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Hey, I'm Brody! The Nation's Capital: ©TheQuirkyAlternative. Your suave, discrete girlfriend and nurturing confidant.




You get along seemingly well with the underdog and may identify as such. You have a taste for genuine thoughts and womanly figures. You are attracted to strong will and want someone who can just get you inside and out. You are a creative and openminded soul looking to dance with your playful side and try something fun and maybe even a little impulsive. You have great adoration for those who are forward-thinking and unapologetically themselves. Also, you enjoy laughing! You admire intimacy and all that it is and want someone special to experience life with. You aren't interested in the "norm" but crave the alternative. 






NEWLY UNCOVERED FACE: https://www.twitter.com/brodyottawa




New Photo Shoot soon!


















Edited by Brody Styles

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