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Hey Gals and Guys. Not a post to expect any replies just had something to say.


Cerb. What a cool community, great people and a great place to hang out ! My Mom had a heart attack today and was ripped to the city for surgery. For reasons I couldn't go, rest of family did and I was home here waiting for word......... Finally just got word and all is good. not your problem.....The point is I coulda done a number of things today...but....parked my ass in my office and off and on hung out on Cerb. Sounds lame I know but sex was the last thing on my mind but there are so many great people here. I read and surfed the threads. From serious threads and awesome opinions and insights, and more importantly the sharing of feelings to the witty, funny threads or shoutbox comments that brought a smile when needed. Once again....Pretty cool place to hang out! Thanx !

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Sorry, gonna reply anyway :P


Well first of all, my condolences in regards to your mom. A family member in trouble is never a fun thing. I wish you and your family good health and good fortune in the future.


Second of all, Even though i'm new here, I agree with you completely! This is an amazing community! It's so refreshing to be able to visit a message board full of adults discussing a variety of issues be they serious or lighthearted in a mature and positive way!

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I have been having an exceptionally shittty day and basically spent all day catching up on what I had missed from the weekend. It made me feel better and whenever I need to step out of my world I come here for the positivity that I have come to know and respect. This is a great board filled with some beautiful people inside and out.



Hope everything goes well with your mom! I will pray for her.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

I hope your mother gets better soon sweety!!


When My mom had a heart attack not too long ago I stopped everything to take care of her. I found my peace here on cerb. And still now when I feel down, I login and I am instantly brought back up!


No matter how sad we are, there is always lots of positivity here and its great!

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Good to know that your mom is going to be fine. Lost both of my parents recently and I, too, relieved some of my anxiety by hanging out here. It's a haven from reality where you can find interesting people, topics, and dialog.


Take care of yourself Lee.



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I shall echo the above posts. CERB has been for me my escape from a personal tragedy. So I hear what you are all saying and feel like the people I am meeting here are just incredibly supportive and giving me my space to read, write, think and consider.

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All the best to you, your mother and family. I too hope all works out for you and yours and at the end of the day I am sure it will!


Take care and continue to enjoy all things Cerb.

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Thanx to everyone for their best wishes for my mom and family. I do really appreciate it. Great people and great community here ! That was my main intention with this thread. Glad to read how hangin out here has helped other people through some rough times. Thanks to the Mod actually for keeping it that way.


Once again thankyou all.

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