roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted January 11, 2013 Well. As I write this I finally got the monkey of my back and had my first sp and well, first encounter ever. I was so nervous but she really knew how to keep me relaxed. I am feeling like crap though.. I miscounted my donation + tip and I only found out now(3/4 ways home.. oc transpo in ottawa -2hour trip) and I don't know what to do.. I had paid for the full encounter, but I tipped incorrectly only leaving $20 tip on a standard 1hour session. Before I left she counted and I asked if everything was set and good and she said yep perfect, but my gut tells me she was just being nice? I don't know sorry for spewing but I feel like crap. What should I do? If I went there by car I would have already settled the issue but I am using public transit. If people live in Ottawa they would know how annoying it is to bus from Trim to an obscure location in the west.. I'm just so worried the tip might have came across as insulting to her and it definitely wasn't intentional. She was working for an angency, I have already pmed them as soon as I found out but contacting her directly is not an option. Help! First everything was good, because of concern to her would be being shortchanged, she wasn't. A suggestion for future encounters. Pay the donation in full at the beginning of the date. Then at the end of the date, give the lady a tip...comes as a pleasant surprise Personally I provide donation and a gift at the beginning of an encounter, a tip at the end. However in the case of agency ladies, the agency does get a cut of the donation, so if I were inclined to see a lady from an agency, I would provide a tip equal in cash value to the tip + gift I provide to independent ladies But see this lady again, and give her a bigger tip, not only that, being a repeat client is an indication you were a happy customer A rambling RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *****gr Report post Posted January 11, 2013 Thanks RG for the words. I figured it would be better to have it all set beforehand and well, i goofed. I should definitely reschedule before she leaves town again. I got mixed up in agencies pricing that when i left the tip, I factored in the service price of a different agency is what I assumed happen, or just a brain fart. I hope I can make things right! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted January 12, 2013 (edited) I really wouldn't sweat it...don't worry about making things right, you didn't really do anything wrong...just didn't give the lady as much as you would have liked See her again, then you'll be able to tip the way you wanted too...and if you wish, tell her at the next encounter you intended to tip more at your last encounter, but you made a unintentional slip up. I'm very sure the lady will understand RG Edited January 12, 2013 by r__m__g_uy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoveRose 531 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 I agree with Dummpy's answer, to look at from a perspective you drop $$$ 1st visit, and than $$$ 2nd visit and those may only be 1 hour visits. I think your payment really includes a tip.Now, I have gone on record in prior threads, I try to bring flowers on my visits, if the florist is open! as I generally take early morning appointments...(I like to be the first man of the day). I think it really helps the mood when we first meet, and its a nice gesture, woman do like flowers. I have also bought and brought massage oil/sex toy's to the provider and left her with the gifts for the next time, or she can use for herself. I try to remember that meeting a SP is first date, so you try to settle your nerves down by playing with the toys or taking in some compliments about the flowers. Yes Ladies do looove flowers :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sheldon1 100 Report post Posted April 17, 2013 Is a tip always expected?....I have in most cases Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Em*lyO**o (Retired) Report post Posted April 19, 2013 In my opinion a tip should never be asked for or expected (unless it's part of an extra deal;)This is a service industry just like a restaurant and if you're not happy why would you go back or tip? And when you're completely satisfied it's greatly appreciated. Personally I feel better about the appointment and more comfortable with a sign that he thoroughly enjoyed himself. I like to please an knowing I did is my turn on. I would never refuse a gift or be ungrateful for the thought and gesture. However cash to pay for a necessity or tell us to have fun and pick something we would enjoy. But the best compliment is a regular you can count on. And I'll take it all back if the gift is diamonds lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted April 19, 2013 Is a tip always expected?....I have in most cases Never expected, always appreciated. Or so I've always been told... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted April 19, 2013 Never expected but if a tip is given, I always thank the gent. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest webothscore Report post Posted April 19, 2013 I have been given the reaction that something personal to them brings them a bigger smile than extra $$, almost as if we took the time to read the "gifts" section or pay attention to their website. It might be the opposite and most appreciate more $$, but it's just my experience. Anyone can chime in... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midnite-Energies 110563 Report post Posted April 19, 2013 As mentioned, I never expect a tip or gift so am always amazed and thankful when it does happen. The best gift for me is the smile, hug or comment that lets' me know I put a smile on someone's face. If they return, I do a happy dance (and it's fun to watch too). I have been given little tokens that I love and appreciate though and of course the little extra that I might use to splurge on myself a bit is very much appreciated. Nice to be thought of outside the time together. Having said all that...the greatest gift is given every time...ones time and ones self. So thank you to all the gentlemen who give this every day! Sorry if I'm sounding a little gushy, having a great week! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marc123 281 Report post Posted April 22, 2013 I am new to this industry. I always tip and I include it my envelope whether it is good or bad. Because of some bad experience (fake pictures, fake advertising) I request the minimum time with the lady. Example if she offers HH service and it is not a good situation you can leave quick, still leaving the tip. If you like the situation than take the full hour or more and including addition tip. 20% seems to work well for me and the ladies want you to return to see them. It also gets better when you return to them. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jenni Hunter 2062 Report post Posted April 22, 2013 I would never expect a gentleman to leave a tip although we are always appreciative. I know some men bring a tip for the first encounter or sometimes on the second encounter to show appreciation. This is always such a sweet gesture. It really is the best thank you an SP can get. However, if a gentleman does not tip his service should in no way be affected. We as service providers have set up our own rates and should never 'require' a tip to keep service at a certain level. Early in this thread Cat mentioned some of the additional expenses that SPs have and a tip does definitely ease some of those bills. Are they expected though? No. While a tip is always appreciated, the best tips an SP can get are courtesy, a sincere thank you, and repeat clients. :icon_biggrin: 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CvnwindB 100 Report post Posted April 26, 2013 thanks, very informative thread of both sides. I normally tip depend on the service. However, most SP i visited in the past, i got the impression that they are not expecting tips which make me feel the need to tip more for their wonderful service Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted May 2, 2013 Just something to add, just my opinion of course. When I give a tip and gift it's because I want to give a tip and gift. I don't do it because I think it's expected, or I think I'm obliged to do so. For me, giving a tip and gift, it's a way to show in some tangible way my appreciation to the lady for the companionship she has provided me. And that companionship, for me, has a value far exceeding the donation the lady requests A rambling for what it's worth RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Argonne11 100 Report post Posted May 5, 2013 As in any other industry, tipping happens if the service is good or better. Going through the motions does certainly not deserve extra, IMO. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cheeky 130 Report post Posted May 6, 2013 I think that tipping says "you exceeded my expectations" and I will definitely be back. I don't know how everyone else feels - but if someone goes above and beyond enough for you to want to repeat, leave the tip. I also thinks it fosters good will for the next time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest C**Tra****er Report post Posted May 7, 2013 Sometimes I toss something extra in the envelope before I arrive, it's a nice surprise for the lady after I've left. I never feel any obligation to leave a tip, and when I do, it's never with an expectation that if I return that I'll get special treatment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ga***ping G*ost 224 Report post Posted May 26, 2013 Thank you, Katherine Tipping generously is the decent and classy thing to do, and of course, it should be done up front Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3-jak 110 Report post Posted May 27, 2013 Thank you cat for sharing a prospective from behind the industry .intresting comment on gifts I'll now leave the gifts at the store and bring a little cash instead.also I feel a tip should be given with good service if you had a good time with her show your appreciation 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanessaGold2 100 Report post Posted July 4, 2013 Of you want the worker to remember you better or not lol tip well makes the girl feel like she did a good job and will work harder to please you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Justhavinfun 431 Report post Posted July 5, 2013 Well I'll throw in my two cents worth and guys don't jump all over me for my comments. I think if you don't bring some thing like a gift card, flowers, lingerie or something well your a cheap prick lol. My god the girl,is giving her all to ya pay the full price if ya want but when your leaving in a very classy way leave a few extra without mention in the bathroom where she lets you shower. Christ you tip the pizza guy and did he deliver the pizza in a hot outfit lol. K I know we hope not. But you get what I mean. These beautiful ladies provide the best service on the planet so tip. If your waitress showed you her tits you would tip beyond 20 %. Has any one ever had bad blow job that wasn't worthy of a tip. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted July 5, 2013 A tip is never expect but boy oh boy it is surely appreciated. Even better is a thoughtful little gift...doesn't need to be expensive, candy is nice lol. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robby Dobby 120 Report post Posted July 13, 2013 This topic always brings great discussion and many opinions. Even though the word TIP means "To Insure Prompt Service"... It's meaning and usage has changed somewhat over the years. I've always considered myself a very generous tipper. However, it does seem only natural that one would tip after the service. But I do like the idea of a personal gift upon arrival. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
96Viper69 110 Report post Posted July 20, 2013 Thanks Cat for the insight and to give a different perspective on the subject. I also would like to point out the fact that you are not asking for the moon but how a little 20$ each time changes a lot in the end (not saying not to give more here). A little goes a long way and nothing goes nowhere. How many times I've heard "why should I give you anything, that's your job, that's what your paid for". Hopefully forums like this will change things for all you lovely ladies and that you deserve our utmost respect, gratitude and yes TIPS. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clammyhands 100 Report post Posted July 20, 2013 hello hello Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites