. At first, it was frustrating but now I just laugh because I realized they obviously aren't too creative if they need to plagiarize someone else's name... Sorry this is happening to you, it's sucks when people swagger jack... smart clients know the difference. As they say though, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... take it in stride. This industry is full of copycats and this happens more often than anyone mentions ( I've seen ladies steal the full names of famous actresses!) Just set yourself apart and your reputation and clout will speak for themselves, no matter your name 😉 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitten 1286 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 You posting this here with the title name stealing is a good way to bring me a bad rep befire i even start. I felt attacked when i seen it. All this after we had, what i felt was an effective text conversation. I am sorry to hear someone else has tried to ride off your coattails before but i assure you im much more creative and classy than that. Im amazing enough to do this on my own. Good luck maintaining that no else uses the name kitten, especially all across canada. Anyone seasoned should know how popular it is. You may want to assume it back. Reguardless its not worth the fight for me, espcially with how local you are. You will need to be patient while i wait for a response from the mod. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitten 1286 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 Again, this was an honest mistake on my end. Im in contact to change it to avoid any negative reprocussions for either of us. Anyone using unicorn?? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MGSP 1593 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 Yes, Unicorn is used 3 times: 1 - unicorn; 2 - Pink Unicorn; 3 - ragingunicorn. However, there are thousands of variations on unicorn that are available. BTW, it's very graceful of you to make this offer. IMO your reputation is unblemished. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 I've used Meaghan McLeod since in started in 2009. Never been an issue for me. There are some that post similar names, even one who claims to be "the real". So what? I spell my name this way for a reason, to be unique. I have a last name to differentiate myself. As you are both new on this board, calling each other out is not helpful. Kitten_Kinky, you did indicate you retired. No one holds a name unless they have a copyright to it. It's obvious you were not registered on lyla as Kitten, as it would not have been available. Kitten, contact cerbmod as he is the one who is running things. A name change is simple, so if you wish to change it to move away from this, I would. Unless someone is pretending to be you, using your pictures and ad content, than an entirely different issue. I don't think this is what is happening here. So, to clarify, I have found at least 10 escorts in Canada that use kitten in their name. Sex kitten of Korea, sexy kitten, etc. Not going to list them all. Here on lyla, there are at least 17 that use kitten within their handle. So, if you want to stand out, choose a unique name, and kitten as your tagline. Pretty simple if you ask me. You can't steal something that isn't registered. 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 The digital land-grab rewards the people that get to the platform in question first, and there isn't much anyone can do about it. As for sharing names - please rest assured that any client who's been around for a while is well aware that people change names, and that names clash, and that the same names come up over and over again attached to different people. I don't think it'll cause all that much confusion. On the subject of Kittens... is either one of you the Kitten that used to dance at Barb's? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitten 1286 Report post Posted September 9, 2018 Not I darling. Thank you everone who has responded and shared their opinion. Im in contact with the mod now. I have no issues picking something else to set myself apart from this silly thing. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hukupp 1651 Report post Posted September 10, 2018 7 hours ago, Phaedrus said: As for sharing names - please rest assured that any client who's been around for a while is well aware that people change names, and that names clash, and that the same names come up over and over again attached to different people. Great point. I know in the massage world that almost everyone has been everyone. It’s more work and cross referencing on our part but when we really want to see somebody, we will put in the effort to eliminate confusion. Yours truly, Phaedrus 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leber 1328 Report post Posted September 11, 2018 For all the services such as Gmail and Hotmail that allow only unique names, the new user can easily burn a lot of time trying to obtain a friendly name that aren't already taken. Glad to hear that this is now resolved, on the human side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Main mod 1216 Report post Posted September 11, 2018 I've locked this thread but choose to put my position on this publicly so everyone knows the result. First and foremost @Phaedrus explained it perfectly, whoever gets to a platform first gets claim of a name - end of discussion. Second @Kitten_Kinkie you were not even a member of this board when @Kitten made her account - if you had have been you would have the @Kitten username. As @Meaghan McLeod so helpfully pointed out, not only are there more than 1 "Kitten"s in the industry there are 17 on this very board. So unless you feel the need to ask them all to give up their usernames, I don't see the request being appropriate. Third, no person in this industry can lay claim to a name unless trademarked, yes people in a form of respect can do their best to avoid using something similar, but that's if they know of it first. I highly doubt @Kitten came onto this board in attempt to steal your identity, as right when you brought it up to her she contacted me to have it changed. That's not the sign of someone trying to steal something. Fourth, if you get in contact with someone to remedy something you feel was done to you in a wrong, why would you go about posting about it. She clearly was putting in effort to right a wrong that you felt had taken place and yet you decide to make it public. In my opinion this is "Airing out your dirty laundry" which we don't allow on Lyla. So Fifth and finally, I have told Kitten I will not change her username as that's what she chose when she started - she had asked to have it changed so note that her keeping the username was my decision not hers. In no way do I feel someone that just "Hops" onto this site has the right to tell someone to do anything, let alone as absurd as change their username because "they had it first" - which you clearly didn't. Even if your username was "Kitten" and she joined as "Kitten_Kinkie" and you asked her I wouldn't reverse it. You do not have the right to lay claim to something as generic as "Kitten". I can't tell you how many providers are operating under the name "Diamond" oh my - if everyone of those came onto here with the same approach you did, I'd be changing usernames for years to come. @Kitten_Kinkie If you have an issue with this feel free to message me. 6 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites